BadSelfEater Generak - No Shitposting Edition

It's less than 10 hours away. It might be nothing, though.

Mystery fake bank notes have showed up across the country. What do they mean? Why do they link to FBcom/ThankMrTeeth and ? Nobody knows. Help us find out!

> Back.psd?dl=0
> Face.psd?dl=0

>FBcom/thankmrteeth (NOW DELETED)
> (with countdown to September 14th at 7pm EST)

>Department of Defense demo by Minerva initiative
>Wikileaks/Assange fucking with people (not their style)
>WW3 with the end result of a one world government
>Metal dump
>Fed leak
>Historical info for McKinley or JFK assassination
>NEW POLITICO SITE (had info prior to their FOIA article about Clinton Library)
>CERN opening gateway to Hell/Saturn to bring Lucifer to Earth
>Misc major happening
>Muh nbc south park manson viral media


If you intend to be there when the clock ends, consider using a Firefox based browser hardened at least with NoScript/uMatrix and Public Fox, ran in a Virtual Machine, for maximum security.


Other urls found in this thread:

judgement will come

First for Mr Teeth being a fedora edgelord keking us for the lulz

From my Sup Forums group and reposted from last thread:

I think I've figured out BadSelfEater based on the infamous 'Ag/Au' minecart identified on the page.

In the news today this happened:

This basically means that companies are capping the sell prices for Gold and Silver indicating that there will likely be something sending them into a twist.

This is a safeguard to keep the system alive in the event of panic selling. This could allow for the brokers to quickly sell out of their portfolios at above or below fair market while locking the rate for those without a seat on the floor. Then once they have covered their positions, they will amend the, "fair," value to the masses.

ninth for 9/11 truth

fourth for shitposting


can we have a bad self eater pepe?
a federal beast pepe?


expect us


you are starting to see.
They are trying to stop a bank run on a fake system.
MA is the stock to watch today.



Almost no one is following this shit. This is a very poor way to viral a tv show for normies.



>It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

where can I donate to this man, so he can buy a CDN for serving those huge ass images..

right now this just looks embarassing, those images load 10 sec ffs


What should we do if SHTF?

market just opened flat

Aaaaavveeee Marrrriiiiiaaaaa

A lot of viral marketing campaigns pass by with very little uptake by the general populace. It happens. Luckily they're a lot cheaper than a nationwide advertising campaign.

The Jews will lose.

MA opened low. ITS HABBENING

no shitposting

It's for a tv show, faggots.

I have the .pdf too.

>My theories
- 8 chan shitposter
- reddit edgelord
- American Horror Story viral
- Blind Spot viral (season 2 premieres tonight)
- artist trying to be the 'libertarian Banksy' (countdown will end with a request)

Either way, I'll be glad to see these threads disappear.

One of his messages was "it's easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled"

Was he telling us from the start that he was fooling us?

Look at this user, and laugh at how he's posted this in every thread for about a week and a bit!

OP don't forget the Japanese organization literally having Kek as their domain for a high energy quantum physics experiment.


For once i'm holding off the shitposting, listen.

Report and hide.

Fall season over here.

I still wanna fuck the federal beast

Oh, also worth noting, user changed his clock and the timer hit 0, nothing happened, but the user's screenshot was in red. So something else is in play with the site changing.

No shit

Nothing will happen


Today is my birthday, is this my gift from kek?

Lmfao (You) dat nigga

I cant wait for this shit to be over so you retarded happening fags will stop making these threads

I put my money on nukes.

>bohemian grove reference
>S-1 meeting there that gave birth to manhattan project
>pic has s and 1

I hope its nukes

It's probably set to Me. Teeths computer.

>over here

>also northern hemisphere

american education

Right in the pussay

It's all about who gets I TOLD YOU SO bragging rights about guessing what it was. Stop being a fun killer.

Can someone explain this to someone on only like 2 levels of woke? I've read up on the shit I can find about it but I'm not knowledgable on conspiracies (no offense) to know what the fuck is going on.

Why would you allow access to your super sekrit content early by people simply changing their clocks. Mr Teeth has probably had his web store uploaded for days but will only make it live like 60 seconds before the countdown finishes


>ITT we invoke styxhexen
poo poo


I'm talking about the tv tradition, la.

