Other urls found in this thread:
>when Moors conquer, they're bringing intellectual gifts
>when Europeans conquer, it's tyrannical imperialism
>my people
I hope whoever wrote this is not black otherwise those are not his people
You have to understand that every nigger has a built in inferiority complex. Every time they open their eyes they are reminded of it. So they compensate with an admixture of "RACISM, WE WUZ KANGZ", and boasting about nigger culture.
Simple question. If niggers are so great why is Africa and every other majority niggerland such a shithole?
Oh right. RACISM.
Get rekt, darkie. Go cry your nappy, ugly ass head on the pillow.
This, Mayans were Mesoamerican.
Can we get a genetic test to see where who the Mayan's ancestors were to put to rest the We Wuz bullshit?
B-but we created civilization!
we wuz erething
>For more than 300 years, free African labor and ingenuity built nations across the globe, pulled failed dynasties out of ruin, lifted up countries into becoming superpowers and made cultural contributions that define America.
See Sup Forums. All the slaves were doctors, scientists and engineers. They weren't just sentient farming equipment.
Unless this person is from Morocco then the Moors are not their ancestors
Unless this person is from Egypt then the Ancient Egyptians are not their ancestors
Unless this person is from Mesoamerica then the Mayans are not their ancestors
This must be satire. I refuse to believe even nogs could be this stupid
Wait is she saying we wuz mayans too?
This is a new one
See, the Mayans built off of the Olmec civilization, and the Olmecs...
Wtf is this bullshit? How is this tolerated? My history teacher would fucking lose her mind.
>implying the author isn't 1/3 Moroccan, 1/3 Egyptian, and 1/3 Mayan
Isn't this the retard who was dancing in a sitting section at a Kraftwerk concert and ended up playing the race card when people told her to sit down?
What proportion of African Americans believe this bullshit? Who is propagating these blatant lies? Why is no one debunking this? This historical revisionism pisses me off so much.
Mostly through social media. They just pass image macros around like one above with the black looking at the pharaoh.
Daily reminder that nubians (blacks) were slaves in Egypt.
So they are North African Muslim, Egyptian, and Mayan? Doubtful
to be fair, they did rule Egypt briefly for like a single dynasty. But the Nubians weren't even really black or similar to West Africans/African Americans. Nubians are 45%; blacker than average Egyptian though
Nubians are 45% Eurasian is what I meant to say
>Hey look everyone BUT the whites did something.
Thanks Obama.
Funny how I work in Academia and we never use ancient Muslim and Egyptian texts to study and the theorems are never proved by Niggers/Muslims.
it doesn't matter who wrote it, you can't be Amerindian and Moor at the same time
Pretty sure the only way to fix blacks is to just wipe out all the existing ones and raise the rest in a complete vacuum where their "culture" is just Western culture. There's no getting around the fact Africa had no civilization before colonialism, and that they were slaves to the Muslims for 1300 years, slaves to the Egyptians for thousands of years, and slaves to the Western empires for 300 years. That's not a track record anyone would be proud of.
The end result is what you see today, with the extreme violence, self-loathing, and culture stealing. The primary angst of all black people is that they don't want to be black.
It would therefore be better to erase the black identity altogether and give them a new one.
I dont understand how you can be moor, ancient egyptian and native american at the same time
By being really stupid.
This statue of a Mayan says otherwise, white cracka.
We're taught this kind of stuff in school kek
Dumb niggers thinking that Moors helped europe.