>be me >go to movie theater to see Blade Runner 2049 on Tuesday for $5 ticket deal >sit in seat >time for previews >suddenly there's a vertical rainbow line flashing in the middle of the screen as a WB logo comes up >everyone in the theater is confused >Sony logo comes up >text appears on screen >we all realize they completely skipped previews and just started the movie but there's a giant flashing rainbow on the screen >a couple minutes into the movie they restart it without the line >all of this time the house lights are still on
>20 minutes into the movie >house lights still on >some usher walks in >"alright pause the movie" >movie pauses >"Can I have your attention please. We'd like to inform you that this is a family-friendly screening." >"It's specific for children with autism and that's why the lights are on during it" >no one knew about this and people were complaining about lights being on >everyone starts flipping out >"If you want a refund just go to guest services before the movie is over" >over half the people in the auditorium walk out >less than 50 people in theater to even begin with. Probably less than 20 left afterwards
>some just go to the 3D screening >ask for a refund >they won't give it to me because the ticket was paid for with a credit card and I didn't have it on me >have to go home to get credit card >go back to movie theater >get refund and free tickets for any movie at any time
tl;dr AMC put us in an autistic screening for Blade Runner 2049 and no one knew
First 20 minutes were pretty great but now I have to wait till Friday to see the other 145 minutes
Only person in the entire theater that had autism was Ryan Gosling
Aaron Perez
They knew you were autistic from just the penis inspection?
Jonathan Roberts
Is America really like this or is this just a meme?
James Adams
what a terrible fucking post
Carson Stewart
Mason Nguyen
Why do women of color like Goose so much? He's disproportionally popular among them. Is it because he's married to a non-white woman so he seems more accessible?
Lucas Williams
I don't know why but I feel a powerful rage deep inside whenever I see special snowflake treatment for autists. And for some reason I really fucking hate autistic kids. This developed as an adult, when I was a kid I used to hate retards. Hopefully this too shall pass.
Luke Wright
I enjoy looking at Villenwhatshisname's face for some reason.
Kevin Williams
>that movie >family friendly Got back to Sup Forums with your fake and gay greentext
Isaiah Young
is this autism?
Aiden Ortiz
why a rainbow line in the middle of the screen?
Liam Gray
Based Ana
Isaiah Rodriguez
>MA15+ Rating >family friendly Seems legit
David Sanchez
>Ass and titties in the movie >Family friendly What?!
Evan Lopez
>autistic screening LMAO this is a thing? Isn't every screening autistic in the USA since people fucking clap in the cinema?
Justin Williams
>he doesn't watch softcore porn with his daughter You're missing out mate
Oliver King
if you werent autistic youd have stayed.
Samuel Richardson
Is this autism?
Jacob Barnes
>Autistic child-friendly screening for an R-rated movie
Jesus Christ.
John Stewart
>tfw american and have never seen anyone clap in a theater in my 28 years of existence I want to see it just once before i die. Maybe next time I can try getting a slow gradual clap started.
>getting a slow gradual clap started Do this during the movie. Right after some one makes a really good cheese sandwich.
Brayden Gutierrez
Luke Wood
>AMC is proud to partner with the Autism Society to offer unique movie showings where we turn the lights up, and turn the sound down,
>so you can get up, dance, walk, shout or sing!
Nolan Foster
If it's not flopping around my kitchen floor,yes it is very funny.
Thomas Gray
Yes. You gotta problem, bitch?
Nathaniel Roberts
Why do autistics need to see a movie where bitches stomachs get cut open am I missing something
Tyler Diaz
>I don't take memes seriously Bigly mistake
Jackson Lewis
Imagine working there. Every other week you get a wacky parade of jug headed floppy armed mush mouths drag stomping there special shoes through your place of employment.
James Gonzalez
*shoot or sing!
Justin Hall
Go to the first screening of the next Star Wars movie.
Noah Reyes
This is what passes now as a thread? The viral marketers really are desperate.
Xavier Sanchez
I actually had to leave the theatre and go to the next screening for TFA because I couldn't hear what was happening over the perpetual clapping and cheering.
Robert Brooks
got 'em
Austin Carter
>rainbow line in the middle of the screen Is this intentional,or a malfunction?
How bad your taste should be to watch movies with such posters.
Isaiah Taylor
Way to stay on topic, stupid.
Aaron Perry
This. It's rated my country's equivalent of NC17.
Kevin Taylor
God Ana's smile is beautiful
Alexander Cox
>Go to watch a movie in burgerland >Lights are still on for some reason >Get up to go find an usher >Get shot before making it to foyer
Levi Collins
only slightly related, but we had a little fuckup as well when I watched it at the cinema last saturday as well >be from Switzerland >my town only airs the movie in German and in 3D >think hell no, I'm not ruining this one for me >drive to another town where they show it in english (with German subtitles) and in 2D >movie starts, everything fine >someway around the first third, the subtitles start to lag behind (didn't even notice) >movie stops right in a dialogue >think wtf, is this part of the movie? >like when K got a call and Ana froze for comic relief >no, this seems different >all the subtitles catch up, until after like 30sec pause the movie continues >immersion kinda ruined, to be frank
William Ortiz
It really is.
Jayden Gray
>ask for a refund >they won't give it to me because the ticket was paid for with a credit card and I didn't have it on me So don't get a refund, just ask for a voucher for another showing. Do you kids really not know how to game customer service?
Carter Sanchez
They're doing it in the UK too
Liam Long
I hope they charge a huge extra for this shit
Joshua Wilson
>you will be able to take in your own food and drinks
Hmmm, tempting
David Morales
>the next autism friendly screenings will be: The Emoji Movie
Jace Thomas
Jeremiah Peterson
>Ana will never look at you like this why live?
Charles Green
bullshit. the movie is rated R, why would they have a "family friendly autist" screening
Jason Campbell
Oh snap.
Landon Roberts
Read the thread
Aaron Rodriguez
Literally Orwellian. From the loudspeaker to the people standing up and complying.. How did it ever get this far?
Kevin Reed
He's hardly white, looks italian/greek.
Chase Collins
Is that an actual story? This movie isn't even appropriate for autistic kids
Chase Hill
>One restaurant does this >It's literally Orwellian
Literally kys faggot. Kids don't even sing the pledge in the morning at school anymore.
Ayden Lopez
What does that have to do with anything? Autism is mostly sensory overloading.
Dylan Lewis
Gavin Myers
Strange how suddenly their is so much autism that this is needed. It's like the sudden outburst of gluten free shit.
Jacob Powell
Ana is clearly a white Cuban, not an indian or a metiszo. Spanish ancestry.