After seeing 2049, i sincerely hope Nolan will have some sort of ego-trip or a bit of motivation to direct another fantastic sci-fi and try to surpass Villeneuve...No more DC franchise bullshit, no more WW2 films...We want another fucking sci-fi not of Interstellar's caliber...But Inception. (Imo interstellar wasn't horrible but the library tesseract scene near the end kinda ruined the movie for me)...

Fucking hell...Villeneuve is killing it right now...Arrival, Blade runner 2049...Maybe he'll fuck up Dune..Or maybe he'll find a way to make another masterpiece..

But Nolan has some fucking competition right now. Kinda like a Federer/Nadal rivalry

Other urls found in this thread:

competition is good for audiences. we are lucky have them both imho.

hello гeddit

Nolan is Sup Forums

Villnueve is reddit

Christ sake Nolan hasn't made a bad film. He's the only one trying to keep real film alive in this digital age. He's shooting in 70mm u fucking plebs

Villnieve is a fucking hack


I can imagine all the big name directors watching Blade Runner 2049 and going like this

Blade Runner 2049 was shit though. Much, much worse than anything that Nolan has ever made (Inception, TDKR), and that's saying something.

BR and 2049 also has your large meme films. Here's a (You)

>interstellar wasn't horrible but the library tesseract scene near the end kinda ruined the movie for me
>meanwhile a shallow visual spectacle like blade runner 2049 is considered a masterpiece by you

Imagine being a Hollywood director who wants to make a serious blockbuster WW2 movie and then Nolan comes in with a film like Dunkirk. How the fuck do you follow up on that?
Or imagine being a Hollywood director who wants to make a serious blockbuster sci fi movie and then Villeneuve comes in with a film like BR 2049.

You just can't do anything but to try and make an extremely small intimate story because any shot of trying to "outdo" those films in terms of scale and execution will be a horrendous flop. Both of those films are anomalies in the current state of studio infested degenerate Hollywood.

[Tarantino, Cuaron, Innaritu, Abrams, Nolan, Villeneuve sit around a circle, tappin away on their keyboards while James Cameron watches. Someone enters.]
>Kubrick’s Ghost: What’s going on?
>Jim Cameron: They have ten minutes to get root access to a franchise IP or original story, deconstruct it’s philosophical themes and dramatic intricacies, and then interpret all ideas over to an epic blockbuster.
>Kubrick’s Ghost: They’re hacking.
>Jim Cameron: Yes, all behind a Flix Firewall Emulator. But here’s the beauty.
>Kubrick’s ghost: You know I didn’t understand anything you just said, right?
>Jim Cameron: I do know that.
>Kubrick’s Ghost: So, what’s the beauty?
>Jim Cameron: Every tenth line of script written, they have to drink a shot. And hacking supposed to be stealth, so every time the audience detects dishonesty, the director responsible has to drink a shot. I also have a program running that has a pop-up window to their r/movies threads appear simultaneously on all computers. The last director to hit upvote has to drink a shot. Plus every three minutes they all have to drink a shot.

Interstellar is my favorite movie so fuck off with that cunt.

But I agree I hope it inspires Nolan to do something to try and "one-up" as it were.

I found it a very good sequel and well worth the wait.

Beats out inception i m o

>Nolan is Sup Forums
>Villnueve is reddit
Both are great, and you're a fucking idiot.


Living off the legacy of a classic doesn't make anyone a great director.

BR2049 isn't on the level of any top tier Nolan films.

Just because virgin beta males of TV liked the concept of a holographic girlfriend and an asexual obedient hot synth doesn't make it a good film.
Learn to make objective assesments you dipshits.

Fucking hell, bad films became really popular on Sup Forums, i just want all the people who watch shit from hollywood to /leave/

Nolan made 3 bad films in a row.

Nolan has done Inception, The Prestige, TDKR and Insomnia, how are those not bad movies?

Liking either one of those faggots is reddit.

if this isn't bait...

Are you 14?

Villeneuve has Enemy, Prisoners, Sicario and Arrival under his belt and now topped them all with Blade Runner.

Nolan isnt even in the same league anymore.

Mind of a 14 yo pretty much. I wish I could be adult.

>Living off the legacy of a classic doesn't make anyone a great director

As if !...The guy also directed Arrival, Sicario, Prisoners

>says x director has masterpieces
>Lists all the pleb choices

>Fucking hell, bad films became really popular on Sup Forums, i just want all the people who watch shit from hollywood to /leave/

Care to mention your best film of the year you snob cunt ?

Arrival is just okay,
Sicario is also just Okay
Prionesers is DOG shit

It was obviously b8. Prisoners is his only decent flick.

Prisoners is his only great movie. Havent seen BR yet though.

