Making Babies Great Again

Trump wants to raise the birthrate and has released plans to help working mothers raise families. Expanded maternity leave, new tax deductions for child care: the God Emperor Trump wants you to be fruitful and multiply.

The liberal press howls in outrage. Slate blames Ivanka and derides Trump for abandoning something blah blah blah:

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a good idea. Rich people reproducing more.

The poor tend to reproduce, and often, regardless of whether they have the means to raise the children well or not. The rich and educated tend to have few (fewer than three) children or none. It's time to reverse the situation before Idiocracy takes over.

People reproducing is never a good thing.

You have to go back to Uqbar, you Borgesian heresiarch.

Agreed. Jamal will keep fucking all the Shaniquas and LaFondas and leaving them. They don't care, why can't other people have some pie, that might actually appreciate it.

Meanwhile James and Mary have 100,000 in student debt, want children, but can't finance daycare or 6 weeks without pay. Now educated whites can actually breed intelligent people that vote conservative.

Need more Muslims?

Do you guys think Trump would have done this with a black or Mexican baby?

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Do you think black and Mexican parents will vote for Trump according to their rational interests or for Hillary according to their emotional impulses and the propaganda of the left that plays on those emotions?

Holy shit. A real original policy that people can relate to. He's actually going to win it.

No and that sounded very racist and slightly offensive

No no wait. He pivoted remember? You do have to go back anymore. We can just talk about it now and see if maybe you have to go back. Stop spreading BS propaganda. He has softened his position on deportation. If you don't like Trump gtfo of this thread

This policy benefits only white people (spics are illegal and blacks can't hold down jobs! REEEEEEEE

Aww man I forgot to close the parentheses. Now you're all a part of my Excel formula.

Finally, this is it, he's the leader the west needs, there can't be no doubt now.

Someone never read any Jorge Borges. Go find a blind Argentinian librarian and get some culture.

I was hoping for him to take a stance on this.
Good on him.

> Making Babies Again


ding ding ding

This is a tax relief plan, meaning that there is no benefit to niggers and spics (whom only 15% or so pay any taxes)

not poor whites
have a look at Europe, especially Eastern Europe

Am I the only one who is getting eerie reminders of Hitler's initiatives in the 1930s to raise the birth rate?

This guy is too dangerous to be allowed into the white house.

wat? the Slate article was supportive of Trump's new entitlement program. they are questioning the sincerity of his call for more spending though

Slate blames Ivanka and derides Trump for abandoning something blah blah blah:
Did you even read the article?

Communism fucked over Eastern Europe hard. The low birthrate (and high abortion rate) in the East is a relic of the failures of Communist policy.

What he said.

Its the welfare programms, which start this dynamic.

>muh africa birthrates
Yes, there it is the same. They get welfare medicine, which results in less dead children. They also might get welfare food, as soon as shit hits the fan, once again. Either way, they view their kids as disposable investments down there, not as "family" like we do.

Sup Forums never has any ideas on how to fix the birthrate other than "HURRR MAN UP U AUTISTIC NECKBEARD VIRGIN GO OUT AND WORSHIP WOMEN HURRRRRR".

So it's good that Trump actually has some concrete, reasonable ideas he is pitching.

Yes. Didn't you like this part:
> Given that Donald Trump is making these promises, it would be advisable to take a wait-and-see approach, as he’ll likely announce tomorrow that the media has twisted his words around and what he actually said is that he’s going to build a big, beautiful wall.

What about marriage? If he says nothing about marriage then it's an issue.

How to increase birthrates:

Make it where men don't get fucked in every divorce.

>Conservative sources never make jokes about Hillary

fuck off you crybaby faggot

>maternity leave

>obv Hitler

Quit baiting me ;_;

Most controversial thing Trump may do is demand immigration from Africa also cease as well as from muslim countries. I can imagine him doing that as president and getting shit on and he back pedals on it.

it's funny how communism only killed white birthrates but not that of Central Asia (large part of the USSR), rest of Asia and Latin America

a white country can be as poor and as 3rd world as they come, birthrates will stay very low
a brown country right next door with similar conditions will have high birthrates

really makes you tink

You sound triggered. How can I help?

for all americans? or only whites? because you know why

Still not as bad as Salon or Huffington Post. It's not even inaccurate too.

>le triggered meme

you are a small minded fuckstick

Umm… Cuba? 1.45 births per woman.

Time to find an aryan qt and have heaps of babies

yeah, but we aren't politicians. We can just work with the tools we got, mainly indoctrination and other ways of getting people to multiply trough rhetoric.
If we had power over our countries rules, i think polacks would have come up with similar laws; many threads already suggested similar approaches on what politicians could do to solve that problem

There will be some of both. Unfortunately there is so much propaganda being jammed down their throats I think more will vote Hillary over Trump.

