Remember when Jimmy Carter gave the panama canal away.
Obama is doing the same thing with the internet
I'm not really hearing much about this, even though this has serious implications.
Remember when Jimmy Carter gave the panama canal away.
Obama is doing the same thing with the internet
I'm not really hearing much about this, even though this has serious implications.
16 days till congress makes a decision
you're not hearing about it because MSM wants this. this will put them back onto power
god can hope these faggots elected do their job to fuck obama.
I am all for it.
jee i wonder why
For the gay porn obviously
Damm ruskie, I hope you get raped by putin
I bet it only took 500,000$ donation to the DNC.
the WSJ ask for a subscription btw
>Jimmy Carter gives away Panama
>US invades Panama almost a decade later
Shit OP you fucking goof
wsj ask for subscription
So are we going to invade the internet? Or are we the Manuel Noriega about to be invaded by the long dick of the US?
Except the Panama Canal was.built in Panama. The internet was built in America.
This is basically Merkel's "Refugees Welcome" policy being taken online.
>Panama Canal
Americans build it, Democrats give it away.
It will probably give us an excuse to invade any country who slights the US, unless a libcuck president gets office
>you're not hearing about it because MSM wants this. this will put them back onto power
You make me proud, sir or madam.
We're going to be kicked off the Internet for criminal badthink.
Yes, that includes the leftists posting to Sup Forums "ironically." Dictators around the world will celebrate their glorious victory, until it all suddenly turns to shit, and they're left trying to find excuses for why the Internet isn't making any more money for them.
Meanwhile, Undernet becomes the new Internet, and as soon as it takes off, the dictators start demanding it either be shut down or handed over to them...
Every day he finds a new way to disappoint
But we financed and built it
I cannot fucking wait until he's out of office, it's like he's trying to cram everything Hillary was told to do when she reached office into the rest of his term.
Have you guys seen my occupydemocrat graphs yet? I should call CNN to get on it..
Lets have a little hypothetical scenario here.
>internet get turned off for good
>people have no way of releasing autistic energy
>2 weeks later everyone starts going outside
>don't know how to communicate because internet
>everyone starts killing each other
>turning of the internet ends up ending Western civilization as we downward spiral into never ending civil war.
itt: people that don't understand ICANN or DNS try to scare you
Don't even try to explain how anything works
El Rato said the internet is being given away, so it must be true