Why are east european countried so bad to live in?
Why are east european countried so bad to live in?
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Pretty much shit economies still being pretty weak after USSR breakdown.
Average salary is about 700 - 900 € which sucks as well.
Only for the average person.
If you make anything more than $50000/y it's so much better than western europe...
>inb4 communism
It's communism, it destroyed people. Not only that but the USSR fucked off and died only about 25 years ago so a huge part of the population has lived through that mentality of never doing anything and the government just handing you rations and living space.
Communism, it doesn't work. I would assume Greece had a higher score too before the crisis, but the retards went and voted in a communist baby bastard Tsipras. So yea, blame communism on most of it.
>mentality of never doing anything
Yeah you are uneducated burger that's for fucking sure.
For us it was like this: You had to work or you would go to jail.
Idk what's this retarded meme of "eastern europe never works and is on welfare" bullshit
just here to point out that you all are measured by how well off we are
I have a question for you faggot
Why are you wimpy dutch so butthurt about eastern europe?
>tfw Macedonian
>tfw literally #1 from the bottom
I'm from a country of the former Soviet Union.
You'd go to "work", fuck around, go home and get your rations.
So many stories from my father who worked as a train engineer, Soviet Infrasturcutere was a mess and full of corruption, the US would've won an actual war.
Slavs and Balkans have lower IQs, they're not white.
Nah, communism does wonders in the long run, it roots out all weaklings, problem was we got a shitty trial version of it.
70 years of degradation under jewish communist slavery, that's why. And recovery process is very slow, generations that lived in the time of USSR should go away before things get better.
enrichment should even the scales
no it doesn't
all it does is get stupid people who are loyal to the communist party in important positions
so to be successful you don't have to be exceptional, you just have to be stupid and/or docile so you would follow blindly those above you
so it doesn't root out weaklings, it puts the submissive fools at the top
>not real communism
And eastern european countries are still in that system.
We're ruled by sheep and the people is too weak willed to rebel against them, finds it easier to move to west.
Also the cancerous american leftism is currently destroying the youth.
>we was aleksandreskis and shit.
his wife ran to fuck abdul, so now he has to look over her son.
Ignore him, he's an idiot.
You had to pretend to work, sure, but nobody worked.
There was this this successful Bulgarian forklift factory (one of the most successful in the world).
How did they compete against companies in capitalist markets?
They got their steel for free from Russia (in exchange for government influence).
Their biggest client were Japanese companies, that would melt the steel (because it was cheaper than to buy steel) and use the materials for something else.
Not enough cultural diversity. You want to hear the beautiful call to prayer every day, right? Or are you a racist?
exactly my friend
They pretend to pay me, I pretend to work
two words
russian commies
>lower than hungary in sustainable development.
>not ten points above hungary, but more than ten under germany.
This seems odd.
I get the creeping feeling that this was made by assholes who think nuclear energy is not "sustainable"
This. Worst thing about socialism is when it actually works to an extent.
Totally corrupts the soul. Nobody even acknowledges the fact that they can change their destiny. Destructive mindsets acquired during communism take generations to die.
Hell, half the people here probably still think that the government pays their salary, and if the minimum salary becomes 5000 euros everything will be better.
But these dumb fucks are also the reason why everything is cheap as fuk in Eastern Europe. And 50000eur per year gives you a better life than 300000eur/y can give you in Western Europe
(((russian))) commies
cuz 100% whites
Orthodoxy demands humble life and preparation for the alterlife in heaven along with jesus. Money are for the greedy jewish protestants who crucified our Savior.
>lower than hungary in sustainable development.
>is surprising
Let me guess, you haven't been in southern Italy yet, have you?
>company XYZ opens a plant in Western Europe
>gibs workers 10 shekels
>the same company opens a plant in Eastern Europe
>gibs workers 2 shekels for the same amount of work
>Dumb eastern yuropoors blame the commies
We finally beat the Finns!
