Sup Forums has one wish. Let's make it count.
Sup Forums has one wish. Let's make it count
Death of white race
Make Jews stop being kikes forever more.
i want a qt asian gf
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump create a dual presidency to activate National Socialism where we kick out illegals, build a wall on all sides of America and divide the 1%'s wealth
A commie can only dream
Niggers all die.
All faggots who worship kek should quartered and decapitated.
Hitler resurrected
Hilloli comes from the past and she sucks our cocks for votes
end of the world soon please
End the world in a nuclear war soon
These faggots should POO IN THE LOO
Trump makes the Western World Great Again, praised be Kek
I wish for never ending chaos to begin today 4 pm PST. that eventually leads to the truths of world and universe being exposed.
make an end to all of existence.
I wish for world peace (seriously).
Free weed for everyone
Happiness and contentment for everyone
So remove kebab and merchant?
Zika will kill off 99% of the mud races (and jews).
Whatever it takes.
Imprison congress
i like this too
You will die a painful death. Kek will have your throat slit and peeled back until youre decapitated for wishing the master race harm.
Death to all Jews, Christians and Muslims.
No! You leave poo in the loos! Kill them now too!
Kek has spoken. Denying is blasphemy.
Jews are banished to the shadowrealm
Damn your doubles man
Everything becomes as it should be in the mind of the most redpilled Sup Forums user
Praise Kek!
A cute white gf to repopulate the white race with on a yet to be decided location. Kek needs worshippers after all.
Let the imperium of man under the leadership of the god emperor (you know who) rise this century.
make us into qt anime grills
Death to Greece. I'm sick and tired of these motherfuckers running around carefree. Where's my money? Pay the fucking debt
I wish 9/11, ergo the Post-9/11 world, never happened
Kekfags will be the first ones to hang on the day of the rope.
Wish granted, make Tinder account
i think it'll be fun
until i get mad eventually
I wish to get the 88888888
make politics sensible again
Hillary to be healthy enough to be able to debate Trump and for Trump to win and beat her the fuck out
I wanna raid tumblr again.
all non-whites die of a mysterious disease
i want to die
fuck this gay earth
Im with you senpai
I once was omnipotetnt. You just get bored.
Taytay gf
That Dixie Rises Again
Cum on Jessica Valenti's face
Mix it up Kek. Bring chaos.
Make Sup Forums ruler of the world?
Hilary wins and has Sup Forums shut down for good
>mfw I've wanted this all along
I thought I was the only one.
You don't need a wish for that m8 just some good rope.
let be a fucking leaf
Tinder only works for cumdumpster whores who are in no way faithful.
I want a pure, cute, white gf who is also loyal.
It's still too early to begin the ritual, but if you were to aggregate all Sup Forums's wishes into a single wish, it would be a wish for WW3, without doubt.
that's not a wish just kys
vote trump then kys
neah,i m a coward,i dont wanna go to hell
for trump to win, hanson to make australia great, and for keks will to be carried out for eternity.
Obama gets a cell next to Rod for selling positions.
Hitler is still alive
All man made radio active isotopes and compounds removed for existence
Very close
Hillary wins and trump dies from old age
Trump wins. As Kek wills it.
>Trump 2016
Donald Trump is not our friends and needs to be exposed
I wish for a full length pepe movie
Explain and then fuck off
My wish is for white people to wake up and see the truth
Op to show belly button then go to bed.
I wish I get the octs later this month
i wish we never stopped living in tribes, technology didnt advance and america never got discovered
Digits for Hillary to fall into an unresponsive coma.
Dubs. Check and confirmed. Kek wills it.
>Only trips or quads can supercede this outcome.
Make The White Race Great Again
Lord Kek is an ironic god. Check 'em.
I want all of you here to just have nice, purposeful lives, and pls Kek give me strength to stop drinking.
I'll send u one pierre
kek pls give gf
I wish that my country became relevant, stronger and a bigger population
Become the strongest in the world please
Kek doesn't work with any race, Kek is a God of chaos, it has no favorites.
Kek is real