>Rachel divorces Ross and fulfills her dream to work in Paris
>on her first day she is raped by 4 African migrants in the subway
Friends season 11
Other urls found in this thread:
>Chandler comes out as a Trump supporter to his friends
>they call him a fascist
>Joey gets a role in Hollywood
>he discovers a large pedophile network and decides to shut his mouth to protect his career
>Phoebe goes to a Black Lives Matter protest
>she gets raped
>Ben comes out as transgender fluid to his father
>Monica does face surgery
>it goes horribly wrong
is this a private private party OP?
Ross, unable to beat depression and loneliness, decides to write a suicide letter
>Emma registers to gender studies and dyes her hair blue
>Monica fails as a chef
>Appears on an episode of Kitchen Nightmare
step outside, fat burger
nah Im in as well
>it's a ben disappears episode
>Monica and Chandler kids learn about their past
>decide to run away from home
>Joey has an international breakthrough in his acting carrer
>its driving cars in England for a show nobody watches anymore
I got mugged in Paris, if I was more attractive they probably would have raped me
>Phoebe and Monica get into an argument about Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton
>Phoebe and her twin sister become models and move into the playboy manison
>Hefner dies but they dont inherrit a dime
being asked for spare change is not being mugged.
>Gunther shoots up a NYC hotel lobby Rachel was last seen at.
>Monica and Ross' father dies from colorectal cancer after a long agony
>black students at Ross' university demand take home tests in one of his classes
>Ross loses his job after assaulting his boss over a sandwich
>Joey settles out of court 4 times for sexual abuse charges with female actresses he's worked with over the years
>Monica gains weight again
>Gunter's coffee shop is sold to Starbucks
>Chandler tries to buy the couch but the sell of the coffee shop includes the purchase of the previous owner's furniture and Starbucks corporate refuses to sell it.
>Chandler registers on SugarDaddy.com
>discovers Emma is registered too
>Mike has an affair
>Phoebe knows about it and asks for divorce
>she tries to get back to David but he rejects her
>Chandler is uncomfortable at first, but begins to fetishize it
>a shot of Chandler, Joye and Ross walking though NY City
>Caysie Neistat driving his boostet board in the background
Stop larping you never leave your basement
Why is there a picture of Iggy Pop?
that's jennifer aniston, stupid
>its a Ross is being accused of being a race-traitor for tying his shoelace beneath a flag episode
>imagine gunther's place
>every inch of the wall covered with spy rachel polaroids
>underneath each one he writes his thoughts on it like he is talking to her
>"in this one, you looked at me for half a second and while talking, a microscopic drop of your spit landed on the coffee table..I waited and waited eagerly for the place to close, and then just stood there for the rest of the night, watching it, too afraid to lick it"
>100pound hairball in the corner made by rachel hair he's gathered through the years
>200 dead bodies of women resembling rachel in his basement
>it's a Ben comes out as a Sup Forumstard
>Ross has a gay experience with a kid who looks just like his son
none of these are funny. stop
>he writes 20 pages front and back
>"mmm, dont knock it till you try it"
>then he hangs himself
>It's a Ross discovers his grandfather was turned into soap in Treblinka episode
>Phoebe has a baby
>it's constantly so she shakes it to make it stop
No it's not
Fucking kek
>tfw you live 15 km near the camps location
>Chandler's gay father gets AIDS
all gold
Daily reminder there were no gas chambers there, it was made up by the Soviets to punish Germany
>Neither the Jewish religious leaders in Poland nor the authorities allowed archaeological excavations at the camp out of respect for the dead.
>Joey tries to make a jewish joke tout get a role
>Gets labelled as an antisemite, is now blacklisted
>It's a "Kramer goes back in time and accidentally becomes a concentration camp officer" episode
Good one, also works with Larry David
>Forced to show up at some military cemetary for the funeral of a soldier who died in Afghanistan and was a big fan.
> It's a com operation launched by Jeff to gain some cred after previous incidents that made him look as unpatriotic.
>Picks something in the grass just as the anthem plays.
> 40 minutes of accusations, shouting, name calling ensue.
>Épisode ends at a huge patriotic rally. Larry David forced to appear. He somehow sets fire to the gigantic us flag.
>Credits start rolling as he exploits the panic to flee the stage.
for you
18 pages
>they step outside
>the get shot
Such is life in america
Stop projecting Cletus.
yes it is. did you just fucking assume jennifer aniston you bigot?
Ross discovers he is Trans Muslim. Throws acid in Rachel's face for showing her clavicles. Is still allowed to teach.
