
I've never read Dune or watched any of its adaptations. Why is it so revered and why can nobody get it right on film?

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>I've never read Dune or watched any of its adaptations.
Why is it so revered and why can nobody get it right on film?

Because it's complex.

>Why is it so revered
Because everybody copied it. Frow Warhammer to Star Wars.

>I've never read Dune

Fix that.

This. Also decades back the technology might not have been up to the task. On the Subject see: Jodorowsky's Dune its real KINO

I always thought the Sci-Fi Miniseries (2000) was pretty good. Go watch it, and after that the Children of the Dune (2003). Even if you watch them first the novels have more to offer so doesn't matter which you do first.

BUT: Stay the hell away from the Lynch version, it's like a very bad fanfic.

The characters spend a lot of time thinking, and many of them aren't very expressive. A faithful movie would feature a lot of scenes with either very lengthy pauses or a lot of internal monologues. It would also be difficult to portray the prescient visions. And certain important plot points, such as Fenring talking to his wife in their humming language, would look ridiculous. The movie would not sell well to a general audience. And if they ever got to the later books, the Tleilaxu's tanks would piss off every normie.

> tfw no slow burn masterpiece with 80% of the film being monologues and soliloquy over crazy kung fu space samurai killing word action and taming sandworms.

>never read Dune
admitting to such thing should be at least associated with an ounce of shame but i guess feeling shame is no longer politically correct

here are a few teeny tiny reasons
>extremely complex plot involving the audience being exposed to temporal paradoxes a bit more complex than killing your own grandfather, such as the concept of absolute free will and destiny being indistinguishable from a nonlinear point of view
remember that people thought arrival was a masterpiece
>huge cgi budget even with today's technology
a visual adaptation worthy of the name would need avatar levels of funding
>script would have to be made by a literary capable individual
in a Hollywood world of science fiction defined by star trek: transformers, writing scenes that convey internal conflicts, detailed planning, individual transformations and overall character traits other than "muh strong coloured female lead" seems quite impossible
>huge length
remember the complex plot? well, to do it justice it would need more than a trilogy per book and i somehow doubt you will see something akin to LOTR extended version when most of it is intrigue and character development because "where muh space battle pew pew action at?"
>SJW culture
the characters are fucking white and there is no going around it, you would either need to give up on getting it right on film and have Hollywood insert oppressed minorities into roles not meant for them or give up on it period
also, the whole political climate of the book, which represents about 50% of the plot, would fall on deaf ears... well, not so much deaf ears but retarded ear owners

The film would need to follow pic related's style of casting, the synergy of the competing factions must have genuine continuity, this is what Joro was planning, but in a more radical way.

It's revered because it's a complex interesting space saga, it's impossible to get right on film, because it would take 8*3 hour movies at least.

Would work as a 5 season tv series though, here's hoping.

making fremen (as in sand people) arabs would be more controversial than weinstein fucking every starlet for the past 20 years in exchange for parts

also it doesn't push the typical feel-good hollywood morals.

>Why is it so revered and why can nobody get it right on film?
The answer to both of these questions is: read it.

with fremen, they could cast sandnigger actors and get their diversity points.


> implying Joro wasn't making this

> youtube.com/watch?v=p1kyIRyAGW8

>the characters are fucking white
>Fremen are literally space muslims
>Atreides are the descendants of Greek kings and have olive skin, black hair and big noses
Fucking wew lad, Dune is actually one of the few adaptations where a diverse cast would actually make sense.

Why ?
Fremen have clearly that beduin feel in the book, (minus bullying their women).

For once Arab actors cast to play something else than villainous terrorists.

what was his problem?

>the characters are fucking white

Then you get around to Dune Messiah and Children of Dune
>universe spanning space arab conquest where you either bend to Muad'dib's will or burn in his Jihad
The Fremen, with Paul's leadership, literally terrorize Harkonnen ruled Arrakis until Paul conquers the shit out of it.

Ugh, but it's suuuuch a big booook


>making fremen (as in sand people) arabs

The Fremen aren’t Arabs, they and everybody else in the empire aren’t really any ethnicity, as the story is set 10,000 years in the future and humans have wandered around and interbreed each other all over the universe by then.

because the overwhelming majority of the critics would target the movie for staying true to the racist source materials and giving arabs the role of sand people while all the good roles went to the whites
mark my words, if this ever gets made in the current political climate the bene geserit genetic breeding program will produce the first (also black) kwisatz haderach

>the characters are fucking white
But that's wrong you fucking idiot

I don’t really blame Anderson for the retardation that are the prequels and sequels, the fault for that lies are the feet of Herbert’s talentless and greedy son.

