>Murica >Yes

The first wave of 50000 Congolese "refugees" arrive in Montana


Literally worse than Sweden

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That's what happens when you vote in a non-citizen Muslim racist nigger.

Why doesn't congress pass a bill so that places that don't want them don't have them?

When liberal places are overrun, it'll be their fault.


Sad, that place is clean(no niggers, muzzies) and beautiful.

Fucking Mary Poole that cunt bitch did this. They tried really hard to bring Syrians in which probably would have been better than congelese. Jesus the dumbest fucking people on the planet outside of abbos.

The first family with 6 children showed up and are living in "temporary housing."

Local news is talking about how they will open up business etc. what a load of bullshit. These kids are going to be put in the local schools, locals will forever be paying for their fucking welfare.

KEK please bring pain and suffering upon this bitch!

I have no clue what's interesting is how those "refugees" are resettled in sparcely populated 90% White solid Republican states like Idaho or Montana. The intention of (((them))) is clear.

Nice digits checked

The city council voted 11-1 to support opening the center (which had been closed for over a decade). Supposedly locals were against it by 74% but it's a liberal college town and the city council is infested with hyper signaling liberal fuck faces.

>Last bastion of white people

Not anymore, expect to see paco and Tyrone in your mountains

Sometimes you have to lend them a hand.

Well there goes Montana being beautiful.

Btw women in power GENERALLY a big fucking no no


The op is misleading.. Missoula is getting 100 Congolese not 50k.


Read the first 3 words of my post mongoloid

Nuke the US
Nuke Sweden
Nuke Germany
Nuke Canada
Did I miss anyone?

It's still misleading

They are intentionally doing this. They are purposefully placing non-white immigrants in predominantly white places.

They are going to take this even further with their housing rules changes that will give vouchers and force suburbs and rural white areas to take in niggers.

Nuke the middle east ?
Deuts Vult all the mentioned countries ????

Hope winter chan does what she can

They're doing this to alleviate Montana's suicide rate

Israel and the entire Middle East in general.

Yeah, that'd heal the world.

Globalist shill to Soros.

>what's interesting is how those "refugees" are resettled in sparcely populated

Where else are you going to put them? New York City? They will not be able to survive there due to how expensive it is. Ideally, you'd want to put them in a place where the cost of living is not high (and where there's ample land) and where they could find unskilled work and not have much trouble supporting themselves. You are not going to find that kind of life in major urban centers. Sometimes it's not all a grand conspiracy. Sometimes it's just practical considerations that lead to certain outcomes.

Additionally, I'll note that your people look like pic related OP. Your people are practically indistinguishable from spics in America. So you're going to have to tone it down on the "americans aren't white" meme.

of course they land central fucking africans in the whitest state and best in the union. Fucking politicians

Ok good, because 50k is like 5% the population of Montana, the state doesn't have the infrastructure to handle such a massive welfare increase.

Nuke the planet while youre at it.
We're done here boys

You really got butthurt. I'm also certain you are that american poster who spams pictures of that athlete which tells me you are a faggot

No one cares what you think, leaf.


Kek. Literally the niggest of the nigs.

We are taking 100 this year

Not sure how Montana is with the gibs, but here in Maine the faggots down south have made them easy to get. We ended up with thousands of Somalis coming here in what they call secondary migration. They landed in the US somewhere else and eventually found their way to Lewiston Maine through word of mouth. Somalis now make up something around 20% of the population in that town and chew up most of the welfare.

We are still technically the whitest state though.


What are people in Montana saying about the Rapid Falls rape? Are people aware of that?


Zyklon Ben will keep it clean

The progressives in power and Obama are purposefully trying to displace whites by moving all the niggers into their nice neighborhoods and areas. Then it's either stay and likely get robbed/killed because Jamal needs his bike and Wii fit from your house, or move elsewhere.
They pass it off as some form of anti-racism and tolerance act but all it does is bring everything down in quality and cause further deaths since those brought in are still just your plain pavement ape with no sense of right and wrong or empathy.

just nuke africa and he entire middle east, don't treat the symptoms, treat the problem by its roots....