I'm in tears
>Ross starts wearing his hair in Jew curls once NYC establishes it's a bastion of modern youth culture in the 2010's
was gunther /ourguy/?
'Accidentally' is what turns a 7 into a solid 10
>Rachel is watching tv with the gang
>Breaking news ensues about king jew being outed for rape over several decades
>Rachel breaks down and cries, reveals that she too is a victim.
>Joey offers her a piece of his sandwich
>every body laughs and forgets what happened.
>Rachel finds Ross' porn database
>it's 1.4 TB of underage gangbangs
Ross, largest of the Friends, simply eats the others.
>Dove soap after years of irrelevncy deside to hire Chandlers to come up with a new advertising campaign
>they let Chandler have free reign
>with disaterous consequences
Ross and Rachel are on their way to a Broadway show when their cab breaks down in Harlem. They're dragged from the vehicle by a gang of black youths where they are beaten robbed and raped
he thinks it's a golf course
Joey becomes convinced the Holocaust was faked and is determined to prove it. When Ross's Uncle Schmuel arrives in town who survived 19 separate gassing attempts, all hell breaks lose.
They found bricks, which were interpreted without basis to be the foundations of a gas chamber for political purposes. It was the bricks of literally any room, but they decided it must have been a gas chamber because it fits their lie.
>Monica goes on Master Chef
>Ends up fucking Ramsay
>But because the Nazis razed Treblinka's death camp in 1943, little physical evidence of this genocide remained
everything about it is 100% conjecture
>Chandler is mad about his taxes
>rants about all these black people who never work and get free healthcare
>Phoebe decides to never talk to him again
>awkward situations ensue
That and human remains along with eyewitness testimony from victims and prepetrators, but Im wasting my time with you probably
An accident causes a Chandler to become a Cisco wireless router sponsored by Burger King. Try the new BK triple barbecue swiss mushroom cloud hoagie wrap.
Title: The One With The Router
Your argument holds as much water as an AA character's.
>Chandler and Joey go to a trip in Thailand
>both end up in jail for soliciting underage girls
So, there was that 9/11 seinfeld fake script that actually seemed fitting to the show.
Is there anything like that with Friends?
Same, a niggress tried to rob me in Paris, and a sandniger tried to rob me in Belgium last winter
I know there was an episode they made around that time that involved Chandler and Monica at an airport that they decided to take out of rotation in 2001... I dont know if that's what you meant?
>Joey is diagnosed with prostate cancer
>becomes a sad and boring 50 years old man after his operation
>Friends finale was over 13 years ago
>Joey buys a 11$ dinner
I read that as shows up and I thought it might actually make an interesting first episode for a revival. Gunther tracking down Rachel for 30 minutes and then reuniting with her and the gang at the very end.
>50 years old low life balding Joey constantly hits on 16 years old Emma
>Rachel and Ross report him to the police
>Joey is in charge of baby Emma while Ross and Rachel are out of town
>he gives her a bath
>horrific things happen
Lost hard well done
>Marcel the monkey finds his way back to Ross
>Ross, who has been alone since Rachel left him because he's a fucking moron when it comes to being a human, falls madly in love with Marcel
>they have wild man on monkey sex
>a week goes by and Ross receives and invitation to go to Chandler & Monica's for their baby shower
>Ross shows up with Marcel
>Rachel is there and notices Ross' dick parked inside Marcel like a pencil topper
>Ross and Rachel fight because it's only been a week since she went to go help Monica with her baby shower
>Ross says he thought they were on a "break"
>Marcel dies of a strange illness
>Ross dies just a few weeks later
>Phoebe also dies because she was fucking Marcel
>Joey tries to court Rachel and is successful
>Rachel for the first time ever is 100% happy because Joey fills her up unlike Ross' pencil dick ever did
>the remaining friends go to Central Perk
>Monica has a miscarriage
>Joey eats it
>Chandler raises his hand and says "Check please"
>Gunther (who recently converted to Islam) screams something in Arabic and blows up the entire coffee shop
>FADE TO BLACK........
>End season she is killed by a religion of peace truck
>Ross remember everyone not all muslims are terrorists
>Phoebe bought a pack of cigarettes and loses the pack somewhere
>She can't find it and goes to the counter, claiming she didn't get the pack, causes a ruckus, police comes in, she gets banned from the store
>>Ross says he thought they were on a "break"
>>Marcel dies of a strange illness
at this point I began to laugh out loud. good one user
"we didn't know, he was such a nice person."
Paris is currently an experiment of how incrementally you can turn a city in to Mogadishu before it functionally becomes Mogadishu.