Guess who's red?
Red again
Buckeyes red
Tell a shill
Guess who's red?
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So does winning Ohio basically give Trump the presidency or what?
No but it helps
>voting for Shilldawg
He needs New Cuba, but after that it's a walk home
>johnson chance of winning
Forgot image
Insulted a veteran's mom then called for gunowners to shoot Clinton. Two gaffes so close together finally got him to watch his fucking mouth and shift to general election mode. As long as he's not controversial, people start remembering how much they dislike Clinton.
hillary's post convention bump
DNC plus that dead Muslim soldier's parents everyone forgot about
Red is the color of the left.
Blue is the color of the right.
Time to give the commies back their flag.
New Cuba
He needs to flip a blue state.
He stopped doing (saying)retarded shit and doing things a politician does, like visiting black communitys.
Seriously that's it he's being normal.
>tfw Buckeye alum
>tfw live in Cuyahoga County now and still registered in Franklin
What do lads? Go to the DMV?
I am a pretty fair minded person but this is just getting ridiculous. Skewing and squirming and adjusting on the fly. No wonder Jews fear 0vens.
Legit shilling against Trump.
>mfw ohio
>haven't seen or heard of a hillary supporter
>people literally keep their bernie shit out and refuse to vote for her or are full on deplorable baskets
This is fun
Ask for an absentee ballot, or go vote early
The Clinton Subpoena Dodge
Lawmaker issues subpoena to FBI for Clinton probe records
Hillary Clinton Aide Who Set Up Her Private Email Server Had ‘No Security Clearance’
Voters doubt Clinton's pneumonia explanation, poll shows
now-cast vs polls-only cast. shillary has an extremely small lead in ohio on average but the newer polls show trump solid ahead (which is the "now-cast")
Ohio here can confirm.
People here love trump, then Bernie, then hill
>tfw no Trump/Kasich 2016
>Johnson tanks and trump skyrockets
Looks like all these news casters and pollsters saying third party candidates are stealing votes from Hillary were all lying shills
I live in ohio, but they keep rejecting me when i mail in my info to register.
Also i need a voter id card to get a po box so it is doubly fucking frustrating.
An often overlooked pattern:
If a candidate wins Ohio AND PA, they win the election.
If a candidate wins Ohio OR PA, and they win FL, they win the election.
How is Trump doing in FL? Since PA is cucked.
>tfw PA would be a lock if it wasn't for Philly
just carpet bomb this city already
So the map realistically looks something like this?
What does Trump need to win?
Oh yeah, kinda forgot it's not just hillary tanking
A leppo is also going down
Anyone have that list of trump milestones with the "you are here
What year did that occur? I'm talking about a pattern that has been observed since about 1900 give or take 1 or 2 elections.
This year he will need OH, NV, FL/PA and NH/CO
The electoral college is fucked
Either Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Virginia or New Hampshire
This is judging from current polls.
PA is cucked.
PA and VA are off the table unless the polls are completely wrong
Trump is up consistently in Iowa, I believe.
Trump is always doing better than polls show and his turnout is always higher. No way he can't win Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and West Virginia. Statisticians don't take into account things that they can't measure. We know conservatives are shy, we know the polls question people who have already voted several times and compared they're behaviour from 20+ years ago with today. There's a YUGE number of disillusioned people who just don't vote and Trump/Sanders appeal to them, and I'm not sure sanders' supporters are about to come out in droves for hill. Remember how Trump got more primary votes than any other republican candidate?
*More than any other republican candidate in history
Do you really think the US ""elections"" are not scripted?
It's a gigantic bribe festival, even dead Clinton will win...
>There hasn't been an Islamic attack in days Mr. Trump.
The polls are completely wrong
Welp, I must pray to kek that he at least flips Wisconsin (HRC avg 4.4% lead there) to get 270 based on map in:
>the polls are completely wrong
Look, I hate shillary as much as the next guy, but there's simply too many blacks in Filthadelphia for trump to make up for in the rural counties. I'd say he'd have a better chance flipping VA
Red again! Red again!
Tell me again!
It's red again!
Only in USA
No republican has won the presidency without Ohio. Ohio is a kind of a litmus test for politics.
>New Cuba
It used to be backwards, but it changed because Red and Republican both start with R.
He's going to flip the whole rust belt
I'd say give trump iowa and make NH grey
Ohio is the most miserable staye I've been in. It's worse than Mississippi. At least over there you don't run into a gorrilion pot holes.
Descendant of Cubans here, he will win FL.
Trumps numbers never really changed, people were just too ashamed to answer that they are voting for him when the polling station called.
>tfw caucused for Trump in MN and even made my parents caucus with me... something they have never done.
>tfw making sure my parents, sisters, brother-in-law, etc all vote Trump in the general
>doing this all despite the simple fact that Trump will never take Minnesota
If you live in a swing state... you better be pulling your weight. Start giving your family and friends some low dosage trump pills.
Michigan is going red for Trump. There is unreal support here for him, and the black community in Detroit is more or less endorsing him, outside of Ann Arbor, Trump has this in the bag.
