RIP Sup Forums (possibly)

Dear Sup Forums

I guess I'm an oldfag, I've been lurking and posting since early in 2008. I miss the old Sup Forums when we'd raid or some user would dump 100's of facebook accounts...

We're going to lose Sup Forums if that fucking cunt wins. This whole pepe debauchery on her website is getting absurd! Just think about this, a senior citizen is getting seriously butthurt over something she saw on the internet and is spreading her worthless opinion to millions of normies.

When I first saw pepe years ago I thought it was fucking stupid, did pepe not originate from the /r9k/ robots? I associated him (kek, I refered to him as a person, had to add this) with lonely, single teengers or wizards. As with other cultural phenomenons originating from our home Sup Forums, pepe has gone mainstream.

Sup Forums is a tamed lion compared to 2008, but none the less I still call it home.

If Hitlery becomes POTUS, We're gonna be homeless, We're vilified on her site, I fucking hate her. She's too old and out of touch with today's youth and even Genxers, I wouldn't even trust her ability to make me a sandwich let alone run arguably the most powerful country in the world. If she wins It'll be a shitshow for sure, but We'll have endless lulzy topics to discuss. The only question is where will we call home?

Other urls found in this thread:

Infinity c h a n you mongloid

>The only question is where will we call home?
The same place I've been calling home for 3+ years now

Sup Forums is eternal


In a campaign email, Hillary has already vowed to take down the outlets like Breitbart, Drudge, and "fringe" sites like this.

She's already demonizing us to her lemmings, prepping them for when they inevitably come for us.

Sup Forums is harold lauder

wait, wasn't it some user that posted 9001 e-mails and passwords from some christian facebook group?

i remember that

She can't control the internet, I find this hard to believe.

I just ate a fried egg sandwich. Do you guys usually put ketchup on yours, or no?

Yes that was one of the dumps! I trolled some lady's account making it seem she killed herself, her friends all commented on what her address was and called the police to check on her at like 3am, good times.

oh wait fuck thats almost 9 years ago

Ive been here since 2007

where does the time go?

But yeah i agree same thing here happening as well.

Fuck yeah,

>I'm an oldfag
>posting since early in 2008
>probably found Sup Forums through fucking Chanology

Is that what counts as being an """oldfag""" now?

I keep getting older, but they stay the same age.

kek, lots of trolling, i remember a guy posting a pic of him shit all over his dick asking how to delete his picture, lulz were had.

miss those days man

whos they?

im 25 feel old as fuck

havent really matured past 16

Just like the media does to many, you misquoted me, I said 'I GUESS I'm an oldfag' you fucking retard.


The sheep know not what they bahhhhh at

Twitter, Facebook and Google are already on a witch hunt.
She can easily pull some CP cards and bring Sup Forums down.

The only solution would be to put Sup Forums server in Bolivia or Kuwait.

So, what's the big deal? If anything happens, true, we will scatter. Some of us, will stopp going to "this kind of sites". But we will spread out through the internet, find new havens, and the cycle beginns anew.

>I guess I'm an oldfag

I've been here since 2004 m8, you're not true oldfag unless you remember /z/ and the lolicon board

My first post on this site was a Sup Forums Sup Forums gold account thread back in 06. m00t still posted regularly and snacks had just had his chimp out and left the site. Anyways I used my dads credit card because I was 14 and stupid. He thought one of his employees stole the thing. Once I found out what happened I buried it in the back yard.

I am worried about whats going to happen to the internet if she wins. Sup Forums is the only place I can voice my opinions and get half decent news coverage without the liberal spin. Sup Forums always has the stories first.

Look up peer-to-peer websites , we don't need servers for communication user.

lol i only got broadband in 2006

figures this was the first fucking site i found.

cant remember how.

True. We can spread, make our army stronger I hope. We as a whole are a force to be reckoned with here on Sup Forums, I doubt so much so if we were to be seperated from our boards.

Wow same here

Doesn't sound good desu, but I don't really like eggs unless I'm cooking them into something else so meh.

Hell yeah. But the key is to put just the right amount. You dont want too much, you want just a bit so that its tangy and not overpowering.

Sounds sweet. Server shutdowns won't affect the site, if every node has a fragment of the entire database.
But updating every node when a user makes a post would be technically difficult.

They dont even raid Twitch anymore.

Of you started lurking after 2005 you are and always will be a newfag

>She can't control the internet

She seems to get her way being that she isn't setting in prison for treason, murder, mass murder, money laundering, favors given to Clinton foundation donors while holding a public office, and the list goes on.

If elected she will likely delete us like those emails.