He asked an either or question and you replied with "No". Would you mind clarifying what you meant? Could you also explain exactly what about his post is offensive?

he fucked up when he decided to give benefits to single mothers. fuck them. what we need is families with dads at home, not failures

The ways in which Sup Forums tries to get young men to submit is ineffective. This place is a bitter echo chamber, your methods don't work. Trump is far more influential.

I think people would have kids if they could afford it.

Look at baby boomers for example.

Right now the idiots who don't realize they can afford it (or worse, refuse to use protection/birth control) are the ones having kids while the smart people know they can't afford to until their late 20's early 30's.

Reminder that your nigger population dropped from ~20% in 1780 to ~10% by the early 1900's and hovered around there until the 1950's. We had a lot of nigger slaves here in the early 1700's. They all went extinct when we freed them sinc they could no longer fend for themselves and the state wouldn't support their existence. Any move to support working class birthrates over redistribution of wealth to the lower classes is eugenic. Coupled with his tough stance on immigration, this could actually lead to a reversal in the plummeting white share of the population.

Threads like these are reasons why you really fucking need a firm, firm grasp on economics before you advocate policies.

"Expanded maternity leave" (read: federally mandated) will decrease white birth rates in the same fucking way it has in Europe. This whole "career woman" nonsense is marxist horseshit that is particular to white, western civilization and has (along with all the other aspects of "feminism") probably done more harm to us than WWI/WWII in the long run.

You are SUBSIDIZING the whole "strong, independent, career womyn" shit and ensuring this shit becomes the norm, which is objectively terrible for children, lowers the likelihood of them having more children compared to stay-at-home moms, lowers the woman's dependence on her husband for support (which weakens the familial bonds), and the people who pay for this shit are heavily disproportionately white, with higher costs of living having a strong downwards correlation with birth rates.

Jesus fucking Christ stop mindlessly supporting this shit just because Trump is trying to improve his numbers with women.

...agreed? I never argued that. Of course Trump is more influential. Thank god. It would be sad if that wasn't the case.
I don't know either how pol could get young men to "submit", as you put it, more effectively. How would you approach the problem?

Seriously, who gives a shit if something's offensive/racist? It isn't an argument.

>Have Aryan qt babies

>Die at 30 years later in Ivanka Trump's crusade to retake Rome from the muslims

>my bloodline carries on as the Trump Dynasty colonizes Alpha Centauri's system 500 years later

Wow talk about your huge oversimplifications, as if existing culture doesn't shape birthrates as much as the ideological banner you fly under

your first assumption is that America is Europe. thats silly and a false assumption.

second point i have to contend with, why is a working woman bad? this isnt 1924, there have been such massive leaps in technology that the average american has an absurd amount of downtown in comparison to generations past, for both sexes.

maybe in some instances it would be subsidizing a strong independent career women, but its also a direct incentive on the state to forgo the risk of having children in a two income household. (btw most households with 2 working parents are white households amigo)

before you go spouting about your keen economic mind, how about you check your assumptions first you fucking hack...but you are right that once again this is a socialist policy that would place a financial burden on the highest earners and most successful, and yet its their representation that will be drowned out by federalist reform

>(btw most households with 2 working parents are white households amigo)

You mean the ones who also have the lowest birthrates?

You don't understand. With the way things are set up in the US currently, responsible working class white people are incentivized to not have children while nonwhite welfare queens are incentivized to shit out 10 kids each for the state to pay for. Children are our future, who you want raising them and contributing to their genetic makeup? Paradoxically, the people you want having children are the very ones who would put it aside to focus on their careers or for whatever altruistic purpose they have dreamed up like lessening their impact on the environment.

We've now had 2 or 3 generations of white women who've put having children aside to focus on their careers and either end up having 1 autistic child at age 40 or none at all. On top of it all, the Jews are doing everything in their power to discourage whites from having children.

You are the one arguing that these federally sponsored maternity reforms will lower that birth-rate ever more, not me. way to shift the argument to get away from the fact that your original points, while original, are retarded.

white households are also the most productive, have the highest grad and literacy rates, highest levels of education attained on average, highest homeownership rates.

You ignore some of the biggest factors to a productive household and state, and then post some fucking picture as if that validates any of the shit you spewed.

I was pretty pumped when i read your first post, because i liked the fresh perspective, but now i see your just a faggot.

If you really think that expanded maternity leave and tax benefits for working families will hurt white people, then you deserve to sit there with a folder full of stupid bob ross pictures and an empty head

It's offensive because it's racist

I give a shit because it offends me. NEWS ALERT: EVERYONES DIFFERENT. What may offend me may not offend someone else. And I'm not even black or Mexican, I just have a heart unlike you cold Nazi bastards. It's funny how just because a few uncle toms who are delusional enough to support Trump somehow justifies Trump from being a racist. Literally the only people who are more stupid than actual racist white Trump supporters.

I don't think young men should submit. Young males are THE future of society, so society should change to accommodate them. Either society changes, or young men just do whatever they want and everything goes to shit. There is my answer.