All of this is moot point since Hillary Clinton will not be in the country come Nov 8th. She is using health issues as cover to "disappear" as the pressure on her is getting too hot and chances are Trump would prosecute her after becoming President.
CO is cucked dude to the influx of weedmans
>living in a Swedish colony
You guys would only vote Republican if it meant getting black semen every single hour for free.
After the hillary fainting thing he is up 5, after the debate whether or not hill shows up he will be up 7-10. he will get 300 electoral votes minimum screencap this
If Florida votes left yet again after the Obama shit then this is truly a shitty state.
btw which site is this? I only know
NH and NV and hes got it.
I live in Ohio (Cleveland) and am pretty neutral. I probably won't vote for president in this election. Anecdotally, I do think Trump will win Ohio, and by a good margin. Support for both candidates is relatively low in comparison to previous elections, but especially so for Clinton/Democrats. Relative to previous GOP candidates, Trump seems to have a lot more support here (again, relative to Clinton) than all the elections I can remember (since Bush vs. Gore). Greater Cleveland tends to be very important for winning Ohio. If Dems don't get the large margins of victory they need in this area, they have a very tough time winning Ohio. Cincinnati goes red, Columbus is usually split pretty evenly, and Cleveland typically goes deep blue. I don't see that happening this election. Even in gentrified areas of the city, I am not seeing much support for Hillary/Dems and I think the anti-Hillary fervor from the Sanders campaign has a lot to do with it. I'm seeing little movement/action on both sides since the conventions around here, which is more typical for the GoP, but not for Dems. I don't even think the black communities are going to come out in big numbers for her and Cleveland has a relatively large hispanic population that doesn't seem as fazed by Trump's stance on immigration as the Dems want them to be. Most of them have been here for generations and/or are Puerto Rican and thus everybody in their extended families are natural born citizens. The urban hispanic population here does not align with that of most other cities.
Again. Trump isn't particularly popular here, but he isn't much less popular than GoP candidates have been in the past. I think there are a lot of people who won't come out to vote, and that will really hurt Hillary. She will still win, Dems will just always win here, even more as the demographics change. Still, I think Trump will outperform previous GoP candidates in the area and will carry Ohio more easily than people are predicting.
In all fairness and even though this state doesn't deserve it... Minnesota is pretty traditional once you get out of the cities and parts of the NE.
Politically the state is a pit.
I visit my girlfriend who goes to case from Akron and I have to pass through shaker, I counted 2 signs for Hillary around there.
Nuke NYC and you have a traditional white state. Or Chicago. Or LA and San Fransico.
Even if he wins, I'm still going to be extremely disappointed that even 40% of this God forsaken country would rather vote for a corrupt to the core, black hearted amoral criminal corpse than Donald Trump. Seriously, if after all that's been revealed about her at this point, you still vote for her, then you have to be some major sort of shit for brains loser. And the fact that they make up such a large proportion of the vote is just unbelievable.
White cucks are really worse than the minorities.
vote Trump you faggot
>Cleveland has a relatively large hispanic population that doesn't seem as fazed by Trump's stance on immigration as the Dems want them to be
Real Clear Politics
Think he could pull it off??
I might. Probably not, but come election day I might just pull the lever for him in a spur of the moment decision. I'm not a fan of his protectionist trade policies and I don't think immigration from across the southern border is as much a problem as he makes it out ti be. I would prefer he focused on immigration from the Arab world and the escalating situation with Russia. I won't vote for him unless he proves to me that he understands the situation in the middle east with some nuance and he has a real plan to deal with illegal immigrants already here. Until he can do that, I won't vote for him. If he does, I'll consider it.
>I don't think immigration from across the southern border is as much a problem as he makes it out ti be
The only real downside to Mexican immigration is their willingness to vote for Democrats and for gun control.
"We're gonna put a lot of coal miners out of business."
so what happens when the 8% supporters of johnson vote for trump because of mah gunz ?
Nevada, Wisconsin, he will and needs to win
His solution is cuckoldry that forfeits the future, but he provides the figures and the most rational analysis.
tl;dr - if we don't cut off and deport them, the country is doomed by demographics to politics more like those of Venezuela or Brazil than the US.
Just Wisconsin is enough.
If Trump wins...
Will SJW activity decrease or increase?
Increase, but they won't be effective. That is not a bad thing however. The SJWs largly won't have kids, the white demographic is turning right wing due to leftwingers not having kids above replacement levels
This is it.
As Ohio goes, so goes the nation.
Going back to 1900, Ohio has only been wrong twice when predicting the president and has been correct ever since 1964.
So trump is fucked then?
Pennsylvania has voted Democrat every election since 1988
no but ohio is essential for either side
Hopefully they all kill themselves or move to Canada. Leafs wouldn't even notice anything had happened.
I get chills every time I watch this speech:
nothing about this election cycle has been predictable. your old superstitions don't apply here.
How in the hell are Nevada and New Mexico blue?
>Leafs wouldn't even notice anything had happened.
Good point.
It's a big, big ask. But if he can pull it off, he will be counted among the very best to ever lead a nation. When you mention Caesar, Napoleon, Alexander, Washington, never ever forget the name of Donald J. Trump