Facebook and Twitter join First Draft Coalition

>Facebook, Twitter and news organizations including Agence France-Presse have joined a coalition of media and technology groups seeking to filter out online misinformation and improve news quality on social networks.

>First Draft News, which is backed by Google, announced Tuesday that some 20 news organizations will be part of its partner network to share information on best practices for journalism in the online age.

>The partner network includes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, The New York Times, Washington Post, BuzzFeed News, CNN, ABC News of Australia, ProPublica, AFP, The Telegraph, France Info, Breaking News, Le Monde's Les Decodeurs, International Business Times UK, Eurovision News Exchange and Al Jazeera Media Network.

>Other organizations in the network include Amnesty International, European Journalism Centre, American Press Institute, International Fact Checking Network and Duke Reporters' Lab."


>Tired of being exposed to news reports you suspect have little or no factual basis? So are Twitter and Facebook.

>The online social networks have joined a network of more than 30 international media companies and organizations that aims to improve the quality of information found online by weeding out hoaxes and fake news reports. The First Draft Coalition's partner network, which includes outlets such as the New York Times and CNN, is intended to train journalists in how to use the web to find and report news.

>Twitter said it was thrilled to be part of the network "so that we can collaboratively shape best practices, ethical guidelines and tools when it comes to discovering and verifying eyewitness media."


Other urls found in this thread:


>Here are the news sources you can trust, goyim. Don't question them.

One World Government starts with One World Media

Deus Ex


all the current partners


Gee, what a surprise to see some familiar logos.

>online misinformation and improve news quality on social networks

Nice censorship.

I unironically want this to happen

If a place like Sup Forums can occur in a relatively free speech internet, imagine what would basically happen in a restricted one

It would be full of assdevastated lads wanting to freely express themselves. It would make more normal people who would otherwise not visit such a free speech website do it

Kinda like the Streisand effect


>first draft
I already don't like it.

>seeking to filter out online misinformation and improve news quality on social networks
Now I really don't like it, especially considering how Twitter loves to remove hashtags from trending.

>which is backed by Jewgle
Even worse.

>Tired of being exposed to news reports you suspect have little or no factual basis? So are Twitter and Facebook.
Of course they're tired of not being able to force feed people select news stories.
>news reports you suspect have little or no factual basis

>Twitter said it was thrilled to be part of the network
wew lad

i've never seen a better example of Problem, Reaction, Solution than this.

they censored and created their own false headlines, forcibly trended libtard bullshit, now they want to make a standard for their censorship? we'll need to liquidate these kikes soon.

>filter out
>improve news

In other words, report only what they want their sheep to know.

Doesn't the same guy own like 20 of those companies?


>Buzzfeed News

It's hard to believe this piece of shit clickbait site that moot used to advertise on here is now accepted as a legit news organization.

>all those companies/organizations are left leaning
>all those groups are trying to make sure they all can push they exact same narrative, drowning out any other opinions/facts

Personally, it's scary when a poster from Vietnam is showing us how fucked up or media is

I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Correct the Record 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO

Are you ready to revolt yet, armed Ameribros?

Reporting to you live, from Picus.