Sup Forums i love you will all my heart, but you really can't argue with this
Sup Forums i love you will all my heart, but you really can't argue with this
Other urls found in this thread:
>free anything
>a right
my sides = in orbit
If men had periods, we'd just stuff paper towels in our briefs. Seriously.
is this the ancap meme thread?
Remember pay toilets? I haven't seen them in years, good riddance, but evidently even Poo in Loo is not a "human right".
What a surprise, women love socialism.
For the love of Satan, how do you all manage to survive day to day while being deprived your "human rights"?
> having a heart
What a terrible argument. You pay for the toilet paper you keep at home.
Society built by white males
>wanting free tampons before wanting free food or water
how can you be this degenerate
A) Necessities are not rights.
B) Toilet paper is needed with the majority of toilet visits, tampons are required by some women for a few weeks spread over the entire year.
C) If a private business wants to provide free tampon dispensers in their toilets that's up to them, but I'm not paying for it. Fairly certain any free dispenser would be emptied by some greedy pig the day it were installed too.
Though I do believe women's sanitary products should not be taxed out of principle, I also think it's a largely non-issue and just goes to show how little feminism is needed if saving women from the burden of a few dollars over their entire lives is one of the battles they're now fighting.
Free condoms should be a human right
>my body my rules
>but you pay for it
I'm fine with this, I don't want to step in puddles of congealed slit drippins.
If I have to pay for soap then you have to pay for your fucking cunt plug. Fuck off with that shit.
Soap should be the free commodity, as it affects everyone and prevents illness.
It should a a right for women that they pay for through tax. I will never had a period so I see no reason I should pay for it.
Free tissue paper should be a human right so i can wipe my dick after masturbating, for free.
I never understood pay toilets
If I ever encountered one I'd just piss all over the bathroom lobby
That's why you don't see them anymore.
Translation: Women want men to pay for even more of their things.
Conclusion: Women are awful.
>Free Tampons Should Be A Human Right
I won't argue that tampons are not a nessesicty for women, but what will happen if tampons are free? Who will pay for the cost of manufacturing and distributing these "free" tampons?
Why not toilet paper in general?
With the exception of Canadians, we all have to wipe our asses.
the invisible hand of the free socialist globalist feminist market of course
You can get free condoms
Food should be a human right for everyone.
We all need it.
>it would probably never occur to you to tote around a spare roll of toilet paper in case you have to poop while you're away from home, right?
1) If I knew I was due for a period I would carry around a few tampons.
2) I would carry around a few tampons anyway because they're so small and I might need them if I get a surprise period
3) I thought most women already carried tampons around for this very reason? Or atleast they did a decade ago
4) If I could fit a whole roll of toilet paper in my wallet, I would.
5) RRREEEE put free tampons in the men's bathrooms too you cis scum
The daddy state, so that would be men, in taxes.
>if men got their periods we wouldn't be having this conversation
What do men get for free now?
Bro I'm wiping my ass as we speak.
you can choose to not masturbate, you can't choose to not have period
Does that really happen?
Are there women who don't carry an emergency tampon at the very least?
Bruh if you wipe your ass the poo wins.
You can probably get free tampons from a pp clinic too
Toilet paper isn't a right. It's complimentary. You fucking sow.
Also, if you've never brought TP with you anywhere, you're a boring cityfag.
I think I'm going to use this argument the next time a neon-haired piece of shit feminist throws this stupid non-issue example of 'oppression' at me.
'OK, we'll have free tampons. But they are paid for exclusively by taxes levied on ONLY female workers, since only they will use them. Problem?'
Just buy red sweatpants & call it a day you cheap fuck
I can't wait for the hyperinflationary collapse, when things that these spoiled brats take for granted are gone for years at a time, with the only way of getting them is on the black market at great expense and/or messy blowjobs.
Guess it sucks to be you then.
sounds reasonable, but its really a human right, they should just have tampons in female public toilets.
Is this not already a thing? At my high school you could go to the nurse and get a free tampon whenever you wanted. At my university most women's bathrooms have tampon dispensers as you walk in. A lot of gas stations (like QuikTrip) have tampon dispensers.
Granted, they're not top quality tampons made from a magical rainbow cloud and the tears of an orphaned kitten. But they're tampons and they'll fit in a vagina when you need them.
And I'm in Oklahoma. We're top tier misogynistic out here. I didn't realize this wasn't a thing other places.
I suppose condoms and razor blades for men should be free too. Why the heck not?
And if I were a women I would never put free tampons in my cunt.
Justlike I never use free condoms...
This woman is retarded.
Free toilet paper sounds like a better plan, since everyone shit and its for males and females. They could even use the free toilet paper for their periods.
It won't be enough until the government hand d3livers tampons to bleeding womyns
this I was raped at a petrol station and the only reason I didn't die was because they had free tampons in the womens bathroom so I could stop the bleeding by putting one on my rectum
>how much did you pay for the toilet paper you used?
