McDonald's chef here
Give me one good reason why the minimum wage shouldn't be $15/hr
McDonald's chef here
Give me one good reason why the minimum wage shouldn't be $15/hr
But I agree with you, user.
You are working jobs originally meant for high schoolers
Because your job requires no skills to do.
Give me one good reason why you settled for a bottom of the totem pole job.
And I'm an internet engineer.
Because your food has become more expensive and doesn't even taste as good as it is did even 20 years ago.
Jump up your quality and you deserve a $1 raise.
>McDonald's """"""""""chef""""""""""""
Becuase u dont deserve 15$/hr thats literally the reason. You dont need a specific eduacation to do ur job thats why its full of niggers usually and u deserve to get payed the lowest because u need no prior training
Ahh you beat me too it
Shitposter that uses McDonald's wifi here
Give me one good reason why the minimum wage shouldn't be $1,500/hr
>McDonald's """"""chef"""""" here
>I know how a microwave works
Doesn't matter. You will soon be replaced by robots.
Post stories pls.
How many times did you spit or cum on the food?
How many times did you piss on the drinks?
Because aussies are subhuman
Doesn't matter what the wage is, you'll be replaced by robots in under 5 years.
How long are those burgers microwaved for, chef ?
I worked there cunt. Best label you can get is "assembler".
I got paid 18/h to show up stoned and spit in peoples food. Should be way lower in my opinion.
Because you are a dirty nigger.
Now go home and get your fucking shinebox!
I am loving it is an anagram for ailing vomit.
Because you're not worth $15 an hour if you work at McDonalds, faggot
>McDonald's chef
I'm a shitposting analyst,nice to meet you.
Literally everyone who has use of his hands can replace you.I feel more sorry for people who do actual manual labor,like construction workers.
You're not a chef, you're just flipping burgers and adding toppings, don't try and make it sound fancy..
I've worked at Mcdonalds and it really isn't a bad job as long as you can work with EVERYONE, and it can be shit but I've never thought my pay should be more than minimum wage, it's not a hard job.. If you want more money - go for a more skilled job
I have no problem with it - it means we get to replace you degenerates with robots even faster than we already are.
Because as soon as the minimum wage is $15 you get replaced by machines.
Would should a company pay double just because adults insist on working bottom-rung jobs meant for people just entering the work force?
You're doing the work of a high school student, so you should be compensated as such.
Yo do a childs job and most stores are franchises, not corporate, and cannot handle you failures demanding money so you can continue to pollute the gene pool. Go kill yourself.
Have you been working there more than 5 years?
Are you on good terms with your boss?
Do you put in extra work?
if you haven't done any of those things you don't deserve $15
Damn man, why McD's ? Go work at Wendy's, they give you 100k/year and a 10 inch cock bro!
Pick a person who earns $15 an hour now.
You get, what, $8 an hour?
Why then would they continue to work in their current employment when they could take your job and do less real work?
Hell, I know what I'd do. I mean, if they increase your wage to $15 you damn well know they'd be looking to replace you with someone better. Cue the low level engineers coming to take your job. You'll enjoy unemployment user. You really will.
Because you cant even get orders right
McDonald's employees are the lowest of the low
I legitimately respect a neet sitting at home eating tendies more than someone working at McDonald's.
Hurr right :^)
It could be but cost of living raises should be mandatory as well to match the percentage increase of min wage
I'd quit my job in a heartbeat if McDonalds offered 15 bucks an hour. Fuck roughnecks, most welders, and mechanics wouldn't exist anymore if all they had to do was poorly flip burgers and ruin orders for almost equal pay. Lumberjacks wouldn't even start. Fucking being a cop or garbage man too
You're a slave.
What does it matter if you get paid 1$ or 1000$ an hour?
You're still a slave
Because you literally fuck up my order every single time.
Give me one good reason why your manager should give you a raise.
This. So much this. You want better pay? Get better work.
Anyone can be taught to flip burgers in around 3 days
I make 15.50 and it took about a year to master what I am doing enough to be autonomous
Now tell me why you deserve as much money as I do, when the most you are liable for is a fucked up sandwhich?
money is just a number.
