This triggers the aussie
This triggers the aussie
ahhhhh mini terrorists!
*offers his wife's pussy to the emus*
you wanna fuck with me, bitch?
They are fucking cute.
Have a giant hamster in return.
>Out of my way Emu fucking shits
are emu eggs tasty?
Nigga how they come out them eggs they're bigger then the egg wtf
Are they really that scary, Straya?
Jesus I thought they were cat sized not that fucking big.
Do you eat them?
his flag is norway you racist, sexist, bigoted, xenophobic, transphobic, islamaphobic, asshole.
Post a countries biggest predator and everyone has to guess the country.
>a fucking white male
I know people that hunt and eat them but I don't and pretty much everyone in the cities are pretty average people, we don't really eat anything exotic.
Basically fish, cow, chicken, you get it.
From what I heard they taste like pig but a bit more gamey.
That one is also small, some can be really big for hamsters.
Where I live we have a couple of lakes and they always gather there to chill in the sun and they aren't scared of people at all.
The fact you just posted a picture of 2 giant blue balls proves you are a faggot OP. You should just kys now and get it over with.
Those stripy cunts need to fuck off. I don't give a fuck what fucking war they've won I wasn't even alive for the cunt. I swear to fucking holy mary and fuck that if I come across one of those flightless featherless long legged nigger birds again I'll put my VB up it's little bird cunt and it won't be able to sit down for a week.
I hope they go fucking extinct.
Wrong, it's too clean to be Paris
>The delegates Dahnald
They actually just look like Dinosaurs, I don't understand why they grow blue and covered into horse hair.
That's not a truck.
THIS is a truck
You better back the fuck off, m8.