Why exactly do Boomers consistently look at Millennials as if everything in the world is their fault, instead of the shitty worthless Gen X'ers?
Why exactly do Boomers consistently look at Millennials as if everything in the world is their fault...
Never really thought of that being an issue... looking back I do only use paper towels while my parents use napkins.
Paper napkins are cheap garbage barely stronger than toilet paper. This is the free market pressuring a shitty industry to improve its products. There is nothing wrong with this.
Pretty much, you take a paper towel, you fold it, ayy look at that it's like a paper napkin or something
Everything is the boomers' fault. They are in no position to point fingers at anyone.
I would rather ask where that obsession to slap a label onto everything, even something as uncontrollable as your date of birth, comes from.
It's not like those generations form a unified block of people who all hold the same opinions and world views.
"Here's your economy, bro."
Lol is this a fucking Onion article or something? Try keeping up with industry trends rather than sitting on your ass, Boomers.
Gen X'ers are complete scum, much worse than boomers.
Top Yarharharhohoho
>not using washable cloth
Why are millennial so retarded?
>why am I so poor D;
>buys paper towels weekly
>$5+ of expensive, yet shit coffee daily
>buys new clothes yearly, if not seasonally
>bitches about not being homeowner, yet refuse to love anywhere other than luxury/semi luxury areas, concept of starter home in working class neighborhood incomprehensible
lol at millenials, just LOL
Are Jews the masters of yellow journalism?
who the fuck would buy napkins to use for home? Just take handfulls from the nearest restaurant for free
>working class neighborhood
These don't exist anymore. There are decent, cheaper, lower-middle-class neighborhoods but the "working class" has become an unemployed, lumpyproletariat.
Older generation always hates the new one. We millenials will hate the next one in a few decades too.
Damn and I thought I was the only one who never gets napkins, only paper towels.
>blaming millenials
>blaming gen x
>blaming boomers
Pick the third one.
I'm gen x and napkins are for faggots. Use a paper towel. Who the fuck has baking. Who the fuck cares about the napkin industry.
Even my autocorrect hates napkins
Why the fuck would I want some tiny as shit square that's only good in one circumstance, over using paper towels which have multi-purpose
oh shit people don't by paper napkins the sky is falling. lets not bring up the fact that young people can't afford to buy houses or don't get married and start families anymore
t. Mr Baby Boomer
It comes from positivist thinking that makes American science quite blind to the extent of their generalizations, also the reason why the cliques are so divided, they embrace their label, becoming snowflakes.
I'm pretty sure napkins and paper towels are made by the same industry so I'm not sure how they reached their conclusion that buying one over the other is killing the paper goods industry.
Who the fuck would buy napkins? Just buy the paper towels that rip into half, they are a better product.
Millenials are inheriting a failed system, and the two preceding generations are projecting their own failure onto them. It's so trendy to hate the millenials, everything is their fault, even dying markets for shitty, useless products.
What a non-issue.
What are the pros and cons of napkins over paper towels at the dinner table?
It's the Boomer's fault that something as useless as a napkin exists in the first place
>implying This is millennial exclusive
When you grow up poor, you don't buy napkins, you buy fucking paper towels. Napkins are a luxury item, and now companies are finding out that the dying middle class aren't buying luxury items anymore
I use a paper towel, or napkin.
But since I live the Bachelor life, the kitchen / bathroom sink works great too.
I don't even buy paper towels I just use rags to clean shit up and then wash them
that's why you have cholera
Why can't people accept that humans change, life changes and the world changes? Millennials are the driving force behind many changes, but still. Just deal with it, idiots.
whatever you say my Nipponese friend
Napkins belong in restaurants and house parties because they look nice, that's it. What sort of weirdo uses napkins for everyday cleanup in their own damn house?
"Millennial" is easier to say. It's prettier than "Gen-X'ers are killing..."
I know right, it's fr*cking 2016!
But Gen X did kill a lot of these things. I have only met a few Gen X parents that weren't addicted, unemployed and not looking, or just irresponsible in general.
Aesthetics > Factuality.
>cereals too much work too eat
>bring out bowl
>put cereal
>pour milk
Someone with disposable income who doesn't care about being wasteful.
Most people I know use paper towels. They don't disintegrate and you get more surface area/material compared to spending the same amount on napkins. I would rather buy a bulk package of paper towels for $10 than a few bags of napkins for home use. Who the fuck even uses napkins at home anyway? That shit is for diners and restaurants. I'm not going to use 100000 napkins to wipe up messes or clean surfaces in my house.
This just seems so crazy though. They're basically saying 'fuck this generation for being frugal and not buying into overpriced shitty products and not propping up a silly industry'.
On another note why does the news like to shit on this generation anyway? If there's any misgivings shouldn't they be placed on the generation that raised them into the types that do whatever bad garbage they're complaining about?
>napkin industry
The fuck is actually up with boomers. The older I get, the crazier they seem.
But then you have to clean the bowl. :`
Or like me, saw the economic clusterfuck we're now in and chose not to marry or have kids based on what I saw coming.
Don't need a wife pressuring me to mortgage my future and then divorcing me leaving me with the mess to clean up.
Nope. Women are useless and sex is overrated.
Doesn't the same company make both napkins and paper towls
I tell you hwat, this content-marketing media industrial complex is getting on my nerves. Shut the FUCK up for once.
Yes. Memes and jokes are irrelevant here. Existence simply changes on it's own. Even if people try to stop it fro, changing. It will change regardless.
Gen X'rs are a tiny population who are also the lowest reproducing generation in all of Western history.
They're basically irrelevant, hence their complete non impact on politics.
Oh, and they also had high suicide rates.
