Why is Rey so powerful (there has to be a plot-related reason, not just"muh Mary Sue)

Why is Rey so powerful (there has to be a plot-related reason, not just"muh Mary Sue).

Luke bested Darth Vader, the chosen one to bring balance to the force

He faced Palpatine, he learned from Yoda.

Yet Rey destroys an island with a swing of her lightsaber, makes all things around her levitate as she meditates, and makes Luke Skywalker shit his pants.

This is his face when he beholds Rey's power level

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I agree. Rey is so op that there is a real reason for it. She is either Emperor's daughter frozen in Jakku research base or his or someone else's creation.

created by snoke to be new vader

The Force is like a fine wine, just gets better with time.


>The movie is not even out yet and theres already apologist trying to justify the shit showed on the trailers

Now, because of the son of that guy who killed 1 actor and 2 asian children with a helicopter, Mary sue only mean a really strong female.


Mark Hammil is just like you contrarians. He clearly hates the direction the movies are going in and isn't afraid to say it.

Watch the whole vid, but if you're in a hurry, at least watch 0:54 to 1:03

They are gonna seriously kill him off in 9 for this

you weren't going to like the movie regardless

The force is female
Rey is not a Mary Sue you white pig
Luke is gay
White males are responsible for all the evil in galaxy
Finn will breed Rey with his BBC

When he read the script of VII he thought Luke was gonna be the one grabbing the lightsaber at the end and fight Kylo and saving everyone. He thought that Luke was gonna be that heroic main character and this was gonna be his big comeback but he got BTFO. No line in the first one. Scared and depressed old fuck in the second. That's the only reason why he's so mad.

>Scared and depressed old fuck in the second
That's just it though, that doesn't fit with the Luke we got to know in eps 4-6. It's bad writing

30 years happened since ep6

hamill is showing respect to alec guiness, who also knew the whole thing was horseshit with a fancy presentation

I like the star wars context, but the meat of the story, the substance of the morality, the meaning of it, is crap

I feel bad for him and us. At least he's getting paid

>Why is Rey so powerful
no there doesnt
and can we please finally stop talking about this awful shit? At this point making a star wars thread should earn you nothing but a barrage of shitposts like the simpsons or rick and morty

Gay Luke Skywalker was just upset that Rey melted his Bad Dragon dildo collection with her mind-rays. You think a confirmed fag would just fuck off to an island without some devices to keep him company? He probably detaches his robot arm and puts it on the counter so he can fist himself in the anus while he imagines Chewbacca's 14 inch long bowcaster impregnating his rectum with wookie eggs.

Maybe Anakin wasn't the one to bring balance to the force, and they simply misunderstood the prophecy.

>the simpsons
Kill yourself newfag

Get cancer you disney cock sucker

>wookie eggs
made me laugh for some reason

Rey and Kylo are going to have that equal raw power scenario.

Where the movies are going are going to be really really bad.

>implying hes the only one mad

Two generations are mad (mine, the 30-40 and our fathers one)

So you're saying you're 30+ and you're mad because of children movies?

No Im mad i cant pick my father and go to the cinema with him like he did with me when i was a kid because these new movies are so garbage and disrespectful to the original story it hurt any average IQ person not to mention a fan of the originals.

But star wars have been garbage and disrespectful cash grab since 1983

It's a terrible feeling.

Then go see a good movie, they still exist.

And yet here you are trawling through star wars threads over 30 years later.

I hope Luke isn't some washed up old ben tier character

I want him to go nuts

I dunno man he's been talking up the last jedi something big, how he didnt like it at first or it wouldnt be what he would've done but that the result is fucking incredible. Like he no joke was gushing over how good it was, And Mark doesnt pull his punches.

Ok, shill. I'll still be bummed we can't enjoy Star Wars together again.

He'sbeen pushed aside for rey, they wont allow him the dignity of old ben.

They told him to shut his fucking mouth and get in line.

>Old SW: fun adventures with a bit of mystique and philosophy thrown in for good measure

>Nu SW: exaggerated action trash with tons of pathos and DBZ powerlevel discussions

where did it all go wrong

>where did it all go wrong
Phantom Menace

>where did it all go wrong
Return of the Jedi. Setting half the movie around the Ewoks was a boneheaded decision.

>I have seen midichlorian counts this high once before

Because a feminist is in charge and she wants to make women feel stronger than men.

This isn't about making a good movie, it's feminist propoganda.

who is this fine young lady