The fuck happened?
The fuck happened?
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I will tell you a secret american, white people were always gay and tranny looking.
Only Felipe V and Felipe VI are Borbon
>that habsburg chin
Phiip IV really was a hideous creature
No need to tell, look at their degenerate Habsbourg faces...
The world switched from black and white to color
that was what made slapping the darkies around so entertaining
I think this is an interesting argument against monarchists. Look at these fucked up inbred members of royalty- they are this way because they and the other royal families consider themselves their own tribe, separate from their own people, and would rather inbreed with themselves then marry a beautiful common girl from their own tribe even though she's one of theirs. As a result they end up just working in their own interests instead of in the interests of their nation
He's 1'97m and quite good-looking.
I'll make you eat those words.
What about felipe?
We stopped being faggots
shame because if people actually tried we could get fancy 40k esq clothes for royals/novles
The Habsburg line of Spain died out, and with them the golden age of the country
Nice comfort meme, white trash.
The elite, including royals, are on average much better looking, smarter, and healthier than the average of the rest of the population.
Can Obama fly fighter jets?
Our King is literally Bill Pullman in Independence Day.
Before VI were paintings
Are we going to have a queen next?
all our queens but one were shit tier unlike bongisland
With Leonor we are going to retake our Empire.
it's time
Masons took over
Why do you contrarian faggots insist on using metric? Stop being a fucking hipster it's annoying
You call yourself a Canadian and you don't use the Metric system!?
We don't use metric here, it's only officially used for celsius and kilometres but that's stupid faggpt European French Islamic communist republican bullshit. I'm Anglo, I'm a monarchist, I'm a Christian I use the British Imperial System
>short shorts
That gorilla needs to go back to the zoo. Fucking disgusting.
So you're an Anglocan Catholic who moved from Britain to Canada?
No, my parents moved here from Hungary. I am ethnically Hungarian but I am culturally Anglo and consider myself to be 100% pure Anglo
>ethnically Hungarian
>culturally Anglo
Wheres the attack helicopter pasta when you need it,
whitest people in spain, they almost look as white as southern french, how can moo-... spaniards identify with them?
And people say spain isn't white.
Whiter than America for sure
spaniards are as white as southern french mostly..
I'm not Hungarian in any way shape or form, when I went to primary we had a portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II in the main office of he school, we learnt about the glory of the British Empire, we read British books, watched British television shows and listened to British music. I am Anglo!
János the anglo
French genes
And Argentina is white.
Basedness with the Trastamara.
Lots of inbreding with the moronic kraut.
Then we stole the french king and kept him. We're still waiting for the ransom btw.
Joan Rivers was right
Anglo-Saxon my ass
>Kafka shirt
That's cause they're not spanish
Philip V. was half french and half austrian/german
>Muh ancestors
that was fucking 300 years ago.
I want to protect that disgust towards plebs.
That's my grandpas name not mine
They're white in France
I am pure Anglo, stop denying it
Charles did not learn to speak until the age of four nor to walk until eight,[6] and was treated as virtually an infant until he was ten years old. His jaw was so badly deformed (an extreme example of the so-called Habsburg jaw) that he could barely speak or chew. Fearing the frail child would be overtaxed, his caretakers did not force Charles to attend school. The indolence of the young Charles was indulged to such an extent that at times he was not expected to be clean. When his half-brother Don Juan José of Austria, an illegitimate son of Philip IV, obtained power by exiling the queen mother from court, he covered his nose and insisted that the king at least brush his hair.[citation needed]
Charles's own immediate pedigree was almost exclusively populated with close relative relationships: Charles's mother, Mariana of Austria, herself a Habsburg, was a niece of his father, Philip. Mariana was a daughter of Empress Maria Anna of Spain (1606–46) and Emperor Ferdinand III. Thus Maria Anna was simultaneously his aunt and grandmother while Margaret of Austria, Maria Anna's mother, was both his grandmother and great-grandmother. The inbreeding was so widespread in his case that all of his eight great-grandparents were descendants of Joanna and Philip I of Castile. This inbreeding had given many in the family hereditary weaknesses that Habsburg generation was more prone to still-births than were peasants in Spanish villages.
>Letizia Ortiz
>not spanish
How to tell someone has never taken a look at the history of the house of Bourbon
They're pretty much anything but Spanish
They're part French, German, Austrian and recently danish
>implying Letizia is Bourbon
wew Achmet
Pol said spain isnt white
I confused
meant these two
Letizia Ortiz is the first spanish blood that got into the family since the House of Bourbon took over
Fuck off, Kafka is awesome.
Fuck you Lithu. Kafka is brilliant.
Not the first, Isabel II fuck a Captain of Royal Guard Enrique Puigmoltó y Mayans, due her husband was gay
It's happened with all european powers, that they are inherited by foreign kings
but there's been spanish blood in all spanish kings, else they wouldn't have claims to spanish kingdom: for example the first foreign king, charles, was half spanish half kraut, not full kraut, and ended up being more spanish than german even though he ruled the hre
He ain't a Hapsburg descended from the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
He's a Bourbon.
We know that Tyrone
And Louis XIV of France traced his lineage as a 21st-generation descendant (through the line of the kings of Navarre) of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar a.k.a the Cid. Checkmate Bourbons
He was also an 18th-generation descendant of Sancha of Castille, daughter of Alphonso IV. So much for "French" nobility!
I know, I'm just saying that they don't look like a spanish person because their not ethnically spanish
What a literal faggot
His job is to ensure a heir, if he likes dicks or not should come after that on his priority list
The Spanish Hapsburgs died out and were replaced by the Bourbons.
I thought all the royals are related to El Cid thought his daughter/daughters.
So you're claiming the current Spanish king is cool because he descended from a legendary Spanish knight?
"We wuz heroes and and shiet.'
Tfw will make Germano-Med masterrace offspring with my Spanish gf and nothing will stop me.
I think the first guy is Charles V in his teens. That guy was a real badass. Holy Roman Emperor.
That is Phillip of Bourgogne, Carlos's father
How long until our girl und panzer with our little princesses?
>Hollande's puzzled face because he is a manlet that did not learn
>Phillip smugness in historic high
Here is old man Carlos 1, Charles V... Holy Roman Emperor.
Ebony armor.
He's the first guy in the picture above.
its his daddy, some pussy called "the handsome" or "the beautiful"
We are good at stabbing and fucking.
And el cid was the best at both.
Calos... badass.
Black horse, loves getting portraits in black armor with gold trim.
pol is satire friend, everyone knows that
No he's not, the OPs image pictures all the Philipp kings in Spain, not Charles I
Supposed to be Charles V, Carlos as a child/teen.
Emperor Carlos had some awesome taste in armor. Such badass portraits.
Grim dark background, black bird, white horse, awesome black armor again.