They were born too late to be normies, too early to be robots.
>Millenials boost the paper towel industry
Remember kids, their success is theirs alone but their failure is your fault. Boomers: not even once.
Also obligatory:
>1 post by this ID
this jesus fucking christ, how is this an issue?
It's not Gen X or Gen Y or Gen Z's fault.
Ever since Boomers started running things ~30ish years ago, they've consistently rigged the political, social, and economic systems of the country to actively put everyone but themselves at a disadvantage.
It's pretty rare that I'll biy napkins. Like most peoole I'll use a paper towel if there is nothing else but i usually have a lot of free napkins from fast food joints. For whatever reason they will give you like a dozen napkins even if all you ordered was a small fry
I'm a millenial and I don't do any of those
Shove it up your better mouth gen x/ boomer
Oh no not the fucking napkins
I have to walk to the store and only have like $30 I can spend on food. Bags of beans, toilet paper, rice, some cheap meat, towels.
1. I don't have any more goddamn money for napkins.
2. I can't afford both a home and car so I use a bike to get to work. I cannot carry jack shit on a bike. I can only take hone what I carry. Napkins are huge and cost more than towels.
3. Gas the jews, race war now. I have advanced degrees in STEM and I am struggling yet my party jew friends that dropped out of liberal arts or highschool are all "chief editor" "Senior Quality Analyst" "Director of marketing" and they all make 6 figures. My own boss is a jew.
4.Tfw I do research for Jews for free while paying extortion prices to them on education that they don't need, and their brat highschool drop out still has the audacity to publish an article complaining that I don't go more into debt to float his family's napkin shares.
>washable cloth master race
Paper towels for covering dishes in the microwave.
I've never bought paper napkins.
Whenever I buy kitchen paper towels, four rolls cost me about 1.50€ and they last for 3 months. And I am a very, very hygienic person who will waste kitchen paper towels for everything.
I actually use bar soap.
Why would you want to give in to the liquid soap jew?
>buy clothes
>they're shit and barely last year beofre I have to fix them/reuse them
You seriously can't compare it, I inherited my grandmothers washing machine she had for 20 years and it still works like clockwork because she took care of it and it's fairly easy to fix with parts still available and cheap. whereas modern apliances break in a couple of years and require special parts that are either nigh impossible to get for regular customer or are part of the whole system and you need to replace it all.
Why the fuck would anyone buy napkins? Just use a washable cloth.
t. poor Slav
>not just wiping your face along the carpet
This. One million times this. Its why even Hollywood has had a near 1billion loss this year. You crush the middle class, then blame the upcoming would-be middle class that can't afford luxuries
>not using your curtains/drapes
>having curtains/drapes
Look at Mr Hollywood over here.
>not using those free newspapers they keep throwing at your house to block out the sunlight
Gen X bought CDs, if it wasn't for Gen X, the members of Superchunk would have never been able to put their kids through college.
Music sucks today because Millenials killed the music industries business model.
>the napkin industry
Well, that and blatant Hollywood brand kikery getting bad enough and so blatant that even normies laugh when you subtly joke about culturally-enriched remakes.
Generations may not create a unified point of view, but each generation has it's distinct characteristics and follow a (rather wide) path in which you can identify certain traits, preferences, ideals and views.
World is evolving fast and generations evolve faster though. Right now, generations happen every year, every month even.
The obsession of labeling is just poor thought from journalists, who have dragged journalism as low as their own will to tell the truth.
Because the truth is the boomer generation is just as fucking retarded as every other generation. They just need something to latch onto and blame because they're not smart enough to understand how economics work, and how their own generation fucked every future one over.
Liquid body soap is shit, a regular bar of soap is the best for showers
For hand soap foaming liquid dispensers are the most economic and hygienic
Good, the business model was great for buying new cars for some grandson of some record producer from the 60s, it certainly didn't produce great music.
Bands should be forced to break up after the third album
lmao, I do this and so does my bro.
paper towels vastly superior
Just once I want Sup Forums to not be right
Don't be disrespectful to your boss. You should be glad he hired you in the first place.
Holy shit, that's too much work.
Because gen x is their first child while gen y is the last child. All parents love their first children more than the last.
Go see some fucking movies rrreeeeeeee
Most gen X parents were either WW2 generation or silent generation.
I prefer a paper towell over a napkin when I eat as well
This, I'm honestly starting to hate jews.
Gen X were born in the 70s, why would those parents have more kids in the 90s?
The fuck is up with this faggots thumbs!
All i'm seeing is a bunch of piss poor Millennial shit stains who can't even buy a fucking napkin
You can't even afford that
Don't sweat it though you can come paint my fence while i sit on the porch and laugh.
>implying you have a porch
Maple nigger.
>have no money
>expect them to spend it on cloth napkins
Fuck off
i do it's quite nice ameriboo
you should come paint my fence and shovel my sidewalks i'll give you 5 bucks a week
plenty for a young strappin dipshit millennial who'll blow it all on crack or whatever hip hop shit you pump into your veins
I someone should photoshop some old
Timey versions
>missionary genneration is killing the horse buggy industry!
>flappers are ending marriage!
>the g.i's spell the death of American downtowns!
>not using cloth napkins at the dinner table
Fucking plebs.
Your banter is shit, leaf.
Calm down before I rev up the leafblower m8.
>I have sidewalks
Implying you do maple nigger.
god damn, I hate whiny idiots who don't understand supply and demand
But why do I even want to buy paper napkins? I prefer paper towels over stupid paper napkins any day. And If guess come over I have cloth napkins.
If I went to someones house for dinner and they put povertypaper on the table I would leave.
You share a woman with your brother?
I said I have cloth napkins for guests.
you don't?