Germany officially BLACKED

Germany has the highest population density in europe and the lowest native birthrate in the entire world (lower than japan), they're being outbred by muslims and niggers in their own country.

Looks like the "germany must perish!" plan is bearing fruits.

Other urls found in this thread:


That's every german.

If only.
Pic related is more like it.

He fucking FILLED the olympia stadium with his extremly shitty comedy.
he made millions of it.

>if only


>they're being outbred by muslims and niggers in their own country.
That's happening in every single white country. Are you a newfag?

Because it's time to realize that german culture is dead outside of bavaria.

>German poster
>Uses "they" when speaking of Germans

Shalom Auslander

Well at least that autist in the video seems to be autist and placing importance on order and not complete human garbage?
Germans have replaced the "work work" and punctual ethic with being filthy, foul mouthed slobs without culture or dignity.
Pic related.
Your average modern german.

>lowest birthrate in the world
This has to be a result of brainwashing

High population density correlates with birthrates, but shitskins don't care if they shit out 4-8 niglets. We need colonies vor Lebensraum.

Actually bavarian. But I feel like a foreigner as soon as I leave bavaria or enter munich.

Any secong a billion musslimes will hatch from there eggs!



T.autistic faggot op.

Holy god, germany is fucked.

That really makes me sad. I've only been to Germany twice and each time I saw plenty of the beauty that was spoiled by the rot there is. Aachen cathedral is quite stunning, and then you walk outside and there's turks trying to sell you g-unit belt buckle lighters.

>mfw living in Mallorca and seeing beta-manchildren germcucks everyday, drunk and dirtying everything
Sometimes I'm glad they are being wiped out by muzzshit. Those people shouldn't be allowed to breed.

And if you tell women that don't know what to do "ein Kind für den Führer!" (a child for the emperor), they just laugh at you...

>i'm happy to get overrun with niggers and muslims
>nothing could possibly go wrong

>muh masterrace
I'm ok with this.


You think?

>Lowest native birthrate
Sounds like they want to die, not my problem

Germany WILL be a muslim state if you continue. There will be NO place for white Germans if you continue.

Fuck off and die

>Sometimes I'm glad they are being wiped out by muzzshit.
Well brace for a mix of the worst of turk and german genetics to flood your beaches, paco.
Kinda like what lead to your lazy ass brown mongrel race.


People have been calling this for years. Literally gets worse. Every. Single. Hour.

First time Russia and Poland agree. See Germany you achievement something at last.

Also autism


Are you a britfag or a local? What do you think about the tourism to the island? I've heard there have been complaints about too many tourists crowding the island etc...

t. inhabitant of the Deutsche kalifat


>if i scream autism i win the argument
You can fuck off and die aswell Mutt :^)

>European barbarians dying

It could only be better if the Jews managed to revive ancient Romans and Greeks. On that, they are absolutely right by killing these fucking subhuman, legacy stealing trash. All of the world problems nowadays can be traced to these fucking monkeys thinking they WUZ ROMANZ N SHIET and could carry on its greatness.

Biggest tools of the Jews, dumbest goys around.

WTF sounds like they need more migration to solve this dwindling birth rate amirite?

>germany must perish
And nothing of value will be lost.
This is the last century for the Eternal Kraut.

Thank dog. Truly one of nature's greatest mistakes

>implying an unstable middle east shithole in your direct neighborhood is preferable.
You know the jew wont stop with just germany.
You are probably already next on the agenda

Zero bait in what I'm about to say:

Germans have to be the most cucked people on earth to allow this to happen.

How it it possible that a prosperous nation with such a high standard of living doesn't have newborns?
I can understand my country not having babies because there are literally no jobs and the minimum wage is ludicrous.

But you Germany? Behind Japan??

t. Linke Wähler


Poles are not cucks like you germans, slavs are more agressive and nationalistic

>How it it possible that a prosperous nation with such a high standard of living doesn't have newborns?

>How it it possible that a prosperous nation with such a high standard of living doesn't have newborns?

Every first world nation with a high standard of living is having issues with the native populace. Its not just Germany even America is seeing more foreign babies born than whites.

Joke is that James knows what he's doing better than the 2 other cucks. Seriously, he's had firearms training.

In the darkest days true friends will become apparent.

>McCurry Worst
FUCK why do all the foreigners get the delicious sounding McDonalds specials

Goold old fashioned German autism is to blame
There's a kraut exchange student here who a nigger started beating on and he refused to even try to fight back and he started crying. Germany is just this in a national level
So? Why didnt you stop this? Some master race who cant even handle public subversion tactics

Because people, and especially Women are spoilt and entitled.

They'd rather end up with 3 cats than with a "normal" Partner.

Also they commit suicide more than "cucks". I guess slavs taking their own lives is an accomplishment in their lives.

>So? Why didnt you stop this? Some master race who cant even handle public subversion tactics
Because as you might know from your own country, academia and media are weak points of the general population.
Germany has been brainwashed for 50 years now.