Katsup is gross

Just remember if in the future, we have a global thought police agency backed by the UN, and Sup Forums is kill. To go to zeronet and find Sup Forums, they already have it.

So you've wasted more of your time here than I have. Your point is what exactly? You think Sup Forums is unionized? Go brush yor teeth.

>all these newfags

You can't call yourself an oldfag unless you were here when the only boards were Sup Forums and Sup Forums

It's crazy how media covers burger elections, why do you Murricans have such long, dragged out elections? When The_Donald wins I bet Hitlery and Burnout will start all over again. Up here in maple syrup land our elections are quick and to the point.

I season mine

nothing else

Too bad we picked a fucking dipshit. Nice dubs though


What kind of board is it? I don't want to end up in some sick pedoland board...

He means Hotwheel's imageboard

Also known as double chan, 4+4, they also call Sup Forums half chan

I dunno how it's doing these days. SJWs have been giving Hotwheels so much shit. Despite the fact that he's wheelchair-bound and a midget

Sup Forums is run by some fucking jap, she can't do shit.

A fuckton more OC than you see around here anymore

Well, we didn't really have a choice, I mean fuck Harper... Our pretty boy seemed to be the lesser of two evils. I voted for him and even convinced my wife to vote Liberal. Our riding ended up losing anyway. With his SJW attitude and remember, It's the current year, he'll turn us into Germany with all the rapefugees... But hey, DUDE_WEED_LMAO. I read yesterday Canada even made prescription HEROIN legal. What a time to be alive.

Pic related. My happy pills.

No ketchup on an egg sandwich. I put cheese, bacon and mayo.

Do you oldfags not remember when m00tles did dumb shit and locked up Sup Forums for days on end? Do you remember what happened back then? The shitstorm was massive back then and it was like a wave of toxic shit just devouring the internet until Sup Forums was free. The levels of autism reached new heights back then.

Just like Sup Forums is a containtment board, so is Sup Forums. In fact, Sup Forums is just a containment website filled with frog posting autists. These same autists have made all this madness in current day politics possible. Call it meme magic or shit posting, it really doesn't matter. The old folks are afraid of us because of this shit and, as it has been proven time and time again, everything they have attempted to do to stop it only made it worse for themselves. Killing this website will fucking end the internet.

The more you hate it, the stronger it becomes. That is an ancient rule of the oldfags and, if anything, it has been proven to be more true now than ever before. They hate us, they give us attention, and they give us power, more than they ever dreamed we could possibly have. We are now a political force to be reckoned with because of it. A bunch of shitposting, trolls/autists on an imageboard now have such political sway on IRL politics that we are causing enough ripples that we have become a nuisance. If they strike us down, we will become even stronger than they all possibly imagined. We will invade everything like a swarm of locusts or the Mongol hordes of yore. Pillaging, raping, burning, devouring, rampaging, and destroying everything we see until we find our new "home". They will have to kill the internet just to stop us.

So I say let them come and do what they may. What they expect is for us to die, to go away, to disappear. What they don't realize is that the internet runs under different rules than they are used to and with the way they run things, it will take years before they do anything and, by then, it will be too late.

>lurked since 2008
>first bost is blog entry

lurk moar you inutterable faggot

>he'll turn us into Germany with all the rapefugees

He brought in only a few thousand more then Harper had pledges to bring in, and unlike Harper, he changed the focus to women and children.

>tfw thought I was just shitposting

You Are all cuckolds without taste if you have fried eggs with anything other than a kilo of pepper

>9 years of life wasted on Sup Forums
>thats not being an oldfag!!!!!

2007 here. Suck a dick, dumbshit

Forget about Sup Forums. They are shutting down the whole internet after this election. Imagine how easy they had it 30 years ago. Nothing but a few pesky journalists getting in the way of you ferocious corruption. They could literally get away with murder. Now the whole world is breathing down your neck via the internet. They can't even eat KFC with a knife and fork without getting ridiculed by millions.

Big Brother censorship will top of their agenda in the coming years.

Thats not heroin though. But let me get this straight. The standards for being prescribed heroin have been loosened or the local drug store now has a rig and kit behind the counter with the cigarettes that just requires an ID?

>They are shutting down the whole internet after this election.
Very unlikely. If ((they)) learned anything from the arab spring, it is that shutting down the internet = DOOM.

Any country nowadays, that shuts down its internet, will face a rebellion. Simple as that.

Welp. Hope everyone itt takes note of this. It's starting on Oct 1.
>thanks worst president

What about a shitty localized national intranet with bots acting as foreigners? How long till you think the normies noticed? Or how long till people started crying mandala effect about it?

