>tfw to intelligent to be alt-right
Tfw to intelligent to be alt-right
>to intelligent
Haha this is some bait right?
>taking the bait
don't forget to sage OP's shit b8 thread
tfw to intelligent to take the b8
>tfw white nationalist
You made me laugh leaf, have some sage
I can sympathize, leafbro. Intelligence makes membership in any identity politics group difficult. Even if you agree with a sizable portion of what the group claims to represent, an above average intellect forces you to see the contradictions in their platform. Sad, really. The "alt-right" had potential before it was labeled and co-opted.
Ah leaf, never change
get 2 fuck
Le fish food trap
your pretty good, leaf, 8/10
So it's a leaf that keeps making these threads on Sup Forums and /fit. Love you dude, keep it up. Seeing these fags get triggered every time just makes me feel warm and tingly inside.
>to intelligent
10/10 bait
I see what you did their
go to the source
Nah, you just don't have enough testosterone or grew up without a dad user
>guaranteed replies
honestly well played op
You're flag says it all.
Start drinking. This migth create the problem you so despretly look for.
>to intelligent
No you're not autist
This Somalian migrant is uncharacteristically correct. Go read some neoreactionary canon, it's the thinking man's alt-right. Moldbug's corpus turned me from a Stalinist to... well still mostly a Stalinist actually, but at least I understand modern Progressivism more.
Fucking shit match your belt and shoes better. You look like a little kid playing dress up daddy's clothes
>tfw you notice you are too inteligent to belive your own lies and never will be that wise person, feeling like a monkey or watching down on monkeys.
I have taken social science classes and know how you feel.
I guess that you believe in the economical history of the humankind, every problem there is is not really race related/culture related but economically related right?
Someday you will not believe that shit anymore.
Leaf purge when?