They should bring more diversity to Montana. I welcome it. These honkies need a little shaking up.

I can't take this bullshit anymore.

I grew up in Idaho. It was almost 100% white. I live in California now with my job and went back to visit my parents and was shocked to see how many africans and middle eastern types running around.

Burkas everywhere and muslim throat slitters everywhere.

I can only imagine what else is going on in other areas that are "flyover country" to liberals.

Welcome them with celebrations, hugs and American Conga culture.



I think I'd rather have the Syrians

Do you mean twin falls rape in Idaho? They aren't saying anything because it's not news.

Granted a few Montana forums used it as an argument against Muslims.

Look unfortunately the anti refugee sentimant push here in the state was against Muslims.

Now they aren't bringing in Muslims so it's kind of killed the opposition, not that we could do anything to stop the Missoula city council.

It was decided by the Missoula city council they could be opposed by 90% of the town and they could still do it.

Now people are pissed but the fact they aren't Muslims has weakened the opposition.

OFFS I was going to try and move there if the shit hit the fan. What are some alternatives?

We've brought a lot of Sudanese refugees into Australia in recent years and they have recently started becoming a problem. We've brought in half that amount over a lot longer period than 2 years and whilst Sudan has experienced war its nothing on what the Congo has experienced for with its two wars and instability over the last twenty years. A culture of brutality about to be brought in along with those that genuinely need help. Gonna be a problem.

Agreed, atleast they would kind of blend in and their iqs aren't as low and they could open a kebab shop.

As an Idahoan, I hope the winters fucking wreck these cunts, stay the fuck out of my state, we just got constitutional carry I will not have potatoland get cucked.

All these niggers will bring is
>gibs me dat
>muh dik in dat white pussy

There are none with long term prospects. The feds are moving niggers into all white strongholds.

I think its closer to 10%

(((they))) will make sure any place of white refuge will be cut off, goyim. You WILL submit to Congo cock

japan just for the trips

What issues in the DRC cant be traced directly back to the Congolese people?

They're corrupt on an individual level.

>what are some alternatives

Who the fuck decided to import 50k congolesse into Montana?

either a kike or a white woman


>mfw when trump loses the election and this shit becomes common news once Great Puppet Hillary ascends to the White House

They have a very vibrant culture of cannibalism rape and child soldiers don't be so racist


Don't forget the enormous cocks. Many women will want to get BLACKED now

>According to a March 2016 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report titled “Congolese Refugee Health Profile,” data shows that 70 percent of Congolese over 18 years of age reported not having a high school diploma or higher level of education.

>According to official reports, the average IQ in the Congo is 78. On the Stanford-Binet IQ testing scale (Stanford–Binet Fifth Edition, SB5, classification), an IQ of between 70 and 79 is officially classed as “Borderline impaired or delayed.”

>The IRC is an “independent” organization which originated in a group set up by the German Communist party in the 1930s to help their Jewish activists escape Nazi Germany. The current IRC president is the Jew David Miliband, whose father, a well-known Marxist ideologue, fled to England from Belgium in 1940.

Oh look, Sup Forums was right once again. These fucks will probably shit out 4x+ replacement levels once they get on the dole too.

Fuck this country.

The "International Rescue Committee"

> The IRC is an “independent” organization which originated in a group set up by the German Communist party in the 1930s to help their Jewish activists escape Nazi Germany. The current IRC president is the Jew David Miliband, whose father, a well-known Marxist ideologue, fled to England from Belgium in 1940.

I am pretty sure that is their national pastime.


You are missing the point

>fake refugees pushed by Obama into the most white, most rebulican, and leather multicultural thus least equipped to deal with them socially states.

We can't get Trump soon enough, hopefully he can send them back too.

It feels good seeing southern european mongrols hating on the most based country in the world

I cant read today, sorry

>when shit hits the fan
You'll never make it, we would probably shoot outsiders.

It's only 100 of them and it will be such a cluster fuck that they will shut it down all I bet.

If you want to move. Better move now

It's 100 not 50,000

>but the fact they aren't Muslims has weakened the opposition.

