>same exact replicant who received her illegal real memory miraculously becomes a detective, gets the Bautista case AND finds the inscription on the tree?
Denis you're drunk
>same exact replicant who received her illegal real memory miraculously becomes a detective, gets the Bautista case AND finds the inscription on the tree?
Denis you're drunk
Other urls found in this thread:
All of the underground resistance also has that memory
The resistance that interacts with the guy in the ship?
>looks like an absolute qt in the film and I want to spend my life cuddling her
>ugly bugly in all the pictures I've seen of her irl
I am very disappointed
this wtf
>Carla Juri
Doesn't make sense at all.
How would they find out they have the same memory.
Oh yeah, the movie where she talks about hemorrhoids and how bad her asshole stinks. Is she /ourgirl/?
Villeneuve definitely has patrician taste if he casted her from seeing this movie.
>"we all thought we were the one"
it's called subtlety
so this numale flick is as gross as the poster indicates? good to know
Still doesn't make sense.
How could they be aware that their memory has something more to it since they never saw that inscription on the tree like Ryan did.
Did she know who she was?
Numales didn't exist in 2013.
Why else would she lie to K?
It's because of what K saw in the tree that he starts to believe THAT specific memory has more to it.
The point is, any replicant that saw that thing in the tree would feel the same and probably do the same he did.
K is not special. K just happened to be the replicant that saw that mark on the tree.
What sets K apart is how the hologram Joi made him feel and he chose to bring Deckard to his daughter INSTEAD of joining the replicant revolution.
Without Joi or the replicant revolution that at first thought it was something they could remove from the film the movie would fall apart. For me at least.
>Man when I was a kid the other kids tried to steal my horse
>Oh shit that same thing happened to me
>BRO me too
they are all aware they were never kids and got a bunch of implanted memories for their childhood so I doubt they talk about it much
numales have always existed in some way
Pretty sure when she said they all wished they were the one she literally just meant that. I really don't think it implied they all had the same memory.
Not only that, iirc, when the police chief asks K something about his memories you can see they really doesn't give too much importance since they "know" they're fabricated, they're only an emotional cushion.
Don't remember the exact lines but it was something in those lines.
God damn this movie keeps getting better with all this small important stuff.
So you know how we're trying to protect the mythical figurehead child of our entire social movement. I have the best idea! Lets implant her childhood memories into each and every one of our footsoilders for no reason!
kinda makes sense.
I think it is not so totally set in stone whether every one of the undergrounders have that memory, like its more poetic if Stelling gave it out to only one replicant as a call of despair likely to go unheard rather than slamming it into every one that comes across her desk. Also, if they all had that memory, they would probably be able to figure out who the daughter was which would be shit security (I guess it still was because goose found her, but it would be even shittier and her cover would already be blown)
And what did they mean when they said "We all thought we were the one."(Did they actually say that verbatim? i don't recall exactly)? like if they had that memory, but didn't know it was special, why would they think they're the one? They never found the wooden horse or the furnace to verify the memory, they never talked to Stelling...
Also, right after Joi gets stomped on, K is walking in the rain and sees the sexual Joi ad and it speaks to him: Is that a hallucination/daydream/ or is the ad actually interacting with him like that?
They all know they have fabricated memories, the only way multiple Wallace replicants can have the same memory is because there are more replicants than memories which would mean having the same memory would be pretty common.
For me it's just a regular add. And it's probably the most important scene in the movie.
It's in that moment that he's set free to actually do what he wants instead of doing what he's told.
In that moment he choose to bring Deckard to his daughter instead of killing him and joining the revolution, or simply go on with his shitty life (since Wallace didn't care for him anymore ever since Luv left him to die in Vegas because they captured Deckard).
The ad is interacting with him. He just realizes he's an average Joe and the AI probably says the same things to everyone. So he decides to help the cause against Wallace industries which is Stelline, her dad and her clan of replicants.
Wallace wanted K to die, Luv just didn't want to execute her secret husbando.
Well I never said this movie was smart, I was just pointing out something obvious
To me, the whole premise that the characters from the previous movie are now the parents of replicant Jesus and the most important people in the universe is fucking stupid in the first place
I don't think you got that Deckard and the replicant revolution are on the same team.
Rachel was the best Android ever made so it makes sense.
Nu males exist since at least 2007 or whenever Big Bang Theory came out, and even then that's a parody of that kind of people so they existed before that.
When she says "There's a little bit of the creator in each memory" or whatever I think she doesn't necessarily put the same memory into each replicant. Like she just randomly tosses some of her own memories in as filler. K may not be the only one with the furnace memory, but he's the only one who traced it back to her.
It does make sense and it's properly explained within the movie, I just think it's stupid to bring up overt yahweh and jesus metaphors into a sequel to a pretty small scale story. Nowadays everything has to be about the fate of the universe in some way or another and it's pretty tiring.