I've worked at that shithole and from sentence one you're full of it. Cooking those burgers is almost assembly-line, it's easy as fuck. Putting them together's nothing as well. Unless you're scrubbing the toilets you don't deserve 15/hour. Fuck off and find a better job. Walmart starts at 9/hour.
i think it will make the food price much higher and people would stop buying it. i remember when our mcdonalds was packed with people when we didnt had minim wage. now it is empty-
>Give me one good reason why the minimum wage shouldn't be $15/hr
because if you don't tie the minimum wage to something substantial any gains can be easily lost through inflation
>3 days to learn how to flip burgers
try like 10 minutes unless your are mentally retarded
It is not a question of whether you "deserve" it or not. Do you walk into a grocery store and say "I DESERVE to get apples for 2 cents each!!" No - your wage is what you're worth to your employer. Increase your worth to your employer, or find another employer who will agree to pay you more. Or beg. Or sell hemp bracelets on the sidewalk. Or look into job training at your local Community College. No business (large or small) is obligated to support you. YOU are obligated to support IT, for the WAGE YOU AGREED TO. If you want to successfully negotiate a higher wage, increase your worth.
Explaining this feels like explaining to a Muslim invader why rape is wrong, and unacceptable. "No - the woman doesn't owe you sex because your balls hurt and she's uncovered and unaccompanied..."
this is plain retarded
A good baker has to have at least 5 years experience. But bread no matter how tasty will never cost $100 a loaf.
A junior c# developer with 1 year experience will earn more than a baker with 5 years expierience, because clients of IT companies pay more than baker's clients.
because your fatass messes with peoples food nigger
Shut the fuck up and learn a real skill.
Besides maybe a lunch rush, all you people do is fucking around on your cell phones all day and fucking up orders.
That's what an IT job pays here.
>Give me one good reason
Immigration incentive.
>1 post by this id
Abandon thread
>falling for a Sup Forums tier meme
>calls themselves """"""redpilled"""""
i could go through all the ways that economically it wouldn't work but really at the end of the day it is just because you don't deserve it because it is a job that requires barely any skill it is a bottom of the totem Sup Forumse (kek) job meant for high school students, robots, and the mentally retarded and i find it laughable that any one working a minimum wage job could even go through the mental gymnastics to demand such a wage let alone say they are a '''''''''chef''''''''' holy fuck user maybe you should try a little harder
McDonald's chef here. Tell me why I shouldn't Kill. All. Humans.
Just end it quickly please
Walmart here is starting at 10.50
The minimum wage is $17.70/hr because I don't live in a third world shithole.
Anyone who works should get a wage to enable a decent life. Not sure about dollars, but we have a minimum wage in UK.
I'm disabled (left leg is gone). I get a miltary pension and tax credits, child benefit as I'm single dad - my wife died in a car crash.
For all my working life, I paid into a system that provides. In UK we have 'free healthcare'. I can get any medical procedure done and I don't pay a penny.
Whatever your job, I hope that your work is rewarded.
Also, you guys realise there is no flipping involved right?
You place the meat on a giant press and hit a button. Thats it, 42 seconds later it come out cooked. Literally retard teir
Because your work generates less than 15 dollars of revenue an hour
I put more effort into cooking burgers at home and I'm a pleb when it comes to cooking
Funny how in developing countries the minimum wage never springs up. After all, if anyone needs a livable wage, it's third-worlders, right? Fuck off
Because minimum wage is not meant to be made into a living. Get a real job
you have to flip the grilled chicken bro
So how come the system cares about you relying on it, but the moment you excercise free speech it shuts you down?
*throws coffee in your face*
EMTs make a dollar over a $15 minimum wage. You don't fucking deserve nearly what they make, saving lives, for flipping burgers, faggot.
Min wage should be determined by the cost of living. Although it shouldn't be considered "middle" class to be on minimum wage there should be a standard of living. One where if you work 40 hours a week and pay taxes you can still lead a fulfilling life.