>Inception, The Prestige
Both are great. Insomnia was a remake of a rather average film to begin with. TDKR was disappointing though.

Im between Une Femme Douce and Selfcriticism of a Bourgeois Dog right now, but i still have more stuff to watch, those were my favorites by now, tho.
Call me By Your Name and The Nothing Fabric are also great.

The Prestige is dog shit, and so is anything else with Hugh fuckign Jackman in it.

These two are very similar in style but Dennis is better than Nolan because he's an actual perfectionist while Nolan is a lazy hack with a talent for good looking wide shots.

Disliking Sicario makes you reddit.

I didnt dislike it, its just not great, you have to know a mediocre movie when you watch one, just because you don't watch good movies don't try to act like they dont exist, you just gotta dig lurk some more and watch more stuff and you'll see Villenueve is pretty average for art house directors, he made it to hollywood, tho.
Nolan is indeed worse than him, but that doesnt mean Villenueve is the next Welles or w/e

Villenueve isn't even worthy to carry Nolan's jockstrap you fucking pleb

Inception: Best film of 2010
The Dark Knight Rises: Best film of 2012
Interstellar: Best film of 2014
Dunkirk: Best film of 2017

Nolan takes time to create masterpieces unlike Villeneuve's marvelesque popcorn flicks that he produces every year. I'm literally disgusted that you even had the gall to compare the two.


Dishonest Filmmaking
(Tarantino, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Alex Garland, Paul Thomas Anderson, Nicholas Refn, Tom Hooper, Tyler Perry, Rian Johnson, Alfonso Cuaron, Noah Baumbach, Andrea Arnold, David Yates, Denis Vilenueve, James Franco, Steve McQueen) are intellectually bankrupt moral whores and charlatans; their films appeal to the modern phenomenon of the 'Pretend Epic' or Pseudo Cinema, often tied to the criticism that "It was a movie that thought it was a film" they have no ideas of their own and are filmed purely to have fancy essays made about them. They obfuscate their lack of insight under a smug impenetrable irony and often contain scenes with disingenuous attempts at depth with characters spouting platitudes that the director takes VERY seriously.
This directly panders to the IMDb reddit sensibility of quote circlejerking since these hacks are masters of the fools wit, "Quipping" (Not to be confused with the marvel co-opting of the word) , it sounds smart, cool and worldly but in reality there's nothing of substance, the Revenant's attempt at spiritualism was cheap and laughable and whilst someone like Malick has considered his philosophy, Inaurritu wears his introspection on his sleeve to give his film a false sense of depth with pathetic sermonising.

THIS is Dishonest Filmmaking.

They leech the greater works that preceded them; like The Enemy being a rip off Eraserhead, but they have nothing else to say.
They act under the guise of deconstruction with surface layer obvious 'social commentary' and a quirky forgettable score praised as 'innovative'. They are all inauthentic sycophants that rely on oscar buzz and post 9/11 detachment for relevance.

These directors are hacks and will be forgotten to time.

Some notably earnest filmmakers include, but are not limited to

>Mike Leigh
>The Coen Brothers
>Werner Herzog
>James Cameron
>Mel Gibson
>Terrence Malick
>Gaspar Noe
>Clint Eastwood

Nolan is the choice of brainlets who need everything spelled out.

Seriously that "twist" scene in the prestige with all the flashbacks is the most pleb scene in history.

>Une Femme Douce
Not because you genuinely like it, just because you're a special snowflake who'll pretend to be different from the pleb.
You're worse than the pleb...You're like those Cannes film fest judges who gives palm d'Ors not for the film's artistic merits, but only for political or SJW reasons...(if it's a film about jews, dykes, commies, antifas etc...)

Une femme Douce...right


Bourgeois Dog
So deep !

Extremely stale overused low effort pasta

>honesty/dishonesty in art.
God i hate criticscum so much

I’m rebooting it.

I think when people here rate Villevioeleu's films as great, they do so from the standpoint of a mainstream movie with mainstream appeal. They don't measure it against actual heavyweight directors, where it has no chance of holding up.

That's how I see his films anyway. Great relative to the group I put them in. I don't set my expectations too high, I know that Villevuoule makes very good visuals and some simple nicely delivered plot to back them up.

No, i genuinely like, dont try to impose your shit taste just because i've watched more stuff than you.
Sergey is a genius, and you havent even watched those movies, what the fuck are you trying to argue?

Haven't seen Arrival, but going by the reviews it doesn't seem to be anything spectacular.
Sicario was a good film, it wasn't nolan tier tho.
Prisoners was just an average film that relied heavily on actor performance.

>Sup Forums is such a contrarian board, that not Nolan is paraded as /ourguy/, who used to be reddit incarnate

Fact is that Villeneuve has been making (atleast) one film per year for 8 years now and every single one of them is a highly acclaimed critical hit.
I don't know of a single other currently working director who is that consistent with his work without burning out in the process

>Seriously that "twist" scene in the prestige with all the flashbacks is the most pleb scene in history.