>Burgers finally banned from 4chins
>No more christcucks and BBC shills
What not to like?

I thought we all posted in /gif/ for a week when mootles locked down Sup Forums for that week.

/gif/ was flooded in shit, even worse than Sup Forums was normally

how would they ever going about "cloning" all internet sites?

As for single-sites like this being "replaced" by this method, how many thousands of shills would they need to do it?

> lurking from 2008, thinks pepe came from /r9k/ or even Sup Forums.

Nothing we can do about it leaf.

That was her plan all along, first with the "Alt-Right" speech, now pepe.

When she wins she will shut down Sup Forums and most of the other chans and all other boards and forums that practice free speech.

We can see that YouTube and twitter and facebook already ban people who post opinions who don't agree with leftists.

Sup Forums and few more other forums are still left where you can talk whatever you want, but when she wins...

This is pretty much the point. If shutting down Sup Forums gave that kind of reaction, well guess what people would do if the internet goes poof?
They would become frightened, angry, and partisan. Washington DC, would be stormed by NJ, NY and other surrounding or nearby states.

If Hillary wins losing Sup Forums will be the least of the problems. Ever expanding Government and social programs will bankrupt the nation, followed by waves of crime lead by terrorists and cartel members flooding across the southern border she has sworn to dissolve. Couple that with the lefts hard on to disarm Americans and you will have a blood bath like we haven't seen in our history.

I think It would be like methadone, only certain doctors can prescribe it.. I'd imagine it would be given at methadone clinics. Or for all I know, the pharmacist will hand over a few viles and the user has to get their own rigs? Idk really.

Someone must take down shillary

Dude shut the fuck up. I've been here since 1998. During the beta. 2008 is still oldfag. You're not the oldest member here.

Your radiation is showing. Go make some electronics for your jew emperor faggot.

Obama is handing naming control over to the UN. It won't even take 4 years for the internet to become a hellhole run by feminists and muslims. I mean they already own google, twitter, reddit, facebook, etc. Hiroshimoot can't save us on his own.

I hope the Internet is taken down
Blood for the blood God.
Chaos for all

I stocked up on ammo and MRE's. Let the end come I am ready. If she wins people will find ways to resist and sabotage the system. Start looking now while there is access to that information.

Good idea let make an infornation thread

Alright, alright, alright.


07-09 """"""oldfags""""""" have absolutely no right to complain, you script kiddies were the original cancer that destroyed this site.

04 niggers better recognize

2005 here, OP is a faggot.

This. Trolling Hal Turner should be considered the end of an era.

Obviously they can't shut it down completely. But I expect they'll push for censorship and convictions for 'hate speech'.

You will stop using Sup Forums when it takes 30 seconds for a page to load. Good Goyim come to our fast loading website for the true news.

A coffee can full of thermite can easily disable a power sub station.

Use a flower pot not a cylinder and it will melt through most objects. Takes a full can though or you get shitty results.

They'd never kill us off, but our power comes from our easy access. If you need a modified host file with a VPN on a non-M*crosoft/Apple computer, we'd lose 90% of our Anons.



I'm also a 2008we and neither of us are olsfags, you fucking faggot

my god no. Mayo yes and some pepper and bacon but ketchup..


Yes. It is meant to be eaten this way.
The Lord gave us eggs, to be eaten in sandwiches, and it was good.
And lo! Unto the sandwich makers, the Lord sayeth; it needs ketchup.
Not ketchup in too large an amount, and not ketchup in too small an amount. The ketchup amount should be of the right amount. And it shall be tangy.
And it was good.

>Despite the fact that he's wheelchair-bound and a midget

And he's still got a bigger D than me.

U better be tryin to bait here
If anything happens to 4 we can just move to 8

>Sup Forums is a tamed lion
Are you serious? We've manipulated elections and changed people's political beliefs, we have done some serious shit. Hell /sg/ has helped fund the cords of Isis trains bases. We've helped wiki leaks with Hillary's servers, just by making green frogs in ms paint we effectively put Hillary's campaign on high alert. We've done some shit

>Is that what counts as being an """oldfag""" now?

No, you have to started trolling with the telegraph to get that honored moniker.

I've been here since Arpanet you fucking youngling.

I was trolling back then with smoke signals man, what does that make me

>t. the only true oldfag

Yeah, but we're not egging 14 year old emo girls on to kill themselves.

Listen here sonny I been around since the earliest days of Chris Chan you can't go around callin' yerself an oldfag if I cant

I shitposted with ENIAC, you fucking teenager

because next year, it will be your country.



Try 2004. Lurker to gate keeper.