If you had his influence and power, would you do the same thing?

If you had his influence and power, would you do the same thing?

If you could get away with it, why not

No. I bet most girls would’ve slept with him anyway, if he wasn’t so fucking creepy about it.

>implying girls would sleep with a fat slob if it doesn't help their career

No you could hire high class hookers for your weird sexual fetishes and never have it backfire. I'd have starlets do really degrading and pathetic things for roles to fill the emptiness inside my fat Jewish self. Making some eager teen eat McDonald's French fries until she pukes all over herself would be pretty funny.


No chance. They wouldn't all be queueing up to get back at him now if that were true. It's true to say that if he were some Chad with good looks and a ripped body, none of this would be happening. They're bitter that some creepy old man exposed and exploited their desperation for stardom.

I would fuck women and enjoy my wealth and connections. But he was harassing women, which means he couldn't get pussy and that he's lost control over his urges. But he's also pretty ugly and from his behaviour in interviews, it's really no surprise that people found this shit on him.

I would.

Would you do what? Why can't all you white knights define the crime?
Consent to sex in return for movie roles?

>Hire trainer/stylist
>Fund steady stream of interesting projects
>Use wealth/success/abs to entice qts the old fashioned way
>At age 92, retire to monastery to contemplate life and Pursue the Good
>Fuck Stone/Watson/Roberts in heaven for eternity

He was raping them so no. I'd try the whole "fuck me and you'll be a big movie star" thing like Whedon, but raping and sexual harassment? No.


I wouldn't force them
It's not like lot of women wouldn't do it voluntarily, and that he wasn't rich enough to afford all the whores he wants

>If you had his influence and power, would you do the same thing?
Cut so many movies? Absolutely not. Imagine how great the original five hours version of Gangs of NY must be.

would have filmed it so i always had proof the girls were willing whores, also for my later enjoyment

Fuck yes I'd do the same but with enough style to make fewer open enemies. Think of the eager whores who slobbed his knob for money and fame.

He bought souls. He fucked women normies never will, not even normies who rent hot escorts. Their humiliation was so delicious even to some of them they returned for the cock. Think of the feebs and weebs fapping to Emma Watson now knowing his gnarled enflabulent huttfolds engulfed her as his prostate emptied its load of Jewish love mucus into her roastie. That's extended humiliation and ruined dreams.

Streep was right. He's god.

Everyone would

i came to post this.

TCAP Weinstein special edition when?

>that last paragraph
kek, based response

No, i dont look like a disgusting jewish charicature from a 1930's cartoon, so i would not need to force anyone, i would use my power to push nationalism and anti diversity and keep women out of power...

>pulling down the whole industry by making famous shit actresses just because they sucked your dick,
>shit actresses which are given bought awards, making them glorified by the media, becoming "role-models", spewing opinions viewed as gospel, when in fact they're just shit tier actresses that sucked the right dick at the right time.
>shit actresses that are obviously narcissistic psychos since they're ready to do everything for fame and you can never know when they'll snap and this shit will backfire at you

Nah, I just would have fucked top tier escorts, which are better looking, better at fucking and sucking than jennifer lawrence.

what makes you think Weinstein didn't film it?

>Would you?
The question is more like could i, the would. I dont understand how people can get enjoyment out of these kinds of acts. If he had ever had sex with someone who actually wanted to of there own free will maybe he would understand..

Jeez Asia...was being in a Vin diseal movie worth it?

Nope, since I am not fat creep. I'd be happy with the amount of pussy I will get voluntarily

4 U

>have infinite harem of actresses willing to be my sexual pupils
>fucks them all
>makes them look beautiful to other males, which will keep paying to see them but they wont have sex with them though
Anything wrong with that?

Yes but with more eyes wide shut shit imvolved

>Anything wrong with that?
Getting caught in the end

No, even if I was as ugly and as fat as that kike.
I mean, can be ugly, but with that amount of social status and money you can still get woman to sleep with you.

Pretty obvious that he had serious issues.

>but with that amount of social status and money you can still get woman to sleep with you.
only if you pay them money/marry them
They won't sleep with you because they are attracted to your body

Even if i was ugly and fat...if i was a desperate fuck like that, getting escorts would be a better option, that way you don't ruin your connections, and you could still have your pictures taken near top actresses cuties and jerk off on it after.

>would you do the same thing?
I imagine I'd have done so much cocaine that I wouldn't be able to get it up without some serious sexual degeneracy going on.

i guess we've heard about that at this point. what could harvey stop releasing them, or mention their existence?

why should he dig his grave even deeper?

No since I'm not the kind of insecure pathetic retard who wants to coerce women into sex, he could afford the highest class escorts and probably had women eager for his dick to climb up the social ladder but he wants women who don't want it to feel powerful, probably got molested as a kid tbqh.

yeah probably, i can't even be mad at the guy

he *should* put it on a t-shirt.

but he couldnt get away with it

>forced me to perform oral sex on him
literally how lmao just bite down you dumb bitch

Tragic that you think this would make you look better.

He couldn't keep getting away with it.

was getting caught part of his plan?

No. BUT if I was ugly as him, yes I would.

They don't need to be attracted to your body.
If you have a strong personality, good with words and have all that social status to back it up you'll end up as someone atrractive.

This guy was just a creep who simply wanted to treat actresses like hookers. Just fuck em and abuse them without needing to work for it.

Reminder that Robert "Bob" Weinstein, his brother, his blood relative, of whom he runs a company with says he had NO idea any of this was going on and never ever EVER took part in similar acts.
Does the jews hubris know no bounds?

