why was there a giant spider at the end?
Why was there a giant spider at the end?
It was a metaphor for Jake's fear of vaginas.
It was a metaphor for Jake's fear of spiders.
le randumb non-sequitur put in to make retards like you and Chris Stuckmann think the film had any depth
The movie is about spiders taking over the world. It's a good twist.
it was a metaphor for Jake's fear of Quentin Tarantula
It was a metaphor for Jake's fear of queers. .
Hey man, just wanted to say since you're probably new that you don't need to put anything in the name field. Sup Forums is primarily for anonymous discussion, and having a tripcode like that when your identity is irrelevant to the topic at hand will make you seem like an attention whore
It's a Jake for spider's vagina of fears.
Upboats to the left.
I see from your tripcode that you want attention. I am paying attention to you.
its the tease for the upcoming spiderman by sam raimi
kino back on the menu boys
It's this movie version of the venetian mask at the end of Eyes Wide Shut. Also
>Sup Forums discovering Villeneuve
why was there a giant spider at the end?
Villenueve is a hack.
Does that actually represent something other than another threat towards tom cruise's character?
ho mama
wasn't there a closeup on a giant spider in one of the hobbit movies