Bad in what way?
Do you own a house? I own 3. The only difference between us is I get better food but at the expense of technology like iPhones and Xboes and shit...
((((((WELL BEING)))))
>company opens a plant in Eastern Europe
source needed
>Highest of all Slavic countries in the world
>Higher than Italy, Portugal, Spain
My, my, we have advanced since the t imes of communism.
Slovenia deserves more recognition by Sup Forumstards
Homogenous, clean, beautiful, best Slavic country, better living quality than Italy or Spain
Now tell us how much money the church rakes in and how much property it owns in Greece.
I really don't understand how finns can rank that high though.
Lots of cars, no solar or wind power that i've seen. Fishing might be sustainable, but the majority of vegetables is imported.
If you earn more than 1000 EUR you can live comfy as fuck tho
You have a nigger for a mayor, faggot
>normalized against a rich white utopia with a small population, that literally pumps money out of the ground and puts the profits in a savings account
Yeah no shit everyone else will be worse off than Norway.
50% tax gtfo
it's not that bad, i hope with the help of our moderate national socialism and eu gibs we will be on our feet in 2020, we won't be without high tech shit tho, this is our only chance to emerge from darkness, also that super railroad from china to poland if we could get this we're set
Church property is the same it was a millennium ago in Byzantine times.
I mean apart from hungary and croatia technically being central europe, what do you not believe?
That there are companies in eastern europe?
no such thing
Yeah thats how it start. Then Liberals creep up on you and the next thing you know.... Nigers in charge.
>41 years of communism
>still better off than italy
It's bizarre to me that we're not even in the highest tier.
Maybe this is just an insight into the English ego. If you asked any Englishman which European nation had the best living standards, he was say England. Not like, how Greeks would say Greece because of national pride, he just couldn't comprehend that things could be much better elsewhere.
I'm rambling. I'm kinda drunk. How are we not green?
You really don't know about the USSR do you?
He doubts any companies are opening in Eastern Europe because Chinks work 50 times as much for 50 times less and you ship it to Europe for basically free.
>Implying Romina wouldn't be a shithole regardless.
Croats jelly. As usual.
Also, he's a doctor (MD) and a nice guy. Not all blacks are niggers.
I pay 0% tax. Just work for Bitcoin. Be smart.
The similar timezones are reason enough for most tech companies to prefer EE.
Dear rapefugies, there is nothing good in east Europe, please go to green color countries, thank you.
You can take the Slav out of poverty, but you can't take the poverty out of the Slav
It does happen фaм. We're still the cheapest labour within the EU.
For example, iirc Slovaks are Europe's biggest car parts manufacturer despite not actually assembling any cars, could be wrong though.
Tipping you the fedora progressive cucked slav. Hope you get more of em...
I'm actually considering moving to Norway t b h lads
>not in the EU
>most people speak English
>not as cúcked as most of Western+Northern Europe
>good standard of living
>not too far away from the UK
>Norwegian QTs
Too bad IT jobs provide only ultra skilled specific workers jobs.
A factory employees a small village. An IT company a school class at most.
If you're anywhere in EU you still have to pay income tax when you convert your BTC into local currency.
Also, pension/medical insurance is not cheap.
If your authorities don't spy on your bank accounts like in Denmark, that's another question, but the 0% tax scenario is basically illegal.
Not that I'd care if it's illegal. If you are getting away with it, more power to you...
I envy you. All 2016 results...
I noticed this as well from other Brit posters, they're way too full of themselves.
Because it's easier to overcome nuclear holocaust than socialism
It's probably because our current government valiantly refuses to be cucked.
They'll probably get reelected in 2018, maybe not with 2/3 majority but having 2/3 majority 2/3 of the time would be fun.
Here's to hoping we'll actually get a left-liberal party this time as opposition.
>everyone blaming Communism
Those countries were bad to live in before Communism.