Excellent film. Not because of the twist though. (admitedly..That was rather easy to figure out early in the film)..

You wish, most people here stay away from heavyweight directors and actually try to pass everyone who dislikes them as pretentious or something.

I mean, i watch his movies and they're okay, i just don't get why people in Sup Forums give bad directors so much praise.

If you passion is cinema, go trully watch it and just stop giving attention to this hollywood shit.

Vilanueve faggots are seriously unbearable, is he the psueds new favorite director?

Mainstream? There's probably not many, there's tons of others who are not mainstream who do it tho.

Most people are brainlets. Even on Sup Forums.

he's this year's Innaritu. disgusting

>No, i genuinely like, dont try to impose your shit taste just because i've watched more stuff than you.
>Sergey is a genius, and you havent even watched those movies, what the fuck are you trying to argue?

You are a pretentious cunt in denial.
You're the type who'll hate a film not because it's garbage or has no redeeming qualities, but only because it's popular...That's it.

A pretentious fuck who would've worshiped Villeneuve's or Nolan's films had these two had zero audience...Out of principal and pure snobbery.

Une Femme Douce has a higher metacritic score than last 2 movies from Villenueve, are you just proving my point?

>he's this year's Innaritu. disgusting
And what's wrong with Innaritu ? Care to explain ?

He's a spic

>Une Femme Douce

So did Star wars a new hope 92

Your point ?

I actually been following cinéma for a while so i watched Villenueve's earliest movies when he was a relatively unknown director and that didn't make me like it more than i do his current stuff.

Sorry i'm not big on THE MINDBLOWING end twists, something both directors are quite known for, if you're going to praise someone mainstream, go be a PTA or Coen`s fanboy, they at least are trying to do something different (and succeeding)

Refer to People get so mad at this pasta, but because it’s true.

>He's a spic
That's it ? What about his films ? How old are you, seriously ?

Nolan has ONE good film and one okay but overrated one.

And both are below Villeneuves worst

People are too emotionally invested in star wars to say it was bad, no one is emotionally invested in any other thing, i'm just saying, dont try to portray those movies as bad, you haven't even watched them.
I'd recommend you to try and watch My Joy or some other stuff by Sergei, slow cinema is not for everyone, so Sergei will probably not be your cup of tea, but stop trying to say he's bad and i only like him because he's relatively unknown when you havent even bothered to watch his stuff.

Both Nolan and Villeneuve never made a bad movie. Fact.

>I’m a mature sophisticated gentleman
>argues on a Mongolian Carving Board


nolan is a fucking hack

holy SHIT lmao

my cat was on my chest when i read this and i laughed so hard it got scared and just fucking slashed my face

I though we ran all you nolan faggots outta here with all TDKR shitposting, guess you came crawling back for more


Star Wars was probably something new and exciting in mainstream cinema at the time and it has it cult status by now, im talking about new movies.


>Sorry i'm not big on THE MINDBLOWING end twists, something both directors are quite known for

Are they ? Inception wasn't about a fucking twist...Neither was Interstellar, Memento or Dark knight, Insomnia...

Same goes for Villeneuve, what makes their film great is not the fucking "twist" (If there's even one to begin with)...There was no "twist" In Enemy, Sicario, Arrival...Granted, both do love to play with their film's chronological events, but the "twist" is certainly not the main focus. When i think of a film which relies entirely on a fucking cheap twist...I think of M. Night Shyamalan's the 6th sense for example...

Also, i'm not gonna worship the Coen bros just for the sake of it. I generally love their films but let's not pretend that both are perfect or anything...
Hail Caesar was a huge was "a serious man" , "ladykillers" and "burn after reading"...NO director is perfect...Not even Kubrick

reddit pleb

These two directors are only interested in concepts.

They cant write characters or dialogue to save their life.

>>I’m a mature sophisticated gentleman
>>argues on a Mongolian Carving Board

You made me lol faggot.
It's not a question of being "sophisticated", but "because he's a spic" is not an argument.

>They cant write characters or dialogue to save their life.

You mean like Tarantino ? Maybe they should've added a bit more "nigger" this and "nigger that" to sound "deep" ?

>Also, i'm not gonna worship the Coen bros just for the sake of it. I generally love their films but let's not pretend that both are perfect or anything...
Hail Caesar was a huge was "a serious man" , "ladykillers" and "burn after reading"...NO director is perfect...Not even Kubrick

what, A Serious Man is Coen's masterpiece, shut the fuck up you plebscum,

TDK is the only Nolan movie i can think of without a twist, granted, its a fucking superhero movies so who the fuck cares? You're trying to say Memento's twist is not relevant? are you pretending to be this fucking dense?

