First youtube jews him out of all his "hatespeech" revenue, and now the (((banks))) have frozen all his assets!
>Has adressed the (((media)))
>Just adressed the (((banks)))
Politics is next, GET READY
First youtube jews him out of all his "hatespeech" revenue, and now the (((banks))) have frozen all his assets!
>Has adressed the (((media)))
>Just adressed the (((banks)))
Politics is next, GET READY
>First youtube jews him out of all his "hatespeech" revenue
Good. Maybe now he can get a real job.
Trump or Pepe should send him an offer
I don't understand his appeal.
Brofists and poorly implimented memes
I would like this guy more if he didn't make $124 million by just talking over video games. How the fuck does that even happen?
Hes funny sometimes but at this point hes an unstoppable viral meme. You couldn't kill PEWDIEPIE with a nuke. It would just make him stronger.
>On a self hate mission to cleanse youtube for my sins
Da Jews fucked up
He'll name them, and all of his young fans will hear him
Goddamn (((they))) are retarded over Memetics
I'm opposed to jews being jews but this is just good for Pewdepie, he really needs to start working like a real human bean
what did he meant by that
that's funny, the media is dragging him through shit for not disclosing information, but the media doesn't mention that pewds did disclose his sponsorship and other youtubers didn't.... so they're making money by failing to disclose information.
just another reason to never click on an article hosted by polygon, like we didn't already have enough
video related what is actually happening
>another viral thread
just report it lads
I like pewdiepie I was one of his first subscribers. I dont find him that funny anymore, but I do think he's legitimately a good person. It's just his fanbase is fucking retarded.
>it was someone from Sup Forums
really makes you think...
>on a self hate mission to cleanse youtube for my sins
He's right there with you. Stop hating.
Wait hol up. The banks froze his assets? That's fucking hilarious.
>pewds did disclose his sponsorship
One line in video's description isn't enough by FTC requirements. He had to indicate sponsorship verbally and by text on screen.
This is the Felix that has become a phoenix. A person who has burned himself and returned from the ashes with a burn notice.
He is savage as fuck now and capable of shitposting his way into millions. He is just rubbing it in people's face and slowly redpilling people over stupid shit. He basically has the only authority on jewtube to call them out on their bullshit and not get shut down.
oh how have the mighty have fallen
fuck him
Someone tried to buy a 26k computer and froze his bank account.
He did more than all the other youtubers
>"On a self-hate mission to cleanse youtube for MY SINS"
He browses Sup Forums, he understands cringe, he knows how to pander, he is rich enough, he wants to do the right thing.
And the right thing is to gas all the jews
according to the video those guidelines weren't established until the year after the video was published, which is easy to believe
>implying that wasnt a false flag from the (((banks)))
This video has some insane subliminal messages when he talks through the Sup Forums meme known as "Ainsley"
Did u watch pewds vid. Vid in question is 2014, guidelines didn't come out till 2015
So im guessing the kikes autosaged this thread already.
Pewdiepie is like the wiggles. A children's entertainer. He has the right to earn money for his craft
yup, check out this video. TIME TO BREAK OUT OF THE KEKSHED SVEN!
This, he entertains kids and is not intentionally pushing Jewish Indoctrination. Pewdiepie is a good boy. He dindu nuffin wrong. He was just giving the masses what they wanted (it worked) and now he is transitioning into "the stuff legends are made of"
>he has the same glasses
Did you think this was a joke?
He puts subliminal shit all over his videos
>"If the Jewish voice trumpets think they can bypass our countermeasures and intimidate us with their hidden threats, they'd better watch out! Our patience has it's limits! One day we'll shut their dirty, lying Jewish mouths!" - Tinky Winky
Holy shit that anime pillow
>yfw PewDiePie slowly redpills the vast millions of white children under his influence, raising the next generation of fascism
He is far smarter than us.
How is what he is doing now not a real job?
Because he hates his life and people hate when someone is far more successful doing things they enjoy.
yeah adblock is nice none of these youtube faggots deserve money
Can you take this guy to and stop trying to justifying your love for a man who makes videogame videos for children.
I laughed hard at that one
He should get his money into some place that doesn't have hate speech laws.
Sup Forums has jewish mods
They don't allow these threads
Not even jokin, the last 3 times they got "pruned or deleted"
I get that in that Sup Forums doesn't allow celebrity bullshit you can take this to Sup Forums but Sup Forums is practically rebbit.
Fine you win, I won't argue against this being posted here. But keep the cringey shit on the low will ya?
This is an apt description.
With so many subscribers he can make things relevant.
I'm not even a subscriber
I just want to Make America Great Again, Make Sweden Great Again, Make Japan Great Again and Make The World Great Again
I have to clickbait to get bumps, but yeah I will keep the cringe to a minimum and discuss any topic you wish better than most other shitposters.
FYI I only make threads when it's Sup Forums related, I don't shill the vids where he plays cooking simulator with his gf. I maybe average 2-3 threads A WEEK (depending on what he posts and if I check his channel) and many of them only last a few hours
Who is the fuck is this and why is he Sup Forums-related?
He gets MILLIONS of views with every video. Even Trump struggles to get that much coverage per post
>start out as nobody Swedish gamer who uploads videos to youtube
>act retarded
>become the most popular youtuber in the world by acting retarded
>start to feel guilty
>start to get SJW hate because a white man is making money and fucking Italian models while playing vidya
>snap and start browsing Sup Forums
>go full JEWS MUS DIE but keep it subliminal so not to get banned
>twitter bio reads: "On a self-hate mission to cleanse youtube for my sins"
He's a populist white aryan male with an ITALIAN girlfriend and an obsession with JAPANESE CULTURE. He is the 4th Reich personified. "He alone who controls the youth, controls the future." The Axis Powers are coming back, and the world will see this jewish degeneracy exposed for what it is: EVIL.
literally fuck him
he deserves everything that is coming to him
you are only sucking on his dick now because he makes some vague insinuations that appeals to you
>not an argument at all
Fuck you bitch ass jew kike
>Posts video
>3 days later has income of $2500 per month
What is my life.
Literally an entertainer with an expansive fanbase and tons of influence, he might be retarded at times, but he's definitely more successful than you are jelly-boy.
It was enough. The FTC found the game publishers at fault.
>Russian education
>Russian intellectuals
Literally an entertainer who puts more time into his job than into self-care. He works harder than the manbaby NEETS on Sup Forums.
As long as they have a good strong dictator to keep them in line, Slavs can be alright as a people