In fact the poverty there was one of the reasons Communism spread in eastern Europe.
quit crying you have low taxes and your food is cheap
his croatian wife loves him
heyyyyy, so that's both of us
maybe it is poverty? mabye cluelessness and gullibility? maybe being cucked to death? maybe being abused by both neighbours? maybe it is a $500 a month with a PhD?
I want literally communism back. Poverty is the same, hope the same, you just do not work that much.
This. Average people are struggling, but if you can make money for yourself (trading, finance, freelance work) that dodges gubmint parasites and corruption, it's pretty awesome.
$500 a month with a PhD is way too high.
Professors are lefties and can only leech. Except, unlike gypsies, they also indoctrinate the youth.
Let them starve instead.
yeap Eastern Roman Empire (Basilia of Romios, is the original english translation from greek), but stupid westerners named it Byzantine Empire for underrating reasons.
>poverty there was one of the reasons Communism spread in eastern Europe.
>not the russian invasion putting puppet governments in power
wew lad, just look at the difference between east and west germany, you can still see the difference, even it tho it's the same country
Also who do we have to thank for communism? Who financed the revolution in Russia?
>Those countries were bad to live in before Communism.
The balkan countries were an economic miracle after they gained their independence from the dying Ottoman Empire.
The divide before WWI between the west and east was nowhere as big as it was by 1990.
Don't pretend to be retarded, even today East Germany isn't as nice as West Germany and you're the biggest economy in the EU.
If they "catch" me, I'm moving out and never returning to the EU
Fuck off
You too
Well north italy is on par with germany but south italy is like fucking africa.
Polish ministry said that for $1500 a month only an idiot would work. She is now in Brussels.
also fuck you
Depends on the country.
Czechoslovania isn't one of them.
Eastern Europe consistently outperformed Spain/Portugal and Italy sometimes.
Freelancing is always king, but many tech jobs here NET you this type of money nowadays.
:) :) :)
Open society
cebulcuck, can you get any more pathetic?
Before ussr occupied us we had a similar gdp to finland. WW2 happened. A few years of communism and now look where we are compared to finland. And that is not even mentioning being under russian empire where we were ruled by braindead russians and germans. People here couldnt even get out of their fucking village until they needed slaves in factories so they allowed people to leave their german masters.
>poverty there was one of the reasons Communism
Lenin from Austria, Trotsky(Bronstain) from USA, Marks was grandson of two rabbi.
Russia was a test country for capitalism alternative economy after 1st great depress in USA.
Oh wow, look at what the Greco-Romans left you guys! Nice.
Not the same macedonian senpai, the one you think is mostly north greece(Slav macedonian =/ macedonian)
Greece point that in the macedonian independence and the country is named former yuloslav republic of macedonian.
Switch to English pls.
I know a guy who lives in romania and has his own software company. He outsources to people he knows in Romania for jobs in the us. He lives like a damn King. A YUGE estate with many cars and fine food. Beautiful women and his employees actually make a good wage considering the area.
>but many tech jobs here NET you this type of money nowadays.
citation needed
I know that's why I added the slavic -ski in the name.
Turkey pls
>i hope with the help of our moderate national socialism and eu gibs we will be on our feet in 2020
Topkek, because 500+, housing+, assfucking+, wołyń negationism+ will turn out well. After all, if there's not enough money, they only have to print some more.
>Government gibsmedats of 125$ to ensure only lowest-class cesspool repruduces in big numbers
None of those countries peasants were as badly off and angry as Russia's.
Food is dirt cheap in Romania, and you can go out and eat at nice restaurants for dirt cheap. He can probably live like a king anywhere in Romania, but more so if it's not in one of the larger cities. Outsourced work to some Romanians in some mostly college town, they actually explained it all to me, some people live on 300e a month salaries and just get by, then you have others making around 2000e a month living large.
this is the graph you meant to use
Bullshit to be honest family, I'm British and have been living in Poland for years and my quality of life is much better here. I'm living in one of the poorer cities too.