Why aren't normies more redpilled about Saudi Arabia? Do they really see it as just another muslim country?
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Gay sex and apostasy still punishable by death
Nothing to be red pilled about lad
I think the average normie response is "who? oh yeah, the oil people right? yeah they're fine or whatever"
Aren't pictures or any imagery of people haram in Islam?
it's time for another reconquista
Headscarves are won by Christian women as well, how is this ruining Europe? I have pictures of my great, great grandmother from 1905 and she's wearing a headscarf.
>Why aren't normies more redpilled about Saudi Arabia? Do they really see it as just another muslim country?
One trick is to always refer to the Saudi gov as the Saudi regime. The media has trained people so that middle east government ok, middle east regime bad, emergency freedom needed ASAP.
If Saudi Regime was memed into common use normies will assume they're evil.
Shut up leaf, go be a cuck somewhere else.
The bible very, very clearly States it's mandatory for a woman to wear a headscarf while in church, or while praying. My grandmother a Catholic had to wear one to church every Sunday or she wasn't allowed in church.
People should stop using this establishment mind-control tools like twatter and google. We should go full Stallman on this bitch. It`s war time.
Now you know how we feel about California.
>Christian head wear is the same as Islamic head wear
You have never seen an Eastern European grandma? It can be similar but they always have flower patterns
Stop being an irrelevant fuck.
They aren't the same.
Why not?
Right. Covering head in church (sunday best, modest dress) is not carried into the secular world as a way of showing family/male ownership/control over a woman.
They are not required to wear them in any way, the wear them because maybe they don't have that much hair left.
Yeah, and if Christian woman won't wear it, no smelly, unwashed manlet will pick up the stone and beat her with it while screaming how god is merciful.
And the cunt in the article pisses me off. Want your fucking scarves? Then fuck off to Saudi where the firefighters will let her burn in the house fire because there is a chance she might be uncovered.
No, they wear it because the bible says it's shameful to pray without it. If you wear it to church why not wear it everyday?
What does Saudi Arabia have to do with anything?
Thats when they enter a church you fucking nigger.
It isn't punishable by torture/death if you choose not to wear one.
No, it can be worn everyday. Especially in winter it's normal to see all the Eastern European women with a head scarf.
It's shameful for them not to though
Your border security show is funny everyone it seems is a cocaine smuggler. Has anyone left Columbia just to go on holiday?
So you're saying being shamed is worse than torture or death
Your troll game is weak
>can be
Not has to be. Also, almost none do.
Your shitty question has already been answered several times, you just didn't respond to those posts.
And headscarves aside, they are genetically different and should be banned from white countries. They are incompatible and they reduce the quality of life.
I can accept that, but only if the emoji blows up when you touch it.
>Muslims have started to utilize meme magic
for what reason would one need a muslim emoji other than to identify a muslim?
like "watch out bro, bar is packed but lots of [muslim emjo] here, stay safe
Nothing to worry about Kek-rad, its just emojis. That is like a shaman being worried about a stage magician.
>Has anyone left Columbia just to go on holiday?
My fucking sides
Is that fucking show even translated on english?
I'm not trolling
Most don't because they're atheists
They have subtitles but the narrator speaks in English
I expected that much from nat geo.
I used to work for AA in one of those airports, i wonder how many people i attended on checking got caught there as well.
> winter
Fuck off, you are the ones with police burkas
well i kinda agree with the leaf here lads. I think i have to end myself now c u later lads
Another leaf here.
Fuck this guy. He doesn't represent Canada.
>Christian women wear a headpiece in church to show modesty and respect to God
>Muslime women wear a headpiece because they would be stoned to death otherwise
Same thing
>whore showing her cheeks and mouth
100% haram
Apple had already introduced 200 'Muslim Emojis' last year with their i-crap...Android's a bit late on the game !
Who caries out the stoning in Argentina ? you outsource the job to a Falklander ?
I don't see any beheadings or dynamite emoji
Seems fake
whats this then
the Hamsa. well shit. thats bad.
I want to incredibly unchristian things to her.
hearty chuckle
Fucking kekkles