>European "monument"
European "monument"
Other urls found in this thread:
>European """cuisine"""
This is a European "pizza".
>European "sandwich"
This is considered a delicacy in the barren socialist wasteland known as Europe.
>american food
>eats snails
>thinks he can post here
Pic related is a new viking museum in Oslo, Norway
Notice anything?
American "food".
>all this butthurt
>European "sausage"
lol slav shit mud puddle like you have anything to eat besides potatoes and onions in your shitty nation
Defend Marmite.
You people literally eat Tar-Toast.
Russian "food"
that's fucking embarassing. Almost swede-like
>Marmite is lovely
Where is this?
rofl italian grease monkey fuck off
>knowing less about europe than an american
So a cross AND a crescent
Double cucked
close enough tbhsenpain famdesu
this triggers muslims
btw op did some european boy cucked you or what?
MMMM-mmmm look at this delicious European dish! This is literally what most europeans eat for breakfast!
Are you even allowed to eat sugar, Achmed?
The main building is shaped like a Catholic church, which is most commonly configured in cruciform?
>not dropping half a Polish blood sausage into an omelette twice a week
t. mudslime manlet
> American Presidents
Do I? You still haven't answered my question
>mfw muritards can't eat food unless it's photoshopped
>toast sandwich
>muslim mayor
>thinks he can post
>russian "cuisine"
>potato and potato accessories with a side of potatos
nigga that looks tasty as fuck
> American Overlords
>calling anyone monkey
Ok Mr. Tyrone Hernandez de La Raya
>american "cuisine"
Need I say more? Ahahahahahahahahaha!
Nice trips but
> Pic related
> Switzerland
not even once
>muslim president
>didn't invent toast sandwiches
>implying it was ever great
>Implying they're not your overlords too
Get you ass over to England so I can curb stomp your sharting ass. Corby Town Center. Go Time.
>Sharts his food out in the mart
You can't post here either mate
>It's a thinly veiled D&C shill thread
Fucking saged
say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
Nice try burger, no one can get close enough to your face with the stomach in the way
That's what you put in your burgers...
And burger without pickles is garbage.
Also it's not a delicacy here, just something to drink vodka with.
that flag
Literally nothing wrong here.
Did swissanon delivar on OP's pic?
>Dutch ""cuisine""
I am sorry Europe some Americans haven't red pilled themselves on mother Europa's bounty and culture/art.
what was the aftermath reaction to this? how did you get wind of it?
>American cuisine
I do actually agree with this. Dieting is very difficult in the US because everything has fucking sugar in it.
> Speaks for itself
>"""Skinny""" American
Sugar industry just admitted to buying out our health experts for the past 50 years.
It's being built right now, media is ignoring the obvious desecration, not sure how the general public feels since all comments sections are closed
W-where can I get some of those?
I don't think anyone will, because he author agreed with authorities to take it down pretty soon. In fact it may already be off the mountain.
Not a monument. Nobody knows the actual story.
It's just a "work" from an artist complaining because they're to many crosses on the mountains.
The artist made that, made his complain. But guess what ? This work is now off and the crosses still here.
>English cuisine
Free solar panels on top of mountain!
>Fractured States
Keep going burger, you guys will be irrelevent soon.We atleast have nationalism as a backup.
You're cancer.
Why the fuck is there an EU flag in your post?
>implying it's not
T..there is no islamification of Europe, you silly rightwingers!
Are Euros seriously bending over just to spread their ass cheeks for oil money?
>Muslim president
>killed more Muslims than Bush did
the weak should fear the strong.
>not butthurt
Needs a little improvement.
Fucking hell.
Isn't that what you guys do best?
Amerishart "cuisine"
Hey could I get some of those caramel waffles before we go?