refute this one, Sup Forums
I'll wait.
refute this one, Sup Forums
I'll wait.
what the fuck does that even mean?
Nobody is trying to make sitting down the pledge illegal, or vandalizing the property of those who do.
No one is not saying it's his right. It's also our right to call him a fucking idiot for standing up to "oppression" while living in a mansion with 30 cars.
That you have the right to free speech doesn't mean it's morally right to insult some child in a wheelchair either. These dindus don't get that because they're still 14 years old.
this tbqh
The white person animorphs into a black woman.
I'll just pass and take the racist tag, I mean, you were going to give to me anyway right?
One involves state intervention the other doesnt.
ok moron. capernik sez cops should be guilty untill proven innocent when they shoot a criminal. use my constitutional rights to protest the constitution. only nigger logic here.
>white people are one person
Uhm excuse me? Racist and sexist much?
white people should read southerners
I'm a union man myself fuck those degenerate confederates
It's everyone's right to do those things. It's also everyone's right to express disapproval.
Flags were taken down, violating the former.
The criticism of Kaepernick is being shut down, violating the latter.
The left is at fault in both cases.
What do you mean?
The confederate flag is an unAmerican symbol of separation from the state and racial segregation. And yet some white people consider it OK to fly it. However when a black person peacefully protests inequality everybody loses their shit.
We have the right to protest and the right to be criticized.
The stupid dindu who started all this is a millionaire who was raised by white people and a part of an organization that consists of predominately blacks. He protests that America is racist and refuses to stand for it's anyhem but he is more than happy to receive money from that same racist country. Fuck him.
Fucking kek
>1 post by this ID
No one gets witch hunted to the point of losing job. Gets assaulted or actively trys to make the nfl players petty choice of protest illegal. The opposite can be said to those who made the decision to fly the confederate flag.
We all just say it's stupid and the national anthem is one of the few oppurtunities people get to have real unity even if it lasts just a few minutes.
Black people: Ayo FUCK da USA dis shit rayciss everything rayciss stupid white people holding me back akng me smoke crack
White people: I'm so sorry Tyrone, here's some free welfare
Black people:
People lose their shit at both acts.
This is not a case of noble black people taking it on the chin while whites go apeshit.
Infact there has only been an "uproar" from whites about kaps protest.
I have yet to hear about a white person chimping out but you see blacks chimping out over the confederate flag all the time.
>fly confederate flag, get called out as racists and targeted for violence/vandalism yet you do it anyway DGAF
>don't stand for an anthem because you think cops are racists and the system needs to change for 13% of population. Shhhh you can't critisize him or call him on the very apparent retardedness of his stance
I'm from Louisiana and even we frown on people flying the Confederate flag. Not to mention the only people I ever see do are edgy teenagers trying to be rebellious.
white people turn into screaming apes? I dont understand
Just another cucked norwegian person
>strawman with funny le monkey face
This leaf is spot on. If he was protesting the war in Syria and how it was just another example of useless nation-building, I wouldn't be pissed at all. It's fucking retarded to talk about oppression when you're in the top 5% of the tax bracket.
It's my right to shoot a person if they mean to do me bodily harm or steal my property.
It's police officers right to do the same.
No matter the race.
It's a false equivalence. The first is about making something illegal and the second is just people's reactions. Pretty weak argument desu
record corrected
Amen, fuck the Dixie fags
Niggers don't understand nuance. I mean this literally. They make logical leaps that match their racial prowess in the Olympic long jump.
>Dixie fags made the Democratic party and The KKK
>record corrected
Are you stupid?
>Black ppl: its my constitutional right to sit during the pledge
>White ppl: *flies the confederate flag*
>black ppl:
Yes, in America anybody can complain about things they don't like.
second post bets bost
>goys don't realize the south was literally funded by kikes
>plantations were mostly owned by kikes and crypto Jews
>slavery was a Jewish practice in America ever since the colonies were founded
>the English (owned by kike bankers) supported the south
>Nathan Bedford Forrest was literally a kike
What's wrong with NOT wanting to turn into a nigger?
Nigger loving faggot.
>retweeted by 50 000 white people
Indeed, Bix nood my negro friend.
>the nigger is sitting during the national anthem, not the pledge of allegiance
>the white person is portrayed as a nigger
>nobody says the nigger doesn't have the "right" to sit during the national anthem, but he also doesn't have the right to be employed by the SF 49ers if it pisses off the fans
Alright, somebody tweet this so we can all move on.