I can't say, because I haven't been there, but it's pure animal instinct that drives people to push boundaries and use leverage for sex. People get rich so they can fuck hot women beyond their league all the time. Maybe in a different time and place, I could have been like him.

But I'm glad I'm not him because I remember what it's like to be human and not a richer, marginally smarter animal.

I would've got fit and banged all the willing 11/10 instead.

>Not using your power to kill people instead

almost everything except molesting women.

Honestly, if I had his influence and power I would've found much better use for them. Somehow, more powerful the man gets, less imaginative he becomes.

because he has zero game

>I'm not doing anything with you, I promise. Now you're embarrassing me.
>I won't do a thing, please. I swear I won't. Just sit with me. Don't embarrass me in the hotel. I'm here all the time.
>I won't do anything and you'll never see me again after this. OK? That's it. If you don't - if you embarrass me in this hotel where I'm staying
>Honey, don't have a fight with me in the hallway.
>Please. I'm not gonna do anything. I swear on my children. Please come in. On everything. I'm a famous guy.
>I will never do another thing to you. Five minutes. Don't ruin your friendship with me for five minutes.
>Please, you're making a big scene here. Please.

jesus harvey

>I'm a famous guy

>Please, you're making a big scene here. It's just a dick. Look at it. Wow you're so beautiful. It's a natural (hhhhnnnng) thiiing (*cums on his hands and on the carpet) awww shiit shiiiiiit

>whips penis out and literally forces a chick's mouth onto it
Nah I wouldn't do it.

I have less influence, less power and I still manage to Weinstein a broad now and again.

>would I fuck all of my waifus?


>(*cums on his hands and on the potted plant)


Not the same thing, but id do something

>I demand tribute

*pinches at you respectfully*

Even having girlfriends and a hot wife at all, this fat ugo made out of life like a bandit.

>Harvey cums on the potted plant
>grumble, coughs and says with a smile "more for Susannah the cleaning lady to clean up!"
>looks up at the actress and laughs loudly
>the actress is not pleased and tries to look elsewhere
>Harvey puts his worm back up in his pants and zips up his fly, coughs
>"Um so...yeah...about this film..."

Yes but the audio recording is fucking pathetic where he is literally begging that girl to go in his room.

At that point I'd be like "fine, fuck off then" and pick out one of the many, MANY other 20 year olds who want to be stars.


i would do something similar; but not the same

this guy could have LITERALLY just paid girls to have sex with him; but because he was such a degenerate and such a pig, he felt like the only girls that could please him are hollywood actresses. its not that he would even please them though, he would ask girls if he could PLEASURE HIMSELF IN FRONT OF THEM.

really dude? you're going to fuck your life up that bad just because you like it when cute girls watch you masturbate? Weinstein could have paid for an escort. hell, he could have paid for a cute escort full time just to stare at him in the shower, but because hes such a fucking mongoloid he thinks its fine to force girls into these situations.

kinda fucked desu. i would have done it differently (i.e. legally). but hey, what do i know? im just some guy shit posting on Sup Forums

Is there some other use for influence and power except endless descent into degenerate debauchery?

>Getting caught

Except he obviously wasn't caught, "they" sacrificed him. He was technically caught decades ago but it was all kept a secret until he clearly pissed one of "them" off and they destroyed him.

why is there a sudden influx of threads trying to soften the blow with shit like
>hurr durr you would do it too if you were rich
>people are making this up i mean look at all these ridiclous claims popping up. Dont worry goy, just go back to watching netflix
are shills on full force?

>hurr durr you would do it too if you were rich
Why aren't we collecting these people and putting them in camps already?

No, I wouldn't. It's just not what I'm into, I couldn't enjoy sex with a woman who doesn't actually want me to have sex with her.

He did for decades though. He's lived a full life at this point; is probably gonna eat the bullet soon.

Yes, I'd try to smash hot actresses but the normal way. Raping or forcing sex is beneath me.

don't mix business and pleasure

you mean (((them))) ? because he is (((them)))

Well no.

Because I'm a chad. So the money and power would turn me into turboChad9000.

obviously, I don't even understand what the fuzz is about, other than larpers getting easy target

A starving hunter uses ALL the tools in his arsenal. To do otherwise is to be negligent.

When your are ridding that high there is little that gives you pleasure outside of drugs

> STFU and suck a dick to become a millionaire and a idol that goes down is history or go back and work as a waitress Not a hard choice

I thought this dude was a billionaire or something but just found out his net worth is only like $250m including his wife's business? How does someone like that even bully their way into famous panties?

You just KNOW.

On one hand I understand his position, all these sluts that have never done a honest day's work and just want to get rich by flaunting their beauty at the camera don't deserve any respect in my humble opinion, on the other hand I just don't have it in me to rape these whores because they disgust me already.

please no

>Making some eager teen eat McDonald's French fries until she pukes all over herself would be pretty funny.
pretty sure you can find that on camsites right now


What did homeboy mean by this?

I wonder what he "forced" Ana to do...

user she's cuban, on the 1% chance that she wasn't HARVEST'D she probably sold herself to tourists, you can buy a prostitute for a whole day in Cuba just by gifting her shampoo.

you shut your whore mouth, she's pure


It's Jews who also shitpost on Sup Forums coming to the defense of a fellow tribesman. Jews instinctively do this, even when they know 100000% they're arguing in bad faith.


meant for


A pure slut yes.

I would probably make advances but I wouldn't rape anyone. Also I wouldn't pursue someone that I know isn't available. So basically the same thing as I'm doing now, only I'm better looking.

Absolutely. Imagine defiling all these waifus mmmh...

I would send them to work for a couple of months somewhere in the iPhones factory .

He's hover-handing her, dawg.

is this the comeback that Jonah's been waiting for?