Not sure the rest of that cast could match the acting colossus that is Segal.

Tv show might work

Arabs are still considered Caucasian.

>Arabs are still considered Caucasian.

>Arabs are still considered Caucasian
Caucasian =/= white

Its barely 400 pages you illiterate butthole.
Go read it. Theres a reason its at the top of every list for genre fiction.

An Arab is literally somebody who speaks Arabic as a first language. The Fremen speak quasi-Arabic, so are therefore quasi-Arabs.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Golden Path. Guldur's plan is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of politics and sociology most of the schemes will go over a typical believer's head. There's also Leto's religious outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from the parliament of ancestors possessing him, for instance. The worshippers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these feints within feints, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The God Emperor truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the wisdom in the Old Worm's existencial catchphrase I hear the wind blowing across the desert and I see the moons of a winter night rising like great ships in the void. To them I make my vow: I will be resolute and make an art of government; I will balance my inherited past and become a perfect storehouse of my relic memories. And I will be known for kindliness more than for knowledge. My face will shine down the corridors of time for as long as humans exist. which itself is a cryptic reference to the Orange Catholic Bible. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Muad'dib's genius unfolds itself on their solido projectors. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a God Emperor tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the Fish Speakers' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that SIAYNOQ, I BELIEVE beforehand.

That's not how this meme works you nigger.

Close enough.

2000 extras
Shitting all at once

But who will play Lady Jessica?

>That's not how this meme works you nigger.


>An Arab is literally somebody who speaks Arabic as a first language.

Language would have evolved over 10,000 years even more then ethnic appearance so while the book itself is written in English, the actual languages the characters are speaking would be unrecognizable to a person from today and a movie adaption could cast anybody as the characters.

>that one Sup Forumstard caliming that Atreides and Fremen were white



>*burrrrrrrp* hey check it out Chani
>BOOM i turned myself into a worm, big reveal

>the characters are fucking white
>Duncan Idaho (10158 AG - 10191 AG) was a swordmaster in the service of House Atreides, and one of Duke Leto's right-hand men, with Gurney Halleck and Thufir Hawat. Duncan Idaho was said to be very handsome. He had black, curly hair, a dark complexion, and green or blue eyes.

The low budget does a serious disservice to the scale of the story though. Like the desert is just a single background painting with a sand box in front of it.

>muh pol
They sure as heel aren't niggers or asians. With exception of that suk doc.

Is this fresh pasta or are you completely incapable of arguments beyond sjw, pc, buzzword etc?

They sure as hell ain't white you fucking idiot

Several Fremen expressions are used in the book, and they're all derived from Arabic. The Fremen even call themselves the Ichwan Bedwine - literally the Bedouin Brotherhood.

It is one of few sci fi books that does not pretend Islam will magically go away in the future.

>BUT: Stay the hell away from the Lynch version, it's like a very bad fanfic.

Frank Herbert liked it.

Fist page of book five you retarded nigger.
>His skin was darkly tanned but a slight movement of his body shifted his blue singlesuit, revealing pale skin at the left shoulder.

>finished chapterhouse
>dont know where to go from here since the other books are supposedly shit
Should I just start over from the first book

It's not that bad. It has some great scenes and ideas (practice with robot). Apart from studio meddling, I don't think Lynch was ever interested in directing epics. I can see Lynch taking a scene from the Dune and making a terrific side story, for example a Harkonnen movie directed by Lynch would be a masterpiece.

White as of European descendance, faggot.

>if u got white skin dat must mean u b white
Wow I guess jews are honorary whites then :^)

Idaho sure as heel isn't a gook. By his description he is Mediterranean, which could be as well a jew.

Which means nonwhite.

>I always thought the Sci-Fi Miniseries (2000) was pretty good

They made Paul Atreides such a fucking little bitch until he became Muad'Dib, though. Other than that, it was pretty right on.


The actress they got to play Chani was fucking hot though

It's literally the Game of Thrones of sci-fi. You don't need to know anything else about it to understand why it's popular. The reason people have been talking about a tv/film adaptation recently is because Game of Thrones is about to end, and it would be an obvious follow-up for HBO.