This is the problem with basing opposition to refugee resettlement on this "clash of civilizations" bullshit. I came across this same issue when people were all a-okay with Syrian Christians. I don't give a fuck if they're Christians, they're not Americans.

The "refugee" problem should have been addressed as follows from the beginning: we have our own problems and have enough difficulties trying to take care of our own people. We are not in a position to be the world's caretaker, nor do we think it is our responsibility to play that role.

Its okay Serbia, you must have your eye patch on the wrong eye or something today.

It's pretty much what's happening in Italy right now

It's 100

Don't be so down on the Congolese. Actual Africans are often much more hardworking and resourceful than African-Americans. In fact, African immigrants often downright despise African-Americans for their laziness. The Congolese might well pleasantly surprise you.

>gay capital of the world(so brave)
>niggerer than argentina(mulatto pride!)
>go to school/movies/work and get shot
>home of leftist propaganda machine hollywood
>israels sobbing wet boipucci
>voted a nigger for president
>mexicans are white!
>gives out prizes for participation
>mobility scooters because fat
>voted the nigger for prez again!
>rapidly giving oversized state more power to nanny them
>go to prison if you dont pay insane alimonies to ex
>blasting tacos through your trainers in the grocery section
>go to college/hospital and be in debt for the rest of your life
>who will win: united states marines vs vietnamese farmers?
>taking mudslime refugees on the downlow they double in number every year
>second amendment rights erode with each presidency regardless of party
>thinks that Trump will change anything for the better even after he signed on with da joos
>half of the 175 mil "white" population are race blind communist faggots
>unironically believes the earth is 6000 years old
>section 8 expansion will put non-whites in every white suburb
Remember to send those 38 gorillion dollars to Israel, nvr fgt!

I read somewhere that there are 500000 (five hundred thousand) mudslims in Michigan. Wtf is that true?

The first family that showed up has 6 niglets

The aren't the talented 10th immigrants they are refugees i.e. Avg dumb fucks

as a fellow non-white country why do you care so much

Winter is easy in Missoula

(((They))) can't keep getting away with this!



They will, we are done.

WW2 was our last hope.

Even the supposedly alternatives of today are infested with jews.

Your kids will grow up in a mixed race babylonic hellhole

He's too busy being doubly butthurt over how much he looks like a shitskin, and how much his country has been destroyed by Germoney and the international cartel.


they asked for whats going on

>WW2 was our last hope

Is that why the whole thing was doomed from the start?

uhh... shit

I should stop coming here. This place is just depressing after you already know what's going on.


We LITERALLY told them.

But these idiots preferred to get shot for the kikes interests and now we all are fucked.

I am so deeply saddened you cant imagine.

All of us will be gone in 150 years

Well the plans to destroy the white race are much older than ww2.

Hitler just tried to stop it, thats why they manipulated other white countries to attack him, being their brainless attack dogs that will ultimately fight for their own extinction.

Ironic, isnt it?

So would I.

Prepare for the Heart of Darkness, Montana.

It really is, and it gets even harder when you see its effect in reality.

I see more and more mixed race couples, dumb german whores going out with niggers.

And the Germans dont seem to care at all, they are like paralyzed rabbits in a slaughter house.

>Forgets Israel
>Checks flag
Everything as expected.

>they manipulated other white countries to attack him

Naziboos actually believe this.

At least they know how to remove kebab, cant really say the same for Sweden

Yeah, just continue your path m8.

American soldiers of WW2 who saw the current state of your country would shoot you for this.

We're not cucked tho, we're having this forced down our throat by a nigger muslim that thinks winning an election makes him king.

You don't see

Our speciality are removing slavs.
We can't all have Serb skills in kebab removal.

Those with sock Facebook accounts that want to comment, lots of angry people here

This is so futile. These people aren't going to be able to assimilated. Many are too far gone for education, their skills are horrifically limited, there aren't going to be any skilled tradesman, practitioners or anyone of any significant value. They are literally just importing a burden. This is just creating generations of crime and welfare dependence.

Shilling hard for your weekly shekels

They won't make it through the winter. Guarantee they move to California within a month