Russia appreciation thread

Is ther any country, which is more based than russia?
>not much feminism/SJW cancer
>don't lure fugees with free shit
>good military, won't be the bitch of any country

>beautiful landscape
>delicious food
>language sounds badass

How can any other country even compete? So, can you name a country which is more based?

Pro tip: You can't.

Other urls found in this thread:медведь медвед


Putin is a cuck, his country is 7% mudslime

> 30% muslim population
> speaking out against chechen filth and muslim cancer will land you in jail
Stop idolizing things you don't know about, you cucks.

Also, holocaust denial is a criminal offense here.

>Russian conservatives
It's completely backwards in that regard since all the people with any views that are different from communism are called liberals and fifth column

Stop hiding behind imaginary vladimir you fukking cuck, change your own country.
or move to russia and suck cock in some 1950s apartment block without gas or electricity you stupid fukking moron

Not so different from germoney

Also you have Natalia

Spoken like a true brown spic

Fairly confident in saying that anyone praising Russia has never actually been to Russia.

Beyond basic memery I don't really know anything about history, but they're red, white, and blue so they can't be so bad


Russia has no freedoms and it's full of degenerates.

Russia is ok.
Not good, not great, just ok.

>not much feminism/SJW cancer
because they're dirt poor and white guilt hasn't settled in yet. also white guilt would have to combat their dellusions of grandeur first.
>don't lure fugees with free shit
dirt poor
poor countries tend to be conservative, yes
>good military, won't be the bitch of any country
good military and starving people, confirmed for nortk korea-tier state
>delicious food
there's no food in Russia.

It seems pretty cool in some ways but they're heading towards china-tier in terms of freedom of speech.

>Is ther any country, which is more based than russia?
Pretty much any Western European country, let me explain why. The main reason why Russia is a shit-tier country is because Russians are utter shitbags both as people and as a nation. Have you ever heard the saying: "Nobody hates Russia more than Russians"? Well, this saying is 100% true and Russians, especially the younger people, are utterly self-loathing pieces of excrement, who have literally zero self respect for themselves both as human beings and as citizens of a failed nation.

It was the Russians themselves, who have come up with the term "pidorashka" and started calling themselves and their countrymen by using this term. The meaning of usage of this term is such, that Russians consider themselves to be inherently inferior to pretty much any Western nation. The young generation is literally suffering from a severe case of self-loathing and literally practice idolatry with the West in general being their object of worship.

Now, you may start saying that your experience with Russian posters is completely different and that they seem pretty patriotic in most cases, when they post on 4chins, but you have to understand that these kind of posters are the vocal minority. The so called average "pidorashka" doesn't even speak English properly.

TL;DR: Russia and Russians have no future, there's literally nothing good that can come out of their putrid shithole of a country and """"""nation"""""". This is not because they are somehow inferior to other nations or stupid, but because they do not respect themselves, they do not respect their own history and have no more faith in themselves and their government. Russia is a lost cause, you're better off forgetting it exists and not experiencing disappointment every time some promising Russian endeavor goes down the drain due to lack of effort and determination, as usual.

As an example of how bad things are, consider the following: there is only one, literally ONE board on the entire 2ch (Russian version of 4chins), that is populated by more or less mostly patriotic posters. Every other board, especially the Russian version of Sup Forums, hates Russia and everything Russian so much, that Russian haters on this board would be considered pro-Russian in there.

Can I survive there without knowing ruski beyond cyka blyat? ;_;

Central cities yes, countryside not so much

Nice proxy Igor.

classic buttdevastated belt lmao

Korea is way more based with better looking women and better food. No feminism/sjw what so ever. Also, they don't have a shitbag dictator who takes off her shirt every time there's a camera.

thx for the detail response
>Pretty much any Western European country

can you recommend me any white regions for travelling? :D

I once saw a man from UK who had an absolutely exhausted look on his face, was blabbering something about how this country is pure madness; and he didn't even leave the airport.

The communist party is the second largest party in Russia.

Don't forget the women

>what is Best Korea

Pro-tip: kill yourself

Government is too big. Can't start a business without bribing about 500 officials.
t. businessman

>>not much feminism/SJW cancer

It isn't a particularly hard language to learn if you just want to speak it.
Remembering where all the ь go is a pain.

What. Written Russian is extremely easy if you know spoken Russian.

Maybe if Russian is your first language.
All I know is that when I say something like мeдвeдь, the existence of the ь isn't obvious to me.


They sound nothing alike.медведь медвед
Click on the "Translate instead" link and then use the Listen option.

I know they sound different when put together but when saying the word alone in my head I couldn't tell if there is a ь there or not.

makes you go hmmm

That's why people keep their businesses under the table, and no one does anything about it because no one cares. The government is so big that it has inadvertently created a libertarian society.

Well, Д and ДЬ are different sounds. You recognize which of those two sounds you hear at the end of the word and you make a decision whether to write Д or ДЬ - just like with any other phoneme.

Except, you know, except when government finds out you run a business without bribing 500 officials and you get locked up.

you have autism :)

Maybe to you, as a native English speaker the sounds aren't distinct enough on their own for me to tell.

I've been to Russia, and never had much trouble. Just dealing with officialdom at the airport was somewhat annoying, and the cabbies act like the ones in New York (i.e. assholes). But overall, it wasn't too bad of a trip.

Maybe because I'm American, and having to deal with niggers, spics, and general asshats everyday, I just didn't notice it.

Most of the time it doesn't find out

Vs Europe which has 70%

The Communist party is constitutionally forbidden in Poland.

Muslim population in Czech Republic is 0.1%

> Is ther any country, which is more based than russia?
Literally all of them.
> not much feminism/SJW cancer
Men are seen as disposable objects, from your childhood you are raised with constant propaganda like "giels are princesses, you owe them, you must make them happy"
>don't lure fugees with free shit
Enough mudslimes leeches as it is.
> conservative
You should see mental gymnastics orthodox people engage in. Also women are whores, half of russian husbands raise another men's children.
> good military, won't be the bitch of any country
That's kind of true, Chechnya isn't a country.
> white
> > 300 years of mongolian occupation
> > white

> beautiful landscape
Until you look under your feet to see all the trash, mongolian rule gave russians nomad mentality as in shit where you live.
>delicious food
>language sounds badass
Subjective things.

Don't forget insane levels of corruption, alcoholism and slave mentality.

Slow response today, pidorashka

You have butthurt

That's still 100% too many.

yes, goy

russia is the bastion of the white race oy vey


your grandpapa didnt die in the russian winter for this.

zip fail my friend

>look at me mum im posting soviet propoganda

why dont you post about the german corpse factory next, slavshit commie?

Чтo? Taблeтки выпить зaбыл?

Я вaм тaблeтки выпиcaл, гpaждaнин

>Dietrich Eichholtz
>Janusz Gumkowski, Kazimierz Leszczynski
>Romuald J. Misiunas, Rein Taagepera, Georg von Rauch
Nah you're just butthurt as always

Please read this post before praising Russia. I'm saving this.

>Thus, no copies of the plan have ever been found after the war among the documents in German archives

>2 most awarded non german SS divisions are the Latvian ones
>h-haha t-they will k-kill you

It's almost as if marxism has this effect every time it touches anything.


United Kingdom (especially England)

roll ///

r o l l i n g

Bullshit and this is good.
>be a nazi

It's because they don't know their own history.