What are poo in loo gfs like Sup Forums?
Has anyone here ever been with one?
What are poo in loo gfs like Sup Forums?
I've slept with one! She was annoyed when I came in her hair
big boobed one ?
They're either very clean or just plain nasty as fuck
None of them shave
like that, not huge but nice looking on her skinny frame
Mine was a blue-pilled Bombay bitch who took Buzzfeed for gospel and visited her parents in a state where the majority of votes go toward a communist party.
Why would u cum in her hair? ???
isn't that sky ferreira (not indian)
Out of curiosity, why would a white person date a poo in loo women instead of a qt white women?
I've seen her (Dakini) naked in person when I worked with her once. Goddamn her tits are God tier.
watched too much porn so figured I would finish on her chest but must have aimed too high
combo is the best desu
did you suck em?
I don't know much about Indians but they seem too have shitty personalities and their women have great boobs but nasty tummies.
Really thirsty
No standards
Hope you got her face as well. Got a pic of her?
>worked with her
Some people have literal shit taste
They are crazy even by white wymyn standards.
She can shit outside my house any time hnnnngggg.
Had a indian fuck buddy for a while. She was ok. Nothing special. Smelt slightly when sleeping together
bc white women are dating nignogs?
I have been with 3 (I am white blonde hair blue eyed male). They were fierce feminists till I got them into the bedroom and then they wanted me to dominate them and choke them.
Only bad thing about it was they were crazy. I mean as in "I will kill you if you leave me" crazy.
Knowing that and saying "never again" I keep coming back to these crazy broads. Why? Because the sex is really good.
What "saved" me from all 3 is that their family told them they had to go back to India to get married. So it was crazy sex and great sex but remember they are crazy (more then the usual craziness of women).
>pic related
Because white girls are usually ugly and we only get the high quality indian immigrants who worship white skin like idiots.
Nah, I wish.
She modeled for me once
Anyone that eats curry powder for a long period of time will eventually secrete it in their sweat glands.
for a culture that brought us the Kama Sutra they sure dont know how to fuck and Ive had plenty to make that assesment
I must have done, she wasn't very impressed which makes it hotter looking back. And unfortunately not I don't even remember what her name was, I vaguely remember it having poo somewhere in it
When they have an accent I kinda find it impossible to be around them. It's like they overstress consonants and shorten vowels and it sounds fucking disgusting. I probably don't share this autism with anyone else here though.
Can you imagine having a Half-Indian son? I would literally rather have a half Abo son.
Nah it's super annoying, they always say "isn't it?" as well
smells like curry
Most of the Indians in USA are dark skinned.Your missing the crème de la crème of fair skinned Indian women.
I think girls are annoyed about it in general. I came in my girlfriend's hair last week and she immediately got pissed off when she felt it hit her head, and I just laughed in her face and threw a towel at her.
Worse, imagine what he'd be like online. He'd have the creepiness of an Indian and the autism of a white beta.
Got any pics from the modeling gig?
They chronically smell like cumin powder
>I would literally rather have a half Abo son.
>Half-Indian son
Good at math. Probably handsome and alpha af from being mixed. Literally whats wrong?
>tfw half indian
My mum's family is all punjabi sikh's though so it could be worse
Not Sup Forums related.
That's my point retard. We care about actually good genetics not just skin color. The hottest indian girls I've ever seen (almost the hottest girls I"ve ever seen) have been extremely dark while the light-skinned ones look like mold and rot. Caring about skin color so much is why you all look so ugly most of the time.
And you'll never be white.
Just kidding about that last bit teehee.. XD I made her a bowl of eggs and carried her into the bathtub and showered it out for her and washed all of the bedding. Teehee XD
>most girls are annoyed when you cum in their face and hair
This is true I've only had one girl whom was totally cool with it. The last girl was super pissed because it was a bulls eye to her eye. Haven't hung out with her since an that was a month ago.
I was a fan of Angela Devi for awhile. I don't even really meet awhole lot of south asian women.
I'd cumin her if you know what I'm sayin
Nah, I work with a lot of them and it's annoying as fuck because they do that and triple the speed at which a normal person talks while putting uhhhhh in between everything instead of just slowing the fuck down.
I had a Punjabi girlfriend, she was much like a white girl. Strangest pussy ever though, tight at the start then when excited would balloon to gigantic proportions. Acted like a white girl too, a bit delinquent.
Also had a south indian girlfriend, much more asian like, tight and more traditional values. Could not be introduced to her parents so we broke up.
Indian women in general, a bit snobby at first, real shit-testers, but completely mellow out when you date them. And have high expectations.