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her forehead could probably knock out a prime muhammad ali

how can white bois even compete

looks like Superman flying just before he hits someone

>hire British actors because they are
>will do anything to get money
>supposedly better trained because they all went through professional drama colleges
>still act like shit
>Emilia Clarke
Buy American. Hire American.

Went to the same acting school as Danes, Pacino and Herschlag. Ridiculous.

>widen the eyes
What's step 3 Sup Forums?

Women are so fucking stupid.

How did she make it past the auditions? I'm sure there are many actresses that would fare better as Rey.

Well, she's obviously not the hottest girl they could find, even in England, so apparently not. Very few women can pull off male roles.


Weinstein was one of the staff

I think she is cute. Girls with goofy expressions are often cute imo


wide range of emotions instead of furrowed eyebrows and xenomorph mouth

probably because you're autistic and don't understand facial expressions very well

Can somebody make one of porg just to get everybody's panties in a knot

>push your ching forward
>straighten your nose
>narrow your mouth
>lift your cheeks up
>squint your eyes
>arch your eyebrows

Why do niggers always look so fucking ugly.

The only explanation is that they went out of their way to choose the most obnoxious and annoying actress, as bait for "DON'T LIKE IT YOUR SEXISS!"

his reminds me of those orangotang and chimp acts in vegas when they make faces like people

You might have point, i'm on the spectrum..

To be attracted to girl she has to have at least something funny in her face, like big teeth or tilted eyes. When I see generally beautiful women I acknowledge they are beautiful but I don't really feel attraction.


this needs to be a gif/webm with him in the stormtrooper armor on jakku popping up

>When I see generally beautiful women I acknowledge they are beautiful but I don't really feel attraction.

Nah, that's just being an adult and knowing what you want or don't want.

She's done nude scenes and there is almost never any fucking justification for nudity in movies.
It's simply pornography.
She's a porn star.

Disney shill.

Daisy Ridley could act circles around Felicity " Perpetual Dumbface" Jones.

Wait a moment, compared to Clarke and Star Wars Mary Sue and negro traitor Cucumberbatch acting skills are oscar-tier.


Boyega kind of sucks too but he's miles ahead of the Rey chick.

This is good though.

