Glenn beck is going down

Glen beck just admitted on air that no one is calling into the show. The past 45 minutes has just been idiotic ramblings and weird voices while shit talking trump. Has keks meme magic worked on another non believer? I offer my digits in hope they strike down Glenn beck.

Last week he tried to quell rumors that his company was seeing huge losses. He also engaged (((milo))), in a War of words, who is clearly trolling him.


You're probably his only viewer. Keep us posted.

Ken is punishing him for having killed a frog on his show

idk how anyone can listen to this guy.

he's exactly what's wrong with cuckservatives.

Why aren't you listening to StormFront Radio?

I hope that drunk hangs himself


This is great. I was somewhat worried about the number of True Conservatives™ who would fall for the #NeverTrump meme but it seems to be just the butthurt elites themselves.

He deserves kek's wrath.

>listen to Joe Pags on my way home
>go to gym and Beck is on talking about Trumps hand size 8 weeks after Rubio was and weeks after Rubio dropped out
>come out of gym 1.5 hours later
>still talking about hand size

RIP Glenn you were good in 2007

It's just news and information for two hours every day in the morning that leads up to Dr. David Duke's show (which starts in 10 minutes)!

call in and try and make him cry

It's all tumbling down.

Call him and ask him if he regrets being a cuckservative

I hope hill helps him an hero.

Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl sometime around 1990.

what happened to this guy? he literally went insane.

someone in his staff putting estrogen in his coffee for years maybe?


Glenn Beck's face belongs in the porcelain in the bottom of my toilet bowl.

these people know they are fucking finished. if hillary wins, they'll be blamed for putting hillary in power; if trump wins, they lose.

fuck you glenn beck was never good u fucking nigger

This is kinda sad desu.
Beck was actually good at pointing out liberal double-standards and corruption back in like 2010. His show was entertaining AND informative.
I don't know how or why he went to shit, but it's a dayum shame. He was good once.

another theory is that he was caught doing something really fucked up, and is now blackmailed into being the lefts bitch.

Beck just had to settle his defamation suit. Paying out a Saudi prince has gotta chap his ass.

Glen Beck was never not crazy. He's always been a Mormon Mason crypto Jew neocon cuck like his daddy Romney.

beck will endorse trump before long

Stormfront is for fags. Radix and counter currents are where it's at. White nationalism doesn't need to associate itself with dummies.



Good goyim

He has always been severely mentally ill.

>alex jones 2005 era rants on beck