With another Baron Harkonnen as a comic turn? No thanks.

He was supposed to be a deadly perverted genius, not a slapstick comedian.

>By his description he is Mediterranean

>why can nobody get it right on film?
Lynch did

HBO isn't done with Game of Thrones

Read The Book of the New Sun, if you haven't already.

Read the other books
Stop being such a little bitch about it

>He had black, curly hair
Not white

The Lynch Dune nailed the weird, "off" feel of the entire Dune universe, from a production design point of view, but was held back by budget and a poor adherence to the story as-written. Lynch also nailed the Harkonnens as a bunch of insane, depraved sadists who resembled Nero or Caligula crossed with the Cenobites. Best characters in the movie by far.

The Sci-Fi channel version was an admirably faithful attempt at actually telling the full Dune story, however it looked and felt like an episode of Babylon 5 due to the low budget, poor acting, and bland production design.

Merge the loathsome Harkonnens and the unique, grotesque feudal-futuristic setting, costumes, and universe of the Lynch film with the story from the Sci-Fi miniseries and give it a >$200m budget and you could have the greatest sci-fi/fantasy adaptation since Lord of The Rings.

>it would be an obvious follow-up for HBO.
Do you REALLY think the normos have the attention span to keep track of all the subplots and characters (and each character's respective plots/motivations/weaknesses)?

Don't forget A Song of Ice and Fire

>but was held back by budget and a poor adherence to the story as-written.

>water is supposed to kill the makers/worms
>movie ends with Paul magically bringing rain to the entire planet
Lynch just wanted to throw in an ending to wipe his hands clean of it, right?

It needs to be jessica chastain and there needs to be weird ss mommy/son interplay elements as she looks to fill the void left empty by Duke Leto's absence.

Because at it's core it's a very understandable story that is fantastical, and hollywood goes wait....



You first, Herbert loved it and he said it was very close to the vision he had in his mind.

atreides are southern europeans,
fremen are arabs.

Many parts of the ending to the movie seemed like Lynch giving a gigantic fuck you to the studios.

It seems like he originally wanted to make the sort of movie that Jodorowsky planned, and you see that in the meticulous production design, particularly in the earlier parts of the film. I'd imagine then that he was under pressure from the studios to make it more "epic" in the aftermath of Star Wars, etc, and Lynch just responded by loading it with weird, nonsensical elements that bore no resemblance to the book that would piss off fans of the book but that he knew would be kept in by the execs because they would think that it looked cool.

It's also clear as the movie progresses to new, secondary locations that the production ran out of money for complex setpieces and such, and the later parts of the movie look almost as bad as old Dr. Who.

>Why is it so revered
LotR in spaaaace
>why can nobody get it right on film?
internal monologues and philosophizing which are boring

And none of them are white :')

>LotR in spaaaace
It's neither in themes, scope or influence

It'll never happen, but I want to see a hand drawn animation on the scale of Akira.

I feel like internal monologue goes over way smoother like that.

us, southern european, considere ourselves white.
But apparently it's not the same for the anglo subhumans;

LotR wish it could be as good as Dune

Half of it is people sitting around discussing trade routes, who owns Arakkis, and political shit among differing noble families that want to control the spice.

It'll be boring as shit if anyone did it exactly like the book.

>Why is it so revered
>LotR in spaaaace

Today I will remind them

>LotR in spaaaace

That's it, you are done. There is no more Dune.

>but was held back by budget
He was held back by many things, but not the budget. At the time, it was one of the most expensive movies ever made.

its a window into science fiction concepts post-asimov, but pre trek

herbert captured the hebrew desire for a physical messiah, and their insane zeal for conquering the shit out of everyone, after aeons of (imagined) privation

and there's a lot of comic-book tier powerfaggotry, where the main characters are teleporting behind everyone, but you believe it because the world design is so rich

and he just kept going. God emperor is an interesting look at what the consequences of omniscience are, I remember enjoying it, but it's been forever

>God emperor is an interesting look at what the consequences of omniscience are, I remember enjoying it, but it's been forever
A good chunk of God Emperor was mostly "im so alone tfw no (sex with) gf"

Thanks for making me get off my ass and do it, user. I had to go over 10€ to get free shipping.

shai hulud can't rub out out??

FUUUUUUUUUCK x thousands of years

Thanks for making me get off my ass and do it, user. I had to go over 10€ to get free shipping.

Tried to read it, way too fucking boring.