You say you're a Villenueve fanboy and you havent even watched Incendies, wich is arguably his best movie (Still just okay) and that has the most ridiculous twist ever, not even Shyamalan would be able to do something like that.

Thats a lie, you're just trying to justify you liking shitty lazy writting, but thats okay.

strawmaning much? No one in this thread has even mentioned Tarantino.

Me disliking your shitty fake messias doesnt mean i love Tarantino or whatever pleb director you try to say I do.

>I though we ran all you nolan faggots outta here with all TDKR shitposting, guess you came crawling back for more

Oh so because i like Nolan, i'm forced to worship is entire filmography ? Guess what ? I thought TDKR was shit. Doesn't stop me from generally liking the films he directs

Ladykillers was a mess since production, they werent supposed to direct that movie, they just did it cause some people left production and they said fuck it, lets do it.
Burn after Reading and Hail Caesar are comedies, you're not seriously trying to compare Coen's comedic work to their less screwball-y movies, right?

You're saying Coens are bad because they did a screwball comedy you dont like and that doesnt compare to Nolan or Villenueve, who only do serious "films".

The only thing i know is: Both of them will never write direct and produce true mainstream masterpieces such as Barton Fink, A Serious Man and No Country for Old Men

Except Nolan is a hack.

>what, A Serious Man is Coen's masterpiece, shut the fuck up you plebscum,

Mediocre...Far from being their best...
Barton Fink, Fargo, Big Lebowski, Blood Simple, O'Brother...These are great films.

But then again, i'll give you one thing...All of it is subjective anyway. Your opinion is as subjective as mine. So i'm not pretending to be right here...On the other hand you still sound like an elitist , pretentious pseudo-intellecual piece of shit.

memento was the only thing i have enjoyed from him, inception was 2deep4u trite garbage made for people who like to think they are smart. dont even get me started on intershitter also your s p a c e s before each question mark are retarded !

>Except Nolan is a hack.
Maybe you should direct your own film and show him how to do a proper job...What do you say ?

There's nothing pseudo about my intelectuality, faggot, and i'm not going to be smart-shamed for a dumbass such as yourself.
I bid you adieu, i'm done.

Nolan's literally only made one good film (The Prestige). Everything else he made is complete shit, with Interstellar being offensively bad.
Villeneuve makes good films. Why would you ever compare them?

If you're going to give Nolan a good filme dont say his worst one, it just makes you look like a even stupider pleb.

>any top tier Nolan films
[ERROR: file not found]

>inception was 2deep4u trite garbage made for people who like to think they are smart.
No it wasn't.... Granted, it was inspired from Paprika (which was an interesting anime), but there wasn't anything too complicated to understand about it...

if you want more abstract, maybe go for Lynch's Lost highway or Eraserhead. Maybe you'd have a point. But Inception wasn't particularly complicated. You just have to have a normal attention span.

>Nolan's literally only made one good film (The Prestige)
i feel anybody who claims this(and it seems to be a trend) is somewhat intellectually insecure and won't allow themselves to enjoy flicks like inception

How is it a fair match when Villeneuve turns up with the script, ideas, cinematography, actors, producers everything set up and he sits on his ass and presses play?

Meanwhile Nolan does ALL that stuff and his films wouldn't exist without him?

>Nolan is the choice of brainlets who need everything spelled out.
Literally this. His films are the most intellectually offensive films made in the last 20 years. At least Bay knows he's pandering to teenagers. Nolan panders to the manchildren ifuckinglovescience crowd that watch TBBT and jerk off to Rick and Morty

>no u
Congrats on being an underaged faggot

>i'm not going to be smart-shamed for a dumbass such as yourself.
>I bid you adieu, i'm done.

Looks like i've touched a raw nerve. That's exactly my point...You pretend to like some of these films just because you think it makes you look smarter... You're a pseudo-intellectual, insecure fedora wearing, elitist & pretentious shit.

And yet you can't disapprove my point...(i.e. Your opinion is just as subjective as the next guy...Yet you're acting as if your opinion was objective...)...You have a monumental ego.

Good bye indeed.

>flicks like inception
Literal wank and riddled with plot-holes
(I say this as DiCaprio fan)

You're the one who thinks any of those directors are deserving of merit.

Unironically thinking Nolan is Sup Forums

Nolan has no waifu bait in his movies

>make another masterpiece
please god help this board

Doesn't matter how much he does if the end result is interstellar

>ut there wasn't anything too complicated to understand about it...
thats what 2deep4u means retard, did you read my post at all? i said it was for people who like to think they are smart.
yes i enjoy lynch but anyone who has been here long enough has been exposed to him. thanks for the recommendation faggot

Best leaf