With the saturated working force in higher cost of living areas it should be easy to maintain a higher minimum. Although it should stay at a pinned % in accordance to the population/cost of living. This could potentially cause a flux in living standards in which poor people will find sanctuary in high density cities in comparison to rich people finding the same in lower density areas. Creating more wealth for lower income and more equity in higher income.
>t. Jamal Hernendez
Because you should get an actual job, minimum wage shouldn't be enough to live off of.
Not here. All gets cooked on the platens
What's minimum wage now?
Give me one good reason why the minimum wage should be $15/hr
>I ask for no onions
>You fucks write it in english AND Spanish on the receipt
>Pay for it and confirm with the 1st window there's no onions
>Go home take a bite
>Fucking onions
Probably the best reason why McDonald's employees should not get $15/hr is because the work you guys do simply isn't worth that much.
cuz fuck yourself that's why. You're a "chef" who makes food which causes obesity in about 99% of countries and the shit you make isn't all that hard to make.
is this pizza party ben speaking
Because fuck you, dumb nigger.
Factory workers and Fire fighters/ Police often start out at that wage.
In what world do you think you can compete with the calibre of people who take up those jobs? They're going to take your job and actually get orders right and keep thr place clean.
That wage would put you completely out of the market
>Muzzie cunt being a dick in drive though
>Manager comes into the kitchen
>Drips bacon grease all over his burger
>Never hear from him again
Feeding the muzzie bacon was my fetish. Love watching them bite into it no knowing
The intention of a minimum wage is basically a country saying if you work, you deserve to at least be able to basically provide for yourself. If it's not doing that, then it's broken. The solution would be to increase the minimum wage or just get rid of it. This half assed mode it's in now is stupid.
Minimum wage should be set by state rather than country. America has way too much economic variation between bumfuck nowhere fly over states where $15 gets you a full course meal and free hooker and LA/NYC where $15 gets you a bus ride with hobos and hobo rapists
If this was a ylyl thread on Sup Forums, I would have lost
Because of your new wage prices, The Price on food has gone up as well. You assholes will make a one dollar double cheeseburger turn into a seven dollar double cheeseburger. Truth
Actually how are you guys still not getting it?
> If ( mdick's chef == meme)
> {
> [don't reply like a Sup Forums tard]
> {
> else
> {
> [release autistic rage]
> {
Mate, anyone who works should get renumeration for labour. If not then it's slavery.
I worked some horrible jobs in my past. Baking bread at 4am in front of a hot oven, driving a taxi, working as a kitchen assistant, pickimg fruit and other jobs.
Putting out graft is commendable.
I'm a plumber. My wife is a policewoman.
Give free burger pls.
I want cheap burgers.
Mexicans provide for themselves and they don't even make minimum wage. Every poor person I've ever known who complained about being poor either had multiple kids from different fathers (and got tons of state support for it), or spent all their money on booze/weed/cigarettes/clothes/shoes/car
Don't tell me how to live my life
>tfw after working at Walmart for a decade I only maken $14/he
Can say its not as a crazy job as my five year job at a burger King early last decade.
Poor people can't be trusted with money at all.
Because Seattle mcd's will replace you with a self serve kiosk and see profits go up.
You have 5 years before 6% of jobs are automated.
trucking, your job and many others.
Your "job" will be replaced by robots. Even if there weren't robots, you are doing entry level, high schooler work. You dont risk your life to work where you do (well unless you get Sheniquas order wrong). More than likely, it takes less than a day to train you. Ample supply of people to take that job with high turnover. Blame your demise on globalization as well. Bring in more third world immigrants and watch your pay drop more. Plus, many avoid fast food as it is unhealthy. Work on getting some specialized training that will get you into a higher paying field. Don't demand your employer be forced to pay you higher prices. Am I missing anything? Oh, Trump 2016!
Yeah I'll the um...
I'll take a....
Do you have subs?
Doesn't the ((( government ))) also give you extra money?
Also fuck getting paid by hour, literally the definition of wagecuck.
if minimum wage went to fifteen dollars, everyone else's pay would have to go up. people making 12 would have to be paid 19 etc etc.
otherwise, you'd all get replaced by people who are more talented, and better workers than you, because McDonald's pays more than their logistics jobs or whatever