The movie was pretty well made for what it was aside from Jared Leto playing a cartoon though, I just disagree with how they handled the premise. Why was Leto even in the movie?
the revolution told K to kill deckard tho
They were until the point where he's captured and since he can lead Wallace to the child, the revolution wants him dead.
I honestly believe Wallace didn't gave a shit about ANY replicant. He couldn't care less about K after Luv captured Deckard.
Like, he slashes a newborn replicant just because she couldn't have children. He doesn't give a shit about replicants that don't perform their jobs anymore.
You didn't get it.
I guess it's like, too deep for me man
OK hear me out.
What if Wallace knows who Stelline is and purposefully implants her memories in detective replicants in order to find and torture Deckard because Deckard is the only human who ever saw Rachel's fertile vagina in action and that's the only thing he needs.
That would explain Luv saying "do your fucking job detective"
> Jared Leto playing a cartoon though, I just disagree with how they handled the premise. Why was Leto even in the movie?
I honestly don't know. It was the only character in the movie I didn't like, and it felt out of place.
Tyrell was awesome. I guess they had to move away from him to the exact opposite, but it failed, at least for me.
That makes no sense.
Actually explains everything
Jesus Christ
I don't even understand his plan. Replicant reproduction seems to me more trouble than anything else, if they can reproduce at will rebels will be able to boost their ranks while you're gonna have to wait 20 years to get a grown worker every single time
If resource scarcity is the issue, why not recycle corpses?
Well, surely one of them would. It's a good, subtle way to reveal the truth.
It's not a numale flick. It's a gross-out comedy with daddy issue undertones.
I'm hesitant about watching this. Would like to see more of her, but I'm afraid it would ruin the impression her BR character made.
Why did they say they all thought they were the one if none of them saw the mark. Doesn't make sense.
It definitely would. Oh how it would.
>it would ruin the impression his BR character made.
Who said that only the goose had this memory implanted? The movie heavily implies that a lot of replicants shared the same horse memory.
>What sets K apart is how the hologram Joi made him feel
You mean the same hologram every other shlub in 2049 has?
Stupidest. Shit. Ever.
Why did they give that memory to replicants anyway?
No, what he means is the giant ad which made him realise that he was never special to JOI because she's telling that shit to every customer.
I'll probably go and see 2049 again before I make the jump
I don't know, the Goose is the Goose to me no matter what his current on-screen baseline is
>he movie heavily implies that a lot of replicants shared the same horse memory.
Not really.
They wouldn't know they context of the memory anyway since only K found the horse.
That was a trademark for the "Mind-Operating-System" used in Replicants heads.
Unicorn = Unix
Gnu-linux = Poor-man's OS
No, they needed Stelline to reverse engineer a borned replicant instead of the normal made. They only needed Deckard to reveal the location of the child, which he actually does not even know
Nobody was even aware that there's a replicant child until K turned up at the popo station with Rachael's bones in the first place
literally Lars and Joi the sequel
so nasty!!
>Nobody was even aware that there's a replicant child
the Resistance was
Duuuh its almost like he is a plant and the resistance has a pretty far reach.
Its almost like the movie wants to tell you something there... like "life is what you make of it" or something.
>before I make the jump
Well, just be warned: Even though it's not a "numale flick", it's still not necessarily a good movie... Just the sort of movie that kinda tries too hard, you know. And even if you're into depraved shit, the "wacky" comical undertone makes it unfappable.
spoiler that shit you fucking asshole
She was fugly in the film too
videogenic, not photogenic
or rather "kinegenic", since that would quite literally refer to her image being in motion.
The most tragic thing about K's story is that none of it really matters when you think about it - in fact, he's only made it worse. The entire plot can only happen because of him and his trajectory. If K doesn't kill Sapper, then the discovery of the remains never happens, which means Deckard stays in exile, nobody hunts him or the girl and the resistance continues to do what they've been doing.
He doesn't stop Wallace, he doesn't change the world. Replicants aren't liberated because of him. The girl and the resistance would have followed the same path regardless of his involvement. All he did was reunite a father and daughter and get a bunch of people killed a long the way.
Deckard and the girl are in even more danger now, because Niander KNOWS about their existence, his theory and ultimate desire has been confirmed and now he NEEDS the girl - who he, up until K's discovery, didn't know even existed.
K's "purpose", his entire arc, is ultimately unnecessary. Not inconsequential, because his actions will haw serious ramifications, but had K never found Sapper, nothing would have changed in the end.
His redemption only makes things worth for everyone else in the story.
She didn't say that. She said "You had imagined it was you? Oh, you did! You did. We all wish it was us. That's why we believe."
Kill yourself you retard, it's a shitty flick.