Based on this map Trump needs an extra 10 to make it to 270
Where is the extra 10 gonna come from lads?
>inb4 muh PA
>inb4 muh VA
not likely that either of them are going to go red
Based on this map Trump needs an extra 10 to make it to 270
Where is the extra 10 gonna come from lads?
>inb4 muh PA
>inb4 muh VA
not likely that either of them are going to go red
Other urls found in this thread:
Maine and Wisconsin
not likely. she's up by 7
possible. but she's up 5 there. Are you really going to bet that he wins over a 5 point lead
FUCK image is supposed to say NC
oh well
It's gonna be Pennsylvania m8.
>it's still a "white" state and this is a white year
>rust belt doesn't like Hillary
If the Aryan men of PA show up, we will have victory.
NV and NC will 100% go trump.
Trump needs to flip either Maine, NH, MI,or NM to win it
Alternately, if clinton drops out, Hawaii will go red because no write in, meaning trump wins
I think Nevada and NM have the opportunity to be upsets.
He should be focusing on Maine, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New Hampshire a lot more though.
Nevada and New Hampshire
I'm telling ya, expect trump to take jew york.
NH and NV for the tie.
He's not going to win the Great Lake region, but he's close enough in NH and NV to swing them red.
Implying that the rules won't be eschewed in favor of a blue victory.
Trump will win Michigan and surprise everyone by taking New Jersey
Polls dont mean shit
If you actually lived here you would know that Philadelphia and the white hipster numales that left new York to live there cement this state as blue
I think there's a really good chance of new york going red. I was vacationing in the new england last month, we spent 3 days in new york, and on the street people were wearing trump shirts and hats everywhere.
Trump is ahead in ohio by 4 or 5 points
I live in Philadelphia. Unfortunately PA will be dem forever, sorry bud.
All these pundits are going to be discredited and embarrassed after the election when everything they have been saying is wrong and they knowingly did because they don't like Trump. I can't wait until after the election when all of the media starts purging their "experts" "pundits" and "anchors" and all of the media outlets start going under since they'll no longer be respected
Iowan here
There are a bunch of fucking minnesotans here. If they weren't counted you'd see an uptick like non fucking other for Donald.
maine isn't just one set of EC votes. also, the map has him winning one of them already.
the polls are putting clinton at a huge advantage. even if they are rigged he still wouldn't be able to close that gap. NJ would flip before NY
Why? Did they make their own state shit so they moved just to repeat the mistake without even realizing it?
>Not counting NM, VA, PA as wins
For that matter, on current trends you can put CO, MI, WA and OR in there, based on the increase from 2012 results.
>mfw trump takes Connecticut
>Falling for the meme.
You two better show the fuck up.
>2012: Obama won by only 310k votes
>2.99 mil to 2.68 mil
>Less than HALF of the state's total population (12.8 million) actually voted.
>PA is ~80% white
Minnesota goes red, first time since Nixon 72!
Why are the northern tips of America the cuckest states? Is it so cold they actually like prepping the bulls just for the body heat?
too many nordcucks
They aren't as exposed to niggers as us Southerners.
Nope. NJ is 2:1 by district, NY is almost evens. It's Trump's to lose.
I know PA better than most. I've lived all over PA my whole life.
Let me be clear: The PA Catholic vote will wreck Trump. Whereas older folks are voting Trump around the country, PA Catholics have similar inferiority complexes to SJWs. Trump existentially threatens their lifestyles of cuckery. His bout with Pope Francis alone, if you might call it that, is certainly remembered by a vast proportion of older voters in PA.
It's fucked. I mostly despise their culture.
Nordcucks live in Minnesota. Fuck this State btw.
as a catholic, i will admit that most catholics have become complete faggots
>they're naive
Darkies tend to stay down south where it's warm. Unless you live in/around a big city you don't see any of them up north.
I'd say Trump should aim to steal some votes from New England, but the task seems impossible. The single largest indicator for Trump support is low education levels - New England states happen to be the most highly educated states in the country.
I suppose he should try MN or WI. Maybe MI.
What is with Americans and catholic bashing?
Texas is the best State of America btw.
>This doesn't even have red WI, PA, or NM
wew lads landslide
Thats what liberals do. They are parasites. Just look at what commiefornians are doing to Texas.
Source on pic?
Bottom right of the picture.
I live in Philly as well. These people who "fell for the meme" are as right as can be. Pennsylvania is a fools gold state. Look elsewhere.
>The single largest indicator for Trump support is low education levels
White people are better educated than darkies and see You are right though about the fact very rich white people vote Democrats, but it's by interest, Democrats being more globalists.
no, they will say that Trump or Russians rigged the elections. Media has the power to create this hysteria. Denial will go on for some time
Look up how they vote in our country. They are responsible for the popular support behind race politics and SJWs being acceptable in non-academic spheres.
We bash all religions, straya
NYer here, I've seen my fair share of Trump signs and stickers, very few H-dawg. I saw a Johnson sign yesterday for the first time
Nevada and NH, main.
>those 4 identical squared states
>colorado and new mexico blue
>but arizona and utah red
Colorado is very urbanized (Denver) and New Mexico is new Mexico.
He might win Michigan by virtue of people hating Hillary. Bernie blew her the fuck out to everybody's surprise, probably the biggest polling mistep in this election.
