Season 1-4

>season 1-4
Very good
>season 5
Good, weak last episode
>season 6
>Season 7
Bad. Entire episodes need to be skipped. Characters are way different, it's like completely new people are writing their lines. It's clear they're going for the 17 year old I'm not like the other girls tumblr demographic

Is it even worth continuing? Does it get better?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you find out for yourself faggot. You want to hear the same ol "stop at 5" response or " it gets good later" repsonses? How fucking worthless are you.

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up you fucking insufferable pain in the ass. If I didn't want to here what people had to say I wouldn't have asked it

>I want to hear the same old tried responses to help decide whether I actually feel like watching more of a show I already like or dont like



ehh not really i pushed through to season 10 and i honestly regret it

Been binge watching after I haven't watched in years thanks to these threads.
I have some general lore questions that were probably answered in earlier seasons but I forgot the answers.

Why doesn't everyone know about monsters? Is there some kind of masquerade thing going on? It seems like monster powerlevel is low enough becoming public knowledge would absolutely blow the fuck out of monsters. Demons are a bit iffy, but putting in protection sigils in/on everything is easily feasible fucking demons out of civilization.

Why does it seem like some demons can instakill humans but then on important characters don't have remotely the same capabilities?
Why do angels fight in melee when they could have anime tier "teleports behind you" tactics on demons?
Do demons die when they are de-demonized? If they keep their powers but just become human then why not de-demon Crowley so you have a decent guy running hell? Why the fuck aren't they experimenting with curing demons more?
Why did they stop caring that they were killing the people when they kill the demons possessing them? I legitimately forgot why. You would think demons would deliberately keep their human passengers alive just to cause ethical issues among hunters and ultimately damn them to hell.

Watching from seasons 1-6, I'm pretty sure a lot of those things are just done for plot. Like how they go after monsters who may have only killed like once every 10 years, but then the monsters suddenly kill like 3-5 people in the episode. But IIRC, demons not being able to kill important characters as easily has to do with demon wards. And I'm pretty sure they just start killing people because possessed they keep all their memories so they just end up in a traumatized mess.

I don't miss any important plot by skipping every Felicia Day episode, right?

You miss some of the better episodes.

It gets worse after 7, the Dean mark of Cain arc in the latter half of 9 and all of ten is good and theres a few good monster of the weeks but if 7 was that bad for you don't bother go watch x-files or something else similar

>you miss some of the best episodes

If by best you mean worst

Only one worth watching with her is the one where she dies

better * my bad


>they killed based frank for this

How did it all go so wrong? It started off as just a couple of bros fucking shit up and fucking hot women and then it turned into this abomination. This is what happens when you pander to women

Kripke left

>Candy crush game used to symbolize nerd
How horribly dated

You stopped right before the best season since 5 though. 11 ain't that bad.

11 started off ok but got pretty pants on head by the end senpai, I'd say 6 was better maybe 10 if I could remember more of the motws

I'm at season 7 too, and I also feel let down.
What did they do to Castiel ?