It will happen, no matter which of your senses you numb.

Not even heroin, krokodil or DMT can save you now.

its just some faggot roleplaying

remember how aprils fools day everyone had the same comic this year?

its not the tv show.

the countdown ends an hour before the show starts.

Probably going to post a video montage of well known elites doing things to kids

The Javascript changed a slight bit at < 24 hours

The youtube video ID changed ( obviously )
But a reload on timer ending was added, where before it had none

callbacks: {
stop: function() {

So i'd assume that the server will change the content at the last second

>no shitposting edition
>all of it is shitposting

get over yourself

inb4 jumpscare

I actually chuckled, here's your (You).

"Three straight days of moves of at least 1% for stocks, marks the first time since 1963 that the S&P 500 followed an extended period of calm—43 days—with a trio of such choppy trading days, according to Dow Jones data. That was the two-day period before and immediately following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in November 1963, Dow Jones data show."

That would be the best outcome.
Showing the world what true Evil is.

nah it's gonna be a rick rolled and the game on the top left corner.
t. Mr teeth

>the reveal is an endless loop
>site ddoses itself
>we'll never know



maybe, maybe not. stock markets just opened up flat after a fucked up day yesterday where they CAPPED THE PRICES FOR SILVER AND GOLD.

so even if its marilyn mansons new album, THE STOCK MARKET IS STILL ON THE VERGE OF A POSSIBLE CRASH.


I am still convinced this is real and it will be serious.

You guys have 9 ours left to shitpost on the internet.

enjoy it while it lasts.

If you did have special information, why would you go through all this bullshit?

Ohhh fuck

You will be disappointed, mate.

Rly mks u tnk

To expose it to a larger audience at once, to prevent it just being erased from history very quickly perhaps


Uh, what?

>check out
>links to that Forgotten Languages website on the sidebar
>Bunch of moonspeak and freaky pictures
>check out the specific link (
>It's a bunch of "books."
>Some of them are actual books, others are just a bunch of symbols.

What language is this/ this site in? Irish? Swedish? It's coming up as Catalan on Google but not actually translating anything properly.

So there's at least 2 references to the Denver International Airport on the bill: the Au Ag cart and the webbing on the bottom border.

Something I also noticed is that famous NWO mural at the Denver airport depicts scrolls with the word "peace" in different languages. The word "peace" appears on the bill twice, in Arabic and Japanese. Is this significant? Possibly references flights at airport?

Another thing to note is that bit about the helicopters. What was it? "Where do you find helicopters? Perhaps you will hear." Another reference to the airport?

Someone in CO go to the airport for t=0.

Even if it is a 'happening', it won't be the fucking end of the world. Dont worry user.

on the 15th the blair witch project 2 comes out rhe first part was also accompanied with a huge publicity stunt

Regarding the side depicting the dragon:

>You can reasonably connect Shamash and Apollo, the latter generally believed to have been derived from the former. Both are solar deities, Shamash for Akkad and, of course, Apollo for Greece.
>The note on the top right of the bill states that Horus was a solar deity. This is not true.
>Regarding the picture of Temple A (Apollo temple at Laodicea - see Revelations 3:14-17)

>“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: . . . 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. (NIV)

And yet the DNC leak yesterday was simply posted on twitter, allowing it to propagate to millions in a matter of hours.

Weird huh?

as a warning

>Where do you find helicopters?
where was this said?

m8 only like 2000 people tops know about this

Yes, by wikileaks. If this was just a whistleblower releasing information independently for example, it may not have such an audience


is it normal for the page to go black and a speech to play?

would it be more effort to do this campaign to reach a few thousand people or simply contact wikileaks and reach millions? Which would be the better result for you if you were intending to get this information to as many people as possible?

a-a-user look which feast begins tomorow ...


I remember back when we were doing the MasonAnon/Moloch/Minerva threads, Denver user went to the airport and took pics for us. He said he was on his was home and was going to post them.

We never heard from him again.

ok. thanks. I'm new here.

viral marketing, sage and reported

Yeah, it's JFK's speech