Did he rape someone?
I don't get it. How is trading sex for jobs a crime?
Did he rape someone?
I don't get it. How is trading sex for jobs a crime?
Other urls found in this thread:
He didn't count on narcissists using it to become famous again after their careers died.
He didn't even rape per say. He just implied he'd give favors in exchange for sex.
Sup Forums is third way feminist now apparently
it's called prostitution
It is a crime to trade favors for sex though, but for Hollywood it was one of those crimes that everyone did it so nobody mentioned it
Now that we live in the culture of women power though, things are changing
>It is a crime to trade favors for sex
He for sure did ethically wrong things. Hollywood and government are bastions of the dregs of society. People want to see a comeuppance for hollywood especially since they love to preach and virtue signal. They put on airs so to speak as if they have the moral high ground.
he's the reason garbage like Jennifer Lawrence is now on screen
he could have killed both of my parents and I still wouldn't be as mad about it as I am now
Is consensual sex between two adults legal? Yes
So how on earth is it ethically wrong? These actresses didn't deserve these roles simply because they exist. Hell, if anything they deserve them the least since they are the ones who had sex which potentially edged out more qualified actresses who weren't willing to have sex.
These actresses who claim to be the victims are actually the worst of them all
fuck off kike
didn't he lunge across a table and start feeling that italian girl's tits? that's pretty illegal
>Damage control
fuck off white night feminist faggot
t. kike
Holy shit, can a post be more accurate?
>he has dubs
>conflict is between a Jewish man and Jewish women
I don't care about consensual sex. What is ethically wrong is the likely borderline sexual assault and coercion. It's ethically wrong for example to get someone drunk in order to get compliance. Doesn't really matter if it's criminal or not.
This, it makes no sense.
They willingly had sex with him to have those roles, there are others that said no and refused.
t. feminist numale
why are you so defensive, nosy?
Don't you have some shiskas to go harass?
t. dicknosed shekelsnatcher
>hey I want this role
>sorry I don't think so
>please is there anything I can do
>well sure have sex with me and the job is yours but remember, you don't have to if you don't want to. Your life doesn't depend on you getting this job after all
>ok I'll have sex with you because I think having sex a few times is worth it because I'll make millions upon millions of dollars. Lol sucks to be those women who are more qualified than me but won't have sex. I'm totally the victim here!
You can't be a male feminist MgCuck and accuse others of lacking masculinity. It just doesn't work
I thought it was pretty obvious that these types of people always end up giving something up to further a career. Doesn't matter the industry really to achieve those levels dosh you're giving up something. Whoring yourself out is one of them.
>A whole bunch of posts blaming the women and defending weinstein """"coincidentally"""" turn up all on the same day
Really got me thinking here guys
Why is no one talking of the QUEEN that just came out as having gotten BLEACH- I mean KIKED?
ayo, ya'll racis or sumfin??? FUCK y'all and FUCK da kites
Weinstein, Polansky, Woody Allen - what do they have in common?
They’re violent sexual predators. They’re above the law. And they’re Jews!
The Weinstein saga isn’t about sexual harassment, the patriarchy or even liberals. Any white liberal who behaved like Weinstein has for decades would’ve been destroyed a long time ago because they don’t have loyal networks of racially-loyal enablers.
The reason the New York Times covered up the story in 2004 is because they’re Jews.
The reason other Hollywood moguls protected him and behave just like him or worse is because they’re Jews.
The problem here is in the implicit threat in such a proposition. To refuse sex from him would mean not getting the job.
That's immoral but not illegal. What Harvey has done is physically force himself on unwilling women, and that is illegal. Stop apologizing for this crooked slimebag because you're bitter about being a single internet loser
shut your damn mouth goyi- i mean guy
I expected that it happened. Doesn't take much jiggling of the jello to assume as much. It's still ethically wrong though. This is a Christian country.
how does it feel that Harv will get more pussy than your fat white knighting ass will ever experience?
Though it's not hard to surpass 0
Jews sacrifice one of their own if it protects the tribe. But why should we bemoan the downfall of a single jew? Push harder, they're all in on this racket. Goy actors too.
>(((Edgy Posts))) defending literal rapist (not bullshit, 3rd wave feminism definition of rape).
I'm want to believe they are just trolling.
And yet all the homosexuals are on Sup Forums
rly makes me think
>What Harvey has done is physically force himself on unwilling women, and that is illegal.
That's buisness
surface level bro. gotta ask, who leaked this and why. he must have pissed off his kike overlords.
How does them being Jewish having anything to do with it wtf? I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out. I did, however, notice that they were all WHITE MALES!!!! Coincidence? I think not...