Nevada, New Hampshire and one vote from Maine.
I also have a hunch that Trump will win Rhode Island but maybe I'm wrong.
But NYC tho
A lot of of Coloradans are new residents from NY.
New yorkers arent even that leftists. Its the immigrants that make us blue
New Mexico has majority Latin population. Colorado has been sucking in liberals all across the country because dude weed.
kill yourself defeatist cuck
AT LEAST 3 million whites DID NOT VOTE in 2012 and we only lost by 0.3 million.
Why does Trump lose when he has most of the map?
They aren't huge gimmedats states so nonwhites tend not to go there, this insulates the population from dealing with Tyrone and Paco
Californians ruined Colorado. They moved out there because California is shit, but they make Colorado shit in the process. Democrats got control and gerrymandered the shit out of Colorado so Republicans will never win again. Then in 2014, they passed legal weed and all of the licenses plates are fucking out of state. We are never going to be Republican again.
Is this your first election
Utah is Mormon town so red as blood
Denver is full of dude weed lamao
New Mexico is New Mexico
And Arizona is like Texas but better and is red as fuck
Just because they have similar shapes doesn't mean they are similar
But Trump is actually winning New Mexico this year and if shillary continues to collapse Colorado is always a possible swing state
Nevada + New Hampshire + Maine
The Clinton Subpoena Dodge
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Voters doubt Clinton's pneumonia explanation, poll shows
Hillary collapse coverage reveals absurdity of biased media
"I Protected Hillary Clinton In The Secret Service - Here's Why Her 'Fainting' Video Really Scares Me"
New Hampshire and Maine for sure. Lots of Republicans and conservatives in Massachusetts but the Cucks and their minority pets outnumber them. Vermont and Rhode Island are filled with too many old liberals and Connecticut is upper middle class white democrat central
All of these estimates are based on 2008-2012 turnouts
I agree that Trump will take Michigan. I fucking hate Michigan, and if they don't vote trump they will have cemented themselves as the dumbest bunch of fucking idiots in the country.
They literally have two choices:
>continue with the globalist policies that destroyed and bankrupted their state
>new nationalist policies that will breathe new life into their once glorious manufacturing sector.
What about the Omish that love Trump?
Literally the only white religious group you can count on to be Democrat.
It's astonished that AZ stays Republican when half of Phoenix aren't even AZ borns.
Most states in New England are filled with the educated and rich so they practice more European style political stances. Massachusetts for example actually has a sizable population of conservative democrats. High cost of living plus high taxes means that the gibsmedats aren't common as well.
>Maine 2nd
Most of Arizona isn't Arizona born
They are Midwest conservatives running from the libs and cold of the Midwest
>tfw shilling for hillary in PA
Praise Kek
John Paul II was too old for too long, Benedict was too intellectual and couldn't get things across in five-second soundbites, Francis is too nice.
Robert Sarah for Pope next time
What m8
Trump will win Pennsylvania
Polls literally mean jack shit at this point and the ever deciding debates have yet to happen. We're in a very fluid election lads, one day Hillary's calling 50% of Trump supporters deplorable, the next day she's croaking in broad daylight. Pretty exciting times tonbe alive desu.
besides minorities, who the fuck is voting for hillary? i dont get it, i live in liberal paradise and everyone here is butthurt that bernie basically got fucked by hillary.
Why don't the hippies move to Alaska?
They can see northern lights, smoke legal weed and explore the wilderness.
wait until after the first debate.
Philadelphia is a nigger hole. someone needs to nuke the shit out it.
Drunk natives
He campaigns in Michigan way too much
Wut m8 ??
Half of Phoenix are illegal mexicans. The other half are conservative as fuck.
AZ is the most conservative state in the entire country.
Philadelphia isn't the only place in Pennsylvania, nigger
Amish don't vote and it's not spelled "Omish"
Their religion prevents it
this more likely desu
Hillary isn't black
Trump can get 1 of the electoral votes in Maine, but it's so close I'd worry about rigging
Maine, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Wisconsin are all very competitive and could go either way at this point. The polls are showing that Trump is trending up, and Clinton is trending down. I bet you that by next week when the next batch of polls are released Trump's going to have the edge not only in the general election polls, but in the state polls as well in a few of those states I mentioned. Her collapse and the deplorables comment, I think, are gonna hurt her enough to put Trump in a commanding lead.
Too cold. Weak limp wrist pussy ass nigger loving faggots hate the cold.
Yeah alright fair nuff my nigga
You don't have any Catholics, you wouldn't get it.
They are to white people what ghetto thug nyuggahs are to black people, only there's not as many Catholics. They're still Catholic because their ancestors were too stupid or cucked to realize that Martin Luther had good ideas and that the Reformation was necessary. So basically they're genetically predisposed to be sheep.
>You don't have any Catholics
Their two last prime ministers were Caffoliks m8
This is a god-fearing protestant nation. We don't like idol worshippers.
This desu
way too many defeatist cucks here
Have some hope anons, at this point doubters should be considered shills
>implying Martin Luther wasn't guided by Satan
Ohio is already a landslide it will flip another nearby state. I f any of them flip it's easy street and rofl that you think she will win Virginia just because of that fucktard Kaine.