My 10 year old son wants to be an airline pilot, but that shit will probably be automated by the time he's 20.
Whatever career he gets into probably does not exist at present.
My 10 year old son wants to be an airline pilot, but that shit will probably be automated by the time he's 20.
Whatever career he gets into probably does not exist at present.
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It's already automated dumb fuck.
when I was ten I wanted to be a fighter pilot but in the end it never happened because no one pushed me to achieve
It's never going to be any more automated than it is now, and even if it ever gets fully automated, they will still have a pilot for safety.
when i was ten i wanted to stay inside and post on the internet all day
hahaha i did it
Tell him that go for it and don't take no for an answer. Get him a scenic ride in a small plane for his birthday. Surprise him. He will never forget. Right now degree is not necessary like Embry Riddle or University of North Dakota. The regionals are so hard up they are paying signing bonuses. There is a lot of positive transfer in early formative experiences to other fields that don't involve being in an airplane. But at the moment there is great demand. Use a light touch but steer him that way.
I decided at a young age to be a pilot (six) and never looked back, no regrets.
Carpe diem.
when I was ten I wanted to play doom all day but my parents only let me use the computer for 30mins a day.
>2016 doom comes out
>Live in parents basement
>play doom all day
doubtful that it will be allowed to fly without a pilot overseeing it in the near future anyway
your son can become a pilot
So it's not your fault?
Apripo pic to with above post.