Is he absolute most madman who ever lived?
Is he absolute most madman who ever lived?
Just went through his twitter and instagram of the last 12 months. This was all I could find that was even remotely political. He passes.
savage af
I don't get it.
Are the donut hole allegories for their being used? Is he saying Clinton has integrity and hasn't had her pussy destroyed by hundreds of men like Moretz?
he's calling chloe a used up whore and clinton a beastly road ham no one would ever want to fuck
He definitely is a madman.....
>crazy shit happens
>other faggots puss out
>Johnny just laughs
>Just went through his twitter and instagram of the last 12 months.
Wow, did you go through his trash too.
Dude is seriously inbred, he's practically a fucking test dummy. He feels zero pain
He's my favourite Jackass.
No, he feels a shit ton of pain. That's his gimmick, and why he's so likeable. Every single member of Jackass had a background in professional skateboarding and knew exactly how to fall to make it not suck, whereas Knoxville is some giant gangly retard who eats shit constantly and never seems to improve.
He kept taking hits, over and over and over, because he knew he was the only one that really could. He's a cool guy.
No, I'll leave that for you, you creepy scummy fuck. I only check peoples public records that they share with the world.
Praising any jackass guys for their badass-attitude is like complimenting a suicidal junkie for doing another stupid petty crime or stunt
Team Knoville was way better than team Margera
they gave us years of entertainment. give them some respect.
Or Clinton hasn't been fucked since the 90's
In terms of pure pain and doing retarded shit, probably him or Steve-O.
In terms of being an absolute madman I still say Dan Schneider though. He can't keep getting away with it.
Pretty much.
What a beast
What is wrong with you?
He’s one of me favorite human beings
reminder that he's inbred
>are you crying?
>can we have some water?
>maybe a shirley temple?
I always lose my shit at this
Top 5 humans:
Tom Cruise
Mel Gibson
Jack Black
No particular order except for Arnie. He's the best.
>Jack Black
Rare choice, how come?
Watch what you say, Jew. Or I'll track you down too and I'll fucking kill you.
That's not how you spell Donald Trump
>what the fuck did you do to me?!
>what is this shit?!
hello rreddit
I only ever liked Bam because he was a smartass kid like I was at the time, now he's more like his dad.
>now he's more like his dad.
You're not wrong.
no. and I doubt he would agree with that. he'd probably cite evil kineivel as way more of a badass and true stuntmen, or even his own co-horts like steve-o.
I used to think "how the fuck are they even related?"
its all so very clear to me now
Which makes him all the more likeable. Honestly fuck Steve o I always hated that raspy faggot. Knoxville shits all over him because he did all that shit sober, maybe with some beers in him, Steveo was just fucked up 24/7
Too bad arnie spoke out against trump
>Don't mention
that's actually pretty sad, now that we know that he had an ED
>>what the fuck did you do to me?!
I always piss myself when he says that. And when he starts crying after he cuts his ass up on the magnet stunt.
Erectile dysfunction.
Bam was literally "that kid" and everyone except Ryan Dunn was around him just because he was famous and rich. Well maybe that's not completely his fault but Knoxville team was a true team of dudebros.
I liked steve-o but what you say is true, he goes trou all the nasty shit he does just because was drunk and high all the time.
Dave England could have do more for the show
Eating disorder
Knoxville was also part of the pro skater scene. That's why Jackass is as good as it is. It's a bunch of guys doing stupid shit while they're young enough to recover from it.
Ectodermal dysplasia
Steve-o doesn't really do painful shit, he does disgusting shit and then pukes every where. They each have a niche but the lesser known doubles have been pushed to the background
Bam comes off as that asshole kid who's parents never got him under control. He'd probably attack his Dad if he was on camera or not.
Nah he's fat like his dad but Bam has his mom shitty personality and is a dick unlike his dad who did literally everything for Bam and was always chill on camera.
nah, steve-o is way madder
Didn't he die? Or was it Don Vito who died? Can't remember.
