I didn't know they had chinese people in Brazil
I didn't know they had chinese people in Brazil
Yes they have a lot of them
kek, this faggot did this only for internet fame, ha was starting to get irrelevant, all his fans are 14 yo's who think they are super edgy, the brazillian chans are absolute shit for edgy 15 yo's Sup Forums will stand strong
Mano ele acabou de encerrar 3 chans do brasil
3 chans no Brasil, kkkkkkkkkkkkkk, irmão, só tem mlk na fanbase dele, o based m00t fez certeza que um evento que nem esse n ocorresse, qq uns mlk de 14 anos vão fazer no Sup Forums? fazer DDOS? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk me chupa irmão. Além disso fizeram bem em derrubar chan BR, é tudo merda lá
Ele vai floodar isto de merda, são putos de 14 anos, eles vão floodar isto de videos de minecraft e merda assim
Ta, mas e daí? n é como se a gente n tivesse que aguentar summerfag todos os dias aqui
wtf do you mean?
could you rewrite this sentence some way a normal human being can understand? or are you just a braindead cunt just like 99% of our country? you go bro, represent us as the braindead cunts we are. Fucking idiot
Mais redpills a serem distribuidos e o zuca tem razão, quantas vezes este sitio já apareceu na televisão? Da CNN aos media Europeus, e não viste nenhum diluvio ridiculo como prevês.
he wants attention, look like a hero for his fans.
he didn't close anything, he just said he did.
i'm already filling his fanbase computers with cat goddess pics because i'm a hax0r.
mr hacker guy
stop trying to impress us, there is no point on even trying, you just sound like a 13 yo who just found out about the deep web and is now trying to fool people into thinking you are a badass.
I agree with you though.
I refuse to watch this garbage man talking not only because he is not worthy of a single cent from my internet bill but also because youtube will keep recommending me this shit, i hate vloggers with passion, whoever needs thoughts spoonfed to them should consider suicide.
he just sent all of his little brats to pages full of dismembered bodies and pedophile contents??
well, that's a lot more irresponsible than everything I've ever seen over here
No offense to the few good HUES here, but he already lost.
>chans do brasil
Pure cancer and we`re all glad they`re gone. He can`t do shit to Sup Forums, stop advertising this retard`s Youtube.
I never posted on brazilian chans, does that makes me one of the "most dangerous guys of the world" from Sup Forums that he was saying??
Daaaaaamn, can I add that to my curriculum?!
Some of them are like weirdly asian looking but in a exotic way, makes for some really hot brazilian girls desu senpai
>lefties inviting people to raid Sup Forums
The only effect it will have is that a number of those people will be redpilled.
Brazil is irrelevant.
Stop posting this.