Social Media bullshit goes like this every single time
PoC does some stupid shit
People call them out on this
PoC and their white defenders say they have the right to do it. Completely ignoring the fact you are criticizing the individual for the fact, not saying they should be thrown into prison for it. They also don't maintain the right to employment for doing something controversial.
Why are people so fucking retarded in this country? Why can they not see that your constitutional rights only extend to what the government can do to you and not always what a business or privately ran website can do?
I swear to Christ. People think the 1st amendment is this giant broad brush that allows you to metaphorically shit on your managers desk and get away with it.
The confederate flag is the flag of the former nation that was almost a third of the current nation.
If foreigners can fly their anscestral flags generations later then so can I. It is nearly always done with respect and with a US flag, which is more than I can say about all the Puerto Rican flags I see.
Flying it is about pride in where I'm from. The CSA stood for many issues relevant again today about culture and government's soverignty and those issues had nothing to do with race. No one is pro slavery today, even the most extreme racist people I know think it was a huge mistake.
Not standing for the pledge is a direct sign of unloyalty, and over non issues blown up by a lying media. It means they are ignorant but still boldly support their group's extrememly racist and violent identity politics. They are traitors and should be hung.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of people flying a Confederate flag simply do so because we are southern and signal against liberals. I'm a patriot and so are my southern brothers, we can and do dedicate our lives to preserving the union and making it a better place. This BLM trash has already said they only want to destroy it, they want revenge, they disown events like the cop bbq and say it was wrong not to use violence. The celebrate the white genocides in South Africa and Zimbabwe. BLM is not the friend of the free world.
>making things you don't like literally illegal
>being upset when people so shitty things
Hmmmm. Are these two things differwnt somehow? Hmmmm. This is a tough one.
> Flying the flag
> Constitutional right
> Because white people are basically free to put up a Dixie flag without facing any backlash whatsoever
Niggers don't have constitutional rights.
Way to push the narrative
>Implying a Confederate gives a shit about the flag
The didnt celebrate the 4th of July in some places in the south until WW2. Tends to happen when your "countrymen" wage a campaign of total war against you until you're forced to eat rats.
You still have the right to sit during the national anthem, just as "white ppl" have the right to call you a fucking moron for it.
Sage and move on lads
But the flag is banned almost everywhere, so what is her point exactly?
>outlawing historic paraphenalia
>public figure criticized for behavior
what is this monkey high on
The other was a movement of the South who was being robbed by the North through the unfair banking system the North implemented. The South literally did all the work and the North reaped all of the reward. The South wanted to leave, and the North started a war and killed Southern Americans in cold blood over bankers. Confederate flag is a sign of pride while the National Anthem is a sign of pride.
One side is about having pride in the country's history and the other is about having none.
She doesn't look white to me.
In both cases, ostracization is the norm. Ever hear the term just because you can, doesn't mean you should?
You can and will be socially ostracized, it's called social backlash.
This. Libshits use it all the time.
How many people have lost their jobs or endorsements due to rabid libshits
> Doesn't know the difference between the national anthem and the pledge.
Fucking dumbshit leftists.
>refute this one, Sup Forums
Confederate flag is still american patriotism. Sitting down cause you hate the #1 country in the world just cause nig nogs that commit the most crime racially get killed the most by police isn't an injustice.
Police should defend themselves with lethal force, other wise we could end up like yurop.
Who taught these people that freedom of speech means everyone agrees with everything you say at all times or else?
This, if they call you racist don't deny it. You can say "yeah shitlibs have called every republican racist [ like Reagan, McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Bloomberg, Schwarzenager, Ron Paul, ] and no one buys it anymore." Or if you want to rustle their jimmies you can say "racism accustations are just the modern day version of Salem Witch trials"
>dumb nigger used a picture of a nigger
I think another difference is most of the black community really doesn't care about these issues but they develop the crowd mentality and join with the others just because they "should" and it gives them excitement in their otherwise mundane lives. For instance, with regards to the confederate flag, why has this just recently became a problem? The confederate flag has been waving from various homes and on the bumper stickers of almost every rusted truck for as long as I can remember. Where were the people protesting it in the 1990s or 2000s? Why is this just now offensive and a "disgrace to society" even though it was widely displaced even when race relations were quite stable in the late 90s/early 00s? It's because one butthurt person, probably looking for attention/financial gain, woke up one day and said "you know what, I'm gonna be all of a sudden offended by the same thing I've seen the past 25 years of my life" and the others joined that individual (probably via social media) just to prove to their peers they are a true "brother" and, quite frankly, because they have nothing better to do with their lives (i.e. work).