Vito died, Bam is following him and Phil is ok
isnt he in jail for being a pedo?
His dad is fucking cool, he's not.
That doesn't look like Jared Leto in character as the Joker.
You take that back, April is the best.
>Knoxville was also part of the pro skater scene.
no he wasn't
shame you couldn't huh?
Knoxville got his break from filming videos for Big Brother magazine. He didn't just appear out of thin air.
Trump is lizard people.
he couldnt skate worth a shit
Never claimed he could but he was part of the scene
knoxville moar liek COCKSVILLE amirite lel
>Bam crawling on the ground
>Knoxville just gets up and starts joking around
what the fuck
that's like saying kurt loder was part of the grunge scene
>Not GG Fucking Allin
Ectoplasma Dilatation
She enabled his shitty habits for the majority of his life so no. I get she's the mom but she also goes out of her way to take all blame off Bam and place it on someone else which you could even see in that Viceland thing she blamed that singer guy for his bulimia then his friends like Novak even though he got through his own drug problems somehow that was not nice to Bam.
Couldn't what, faggot? Learn to communicate before you post, you're shitting up the board with your retard dribble.
Being the ultimate mad man requires you to be alive. Once you're dead you're just the ultimate dead man. Also he didn't kill himself on stage like he said he would.
Thread said who ever lived, plenty of madder men than Johnny Knoxville have lived and died.
You do know you can be part of something without being the main focus right? Bands with no audience aren't a scene, they're just retards in a garage
His Dad was a pussy and his Mum was just a generic soccer mum bitch who was more concerned with how she looked than how functional her family was.
I love that fat fuck. Tenacious D is fun music, and his facial expressions and mannerisms crack me up.
I'm not really sure what he's like now, I haven't seen much of him lately, but he seems nothing like his former self.
Was it before or after the movie that they stopped doing drugs?
Can we all agree that Magera was the worst part of Jackass?
>constantly "pranks" his friends by slapping shit and doing unfun stuff in general
>Cries like a baby when they scare him with fake snakes
"danger" ehren was the worst
wildboyz > jackass
the only time i wanted to be steveo
Party boy is worse, all he does is act like a faggot,
Pontius is incredibly likeable, though.
1. Pontius
2. Steve-o
3. Knoxville
4. Don Vito
5. Manny Puig
6. Weeman
7. Preston
8. Dave england
9. Bams dad
9001. the faggot who hates mustard
900001. Ryan dunn
90000001. Bam
Pontius is a good guy and a bro, also yfw that episode of mtv cribs shows he was living like a hobo in his car and he tried to make it less sad playing is guitar making it more sad.
Fuck off bra
Is Steve-O or any of the Jackass guys infertile? They have been blasted in the nuts for years.
>every single member of jackass had a background in professional skateboarding
What the fuck are you talking about? The only ones who were pro skaters were bam and weeman. I might be forgetting one or two but the majority of jackass regulars were not pro skaters.
Anyone else think Jackass 2 was a bit too gay? Way too much anal shit in it, hell there was even more in 2.5
its always bam
>a bit too gay?
That wasnt gay, it was just butt jokes
I don't find him likeable when he's the focus. He's has pretty much 1 scene and just repeats it over and over. It's the same joke and it's boring by the 3rd time he's done it
How the fuck is a midget a pro skater? Was he the board?
Nothing gay about sticking shit up your ass bro, I think you're projecting.
>the faggot who hates mustard
And period blood
>under 25 brainlet that never watched wildboyz
>9001 Ryan Dunn
The dudesons were waaaaay crazier.
He's literally baby Weinstein ...
Weren't a couple of those guys missing fingers from all the dumb shit they did?
i think you mean dirty sanchez
Yep. And they threw darts at eachother all the time
the patrician taste
English dub
What the fuck Steve O
Their skandinavian accents pissed me off.