How is this not genocide?

You need to ask further, where do they get their ideas from. Why do they think this is a smart lifestyle choice?

America is completely different though. Minorities are known to have kids disproportionately because of the lack of contraceptives and as you known, they are poorly educated. In any case, there are still white families with may offspring, predominantly republican ones.

>Because people, and especially Women are spoilt and entitled.
>They'd rather end up with 3 cats than with a "normal" Partner.
Somehow arabs and blacks manage to fuck them and you can't. What is wrong with you?

It is.
To be fair I think those suicide statistics from germany are tampered with.
I think some counties in germany report suicides just as "accidents".

I wonder how this story ended.

I bet the girl ran away with the refugee teen after a good dicking.

good, fuck germans, when they die, they wont try to ruin europe again and they wont defend the shitskins, so eastern europe will go west and cleanse it

Media obviously. But how am i supposed to respect a Person that gets their ideas from Daytime TV shows like taff?

Well as Uncle Adolf once said, if any race dies out under any circumstances then it deserved it. The strong will eat the weak, and Germans are weak while the muslims are strong
You've had an ok run thus far

They tried, Anglos and jews waged war on them for it.

You americans seem to have short memory.

>Also they commit suicide more than "cucks". I guess slavs taking their own lives is an accomplishment in their lives.
You have to have some balls to perform suicide

Is that from all the shit eating Walloons who wake up one day and realize they're less intelligent Frenchmen? I'd kill myself too

>Looks like the "germany must perish!" plan is bearing fruits.
Long time coming friend.

We can nuke Germany without being called racist for it. Take one for the team, alright?

Looks like Directed Energy Weapons from where I'm sitting.

>confirmed inot knowing shit about demography

I have a Polish GF and am done with the Germs.

>I wonder how this story ended.

It's natural selection. The worse kind who can't survive in slavic magic world died.

Media, Newspapers, academia.
Especially leftist newspapers like SZ push that shit.

>I have a Polish GF and am done with the Germs.
Does she fight you a lot? I love that kind of women

>masterrace is defeated by mutts and kikes
Really makes me think

> lowest native birthrate in the entire world
That is not true, Eastern European countries have the lowest birthrate in EU - as I recall Poland have the lowest birthrate in EU.

I've always been a very stoic person, but I can't watch older European films now without silently crying for all that's been lost.

Poland and much of eastern Europe is 99% white though. That means plenty of 'white' slavs are taking their lives

>german trying to ruin slavic genes with his beta cuck ones
the eternal kraut at it again

Its germany now.
Also german women have to wear burkinis now in order to not get harassed by turkish men in the public pool, while turk women are wearing normal bikini.
pic related

no its the flemish with his useless life in concrete and cars land

>german women have to wear burkinis
>turk women are wearing normal bikini
This is fucking retarded, your country's cuck level is over 9000

Why won't you bang turkish women?

i'm half slav and not into cucking, so its alright i guess.

sometimes she lashes out, but its fine after a rough fuck.

I'll guarantee that every german women that take on a burkini, wear it out of solidarity or as a political statement.
I recall an interview with a store that sells burkinis, whom said that a large percentages of those that buy them are non-muslims and do it out of solidarity.

Their is a very large group of delusional western women, that does all kind of weird things.

Can you post her photo?

The Muslims are only stronk because the world will paint you as a racist and an islamaphob if you even think of showing any sort of resistance to them.

God damn these blackpill threads.
Well.. maybe it's supposed to happen. I like germany but if you are letting yourself influeced and manipulated by ze jews, maybe you deserve to go extint. I hope as things get worse and the sensible germans who flee might still carry the tourch when all of you end up nigged.

Because it's not genocide when (((they))) do it

>Also german women have to wear burkinis now

Stop exaggerating.

in a non country with no culture nor history completly under control from europe and de bank...and its not even a democracy,jews are the master here and pedo lobbys.

atleast the wallons have some nature and countryside left...the flemish have nothing literaly

I hate this guy so much

Why not just kill them? Or at the very least, castrate them? It's not difficult, you just have to get off your ass and do it.

>believing anything posted on Sup Forums

tfw German median age is 46,5 years. Keep in mind that each third child born in Goymoney has immigrant background and most immigrants that come in are young. Thus you can freely say that NATIVE German median age is over 55 years. Literally a nation of an old fart. They're too old to attempt any resistance. They will simply die out.

Most of them are closely guarded by their men who on the other hand are free to fuck white women on the side. A pretty good deal for them I would say.

what a fine charming young man. what are his videos about? and why does he have so many dislikes? people hatin cuz they aint him?

Every summer we see a lot of news on TV about tourists from Europe on that islands, one time we saw people running naked and drunk on the streets
I hate this kind of people, they have no respect

And why would the supposed master race care about such meaningless labels?

They need a good war again.

Are you going to deny all shit happening to Germany?

Denial is strong in germans.