About 2 euros. Do these fucks really think toilet paper is free? Why do they think most public bathrooms have a pay lock? Every time you shop in a store, a small amount of the money you spent will go to that store cleaning supplies, toilet paper, light bulbs, salaries etc.
This is the same exact shit as the "gender wage gap". Just bunch of economically illiterate social justice wimps.
Food and water should be a human right!
Females with the Pink Tax.
>my glasses should be free. It's a human right
this meme again, then again, I do believe that basic contraceptives should be paid for tax dollars, we have enough teenage pregnancies and people breeding like rabbits, the wrong people of course.
What we also need is a system that encourages having 1-2 kids but discourages having 20 like these muslim invaders.
I'm a male and I have to shave my face to look presentable in the work place
Start giving me FREE razors and shaving cream! I NEED it after all!
My figures should be a human right.
>my boob job should be free since no one wants to marry me
I have literally never seen a pay lock in any bathroom in the entire United States. What kind of shithole is Finland?
I'm not going to pay taxes for a service that literally serves no purpose to me.
Infrastructure and education are mentioned often and they're broken arguments, but this is one that really doesn't apply to men.
If women want it subsidised, they can subsidise it themselves.
Just piss on the floor.
People need to eat .
Why are they not given free food?
>not getting free glasses
sucks to be murrifat :^)
Why are feminists fighting for free tampons when they should be fighting for things like free food, which EVERYBODY needs to survive
>croat making this thread
I swear half of the washroom I went to in Croatia didn't even have tp. Get your priorities straight.
Free education should be a human right!
Free housing should be a human right!
Free medicine should be a human right!
Free clothing should be a human right!
Free heating and air conditioning should be a human right!
Free food should be a human right!
Free water should be a human right!
And the list goes on and on and on for free shit.
The bullshit never ends.
Because men eat too, so it can't be a gendered political "issue".
If anything, they'd say it is unfair that men eat more.
The very fact that they think they can create human rights proves that human rights do not exist.
What can be created, is not innate.
Why not free food as well? Men should get more than women of course, it's a biological need
>this is what happens when you give women rights
We charge for water, we charge for food, we charge for a place to live.
Why should tampons be free?
>you can't choose to not have period
oh but you can
you can get a tax-money paid sex change
many women don't even get periods when they take birth control pills. or when they're too fat / too slim. or many other conditions, you'd be surprised.
Being white is a human right.
Does she think the government pays for the toilet paper she uses when she takes a dump at a restaurant?
When women get to extremely low bodyfat they can stop menstruating altogether. It's literally their choice not to starve themselves to avoid having to buy tampons.
>every natural process should have free fixes
Not in capitalism.
In Central and Northern Europe, especially in more populated areas, there are a lot of public pay toilets.
Also toilet paper is not a human right.
Even my gf thinks this is stupid. It's like asking for free rolls of toilet paper or kleenex because everyone shits and gets colds.
then men should get free erections
Free tampons? Right so whos gonna pick the cotton and process it then? Will it be charity work? Who owns the land the cotton will be raised on? Will they be reimbursed? Who will pay for the cost of shipping and handling?
OFC we all already know the answers, it would be the taxpayer. Again stupid femshit idea that they should take from others by force for themselves.
They started to put those locks in shopping centers after refugees and/or teenagers pooping on the walls, I think.
>implying I don't
Yall non pussy gettin fuckbois are a threat to our national security. So, we need government mandated sex.
Worker shows up, you have to prove you've had sex, if not she checks the box for trap and works you over.
>OFC we all already know the answers
government subsidised gfs when?
Nope. Free menstrual cups. Cost efficient and environmentally sound.
If women are grossed out by the idea, that just proves they're full of shit.
Reminder that tampons should be banned.
Looks good actually, you can get a free token but you have to see and talk to a real person to get it. Psychologically that probably massively reduces the incidence of retards messing it up
idiots like you should be banned from breathing
Is food, shelter or toilet paper free?
This. Plus when taken care of properly they pose no risk healthwise. Mothers who give their daughters tampons should be fined or arrested if their daughters get yeast or bacterial infections since those are more often than not literally caused by sticking dirty cotton up their vaginas at 12 years old.
The cheapest functional tampons could be free I guess, the luxe versions are luxurious goods and should be paid for
Wait, tampons aren't free in other countries?
Even African governments provide women with menstrual cups rather than tampons. Tampons alter the biological balance of the vaginas and make it harder to properly clean itself. Hence why so many women get infections. Which cause infertility and more health issues if not deal with in a timely manner.
In all honesty, since I Can get free condoms in college, people should be able to get free sanitary items. Soap, tampons etc. I don't think its a right though, but it is a privilege that people should be allowed to have and be thankful for.
They're not free, like the soap at a hotel isn't free.
It ain't that invisible friendo
>I don't think it's a right though
Then why do you think people should be able to get them?
Checked, here's hoping for dead Soros soon.