>edgy "all women are asking for it" incel talking to other about being virgins
there he goes, the nosy nose reveals himself
he didn't rape anyone tho. Chicks banged him willingly.
you're just a feminist basically
>What Harvey has done is physically force himself on unwilling women,
Hard to take much offense when such an insult comes from pic related
the virgin cries as it defends women, but women don't like betas
nevermind ugly edgy ones
I'd guess you'd better get into film or politics if you want any action then, Rabbi.
>"Hey, user. Come here ;)"
>"Why don't you gimme a massage? I'm SO tired from all that work today."
>"What? You're not gonna say no to your BOSS, right?"
>"I knew you'd smarten up. Ahhh..."
>"Oh no no no.. here let me show you."
>Grabs your hand and places it on his dick.
lmao could this jew be any more mad
why are you "white nationalists" always homosexual though? I'm genuinely curious
Don't worry Chaim. Lots of women are okay with 22 year old bald guys. Just not pretty white ones!
why are you jews always so crooked?
Look I'm not saying Jews can't go around leveraging white women for sex alright?
I'm just saying they shouldn't exist.
truly the master race, how can the elite compete
>That's buisness
and business must adhere to the moral tenets of the country. He's a jew though so they like to play fast and loose.
Are you the kike who keeps spamming that fucking image on Sup Forums? Do you guys have a shared library of images? Because you always seem to be posting the same recognizable handful. You've gotta admire your organization
>this thread
neck yourself pillowbiter
>More diverse than your typical "Antifa" gathering.
What does this mean?
Is the reason you're all so into fucking each other because men have lower standards? I'm genuinely curious, neckbeard
take your meds rabbi, you're fucking losing it lol
Whites aren't the masterrace. We've had our asses handed to use time and again by pic related.
But, oh! The irony. Yaweh certainly has an interesting sense of humor, doesn't he?
Lol, come on. The fucking paintjob on that.
le well troll'd, my memer.
>pic there is israeli cop vs protestor
>Sup Forums needs jews to fulfill their fantasy because they're so incompetent
it's so fitting. What else does it remind me of...
This thread has convinced me that there are anti winesteen SHILLS on this board. This seems unnatural
>meanwhile, anons reality
Quip pro quo is frowned upon in the US workplace
that's abuse of power or position not rape
>staged photoshoot vs literal race of genetically degraded inbreds
>muh safespace!
fuck off
stop posting staged shit
But in some cases it wasn't conceual. At times it was taking advance on people on a lower rung, at times it was flat out rape.
Sure, in some cases it was purpose driven from the women as well, but that doesn't mean it still was okay in the cases the women were not willing.
>I'm a kike
I was just asking, shitmongerer
The thing is, you do get your asses handed to you. The Jews control everything and are behind everything. They just tricked you into voting for (((Donald Trump))). They're the 1%, you're either some sand nigger or neckbeard in a trailer fapping to cp
You keep going to that because it's all you've got.
Guy sucker punched him. It doesn't take any competence, only the willingness to do so.
He'd be called a pussybitch, if the person he punched had not been wearing a nazi armband.
just imagine having to regularly lick the crusty roasties of a disgusting old whale to get to work.
That would be horrible.
>selling your body for positions of power, fame, wealth etc is okay
>buying sex in and giving in exchange fame power and wealth is not okay
>this is a 10/10 on Sup Forums
>it...it's fake!
lmao, I love your desperation. What...are you not proud of the master race? There's a reason you faggots are bullied so much IRL, and why you're so afraid of being exposed
now strip, boi
reported for racism against mexican
What make it worse is that this man and his click are parading as virtous fag and feminists lecturing the ebil white pariarcla america.
So it's delicious to see that disgusting lecherous hypocritical cow fall.
you'd think a jew would be able to go on Sup Forums for more than 30 seconds without posting their JIDF image folder
>trying to mock people with huntington's disease
not cool
>86 posts
>24 posters
At least use a proxy, Chaim.
>Kike redirects discussion from Kike rapist to white supremacy
>when confronted with the truth, the neckbeard simply shouts "IT'S FAKE!"
Is this how you avoid killing yourself?
That too. People love seeng hypocrites fall on their face.
>muh sucker punch
next time try more moves you saw in anime, fucking beta weeb faggot
>women are fair maidens who would never use their sexuality to their advantage
Hey, I remember being fifteen!
your safespace is a bitch
>Pussy black racist gets spat on, and stands there like a good boy with spit on face
now get spat on, boi
i wonder if this jew is getting paid to do this or if he does it for free
why do I care about some nig being beat up? Is beating up niggers really the only thing you pieces of shit can take pride in? Not that it's actually a Sup Forumsestinian there, such a "thing" couldn't even fit between those cars