Confederate flag was not illigal ony because the north is too cucked to even outlaw the flag of their enemy.
The only inequality is inside their tiny brain.
Don't get it? Why is the gollywog screaming?
I'd say a more apt comparison would be McCarthyism but I doubt dindus would even know who Joe McCarthy is..
guys, don't get upset over this
this sheboon has less than 200 followers but this tweet got liked by 60 thousand people
this will be the highlight of her life.
the highlight of yours? graduating college, starting a business, having a kid maybe
Why are niggers fucking shit at making memes?
>Or if you want to rustle their jimmies you can say
"Racist? What does that mean?"
Hey I'm sure she already has 8 her life is at least 8x as interesting as that of ours who will be too busy to have more than 1 child. Right? Right?
The aussie Gets it.
>niggers acting like they don't chimpout over a confederate flag
No one said the government should punish him for sitting assholes.
Just that its shit and that the nfl should probably have an opinion given that hes on the clock.
>white person
>posts nigger
one is a deliberate refusal of national identity on the whole while the other is an opt-in element of local culture that is being repressed by a vocal minority
caught me off guard, fuckin' good jej m8
The NFL is the racist one in this situation for not fining them (which they can do, being a private organization). Marshawn Lynch gets fined for not speaking at interviews, which nobody cares about, but Kap is using his position within this organization to back up a cause that has no merit with actions that are completely unrelated to what he is "against."
But, being that the majority of the players (and many of the fans) are black, the NFL doesn't have a bone to pick in this battle.
>niggers don't realize that having a right to do something doesn't mean no one can bitch at you
Sup Forums has knownn this for years, why would I refute it? Niggers are fucking dumb.
Why can't niggers handle any criticism of their actions at all?
>white people: a nigger chimping out
What did semen demon mean by this?
Alright now you guys are just being fags.
You know damn well what the fuck it means and yet you're gonna pretend you somehow don't understand the nuance of a joke/image because it's form a black person?
She fucking means how is it that you whites will argue about waving the confederate flag, but get mad when someone also excercises their constitutional right to not stand up for a pledge.
I don't care for either of these things but you're a fucking cunt for that one.
>Millionaire has-been ball player fucking BLM leader say he's oppressed.
>everyone calls him out
>white ppl r raycist
Niggers doing nigger things forced the flag down cuz" i r not respnshuble for criminal shit but u rasist!"
People have a right to sit, people have a right to bitch about it, people have a right to wave whatever flag they'd like.
>Black people: the government should force you under threat of violence to not fly a piece of immagey on your own property because a niche portion of population may find it offensive
>White people: I really dislike that you do not want to participate in the pledge of allegiance and wish you would choose to join us
Can you spot the difference?
>black person twitter rant = chimp out
>white twitter rants, threats, other angry outbursts are ignored
Black people have been getting shot and murdered for years, according to activist types.
Kapershit only decides to sit down when he's done especially bad as the fiftieth string practice backup QB.
Ergo, fuck him. If it's such a big deal then why wait until after buzz is that you're gonna get axed for being shitty and injured all the time?
I'm a nigger lover
The confederate flag isn't a protest, it's an expression of one's heritage as a southerner
If someone was flying the confederate flag AND refused to do the pledge or sat during the anthem then clearly they're a faggot with a hardon for neo-confederate anti-american values
>there's more outrage over a negro shitting on your country than if a white athlete were to fly a confederate flag at a public event
No. You, the twatterer and everyone who retwatted him are incurably insane and should be put down.
>tell my parents about my views on race and how we must preserve the european people etc.
>hovering over this image, 4chanx expands it automatically
>dad walks in
>looks at the monitor for half a second
>closes the door
>can hear him and mom laughing from downstairs
why did you do this to me
(((((Twitter) ))))
Black people are violent subhumans and shouldn't be able to vote.
serves you right for being autistic
Nobody has to like what you do you retarded nigger