Why Sup Forums sukick his dick ? its just for being edgy or there is an actual reason ?
Martin Shkreli
He literally dindu nuffin
The weak minded always fall for the Siptars fine bread and ice cream.
Only the true know that Albanians are the vultures and rats of Europe.
Autists of a feather, stick together.
He's smug isn't he? Sup Forums sucks his tinky winky because he sold his meds to patients for cheap and made insurance companies pay the 1000% increase of price he imposed.
well, he's actually doing good work and trying to find cures for illnesses and he is a good troll.
But also this:
He's a very successful autist. Although he's not full on autistic.
He tried to fuck over the nig pharmajews. They didnt like it so they pit the media against him. Also his autism really didnt help his public persona.
I think Shkreli is a pretty cool guy. Eh has no friends IRL and doesn't afraid of anything.
Because he's a richfag that has something in common with them (ie edgy le ebin trollU) and because of that, parasites and other people will flock to him and stroke his ego/suck his dick hoping to squirm their way into his inner circle and thereby, his $$$.
He is researching new modern treatments for AIDS.
If he succeeds he will be remembered for that not shitposting on forums to manipulate stock prices.
>he's actually doing good work and trying to find cures for illnesses
I mean lets be honest here. He's a financier he's doing it for returns and probably not the kindness of his heart. But for good returns a company actually has to have the funding to develop good drugs. That being said he doesnt hold a candle to the evil of big pharma and is a saint compared to them.
Martin is great, he recommended stocks last year and earned me roughly 7000 euros, which is alot of a neet like me.
My sister is in debt with her fancy education but always screams at me, calling me pathetic, laughs and calls me loser, she ended up shitting herself in anger when I bought a car for myself.
The amount of smugness I feel about the whole ordeal can be seen in the pepe I post.
He's a wew lad
Seems like there's multiple Martin treads each damn day.
kek. That's pretty based.
I'm a capitalist
We really don't like Milo either.
We just like the work of trolls; exposing dishonesty and stupidity of dishonest and stupid people. The noble art of benevolent trolling.
He's actually fucking based.
>single handedly cures diseases that no one else in the industry could figure out how to do in an economically feasible way
>10/10 troll
>alt right
>liberals fucking hate him
He's also half-Croatian, Ante. Really makes you think
>>single handedly cures diseases that no one else in the industry could figure out
sorry what?
Simply because he trolled the fuck out of Hillary, at her weakest moment in history and now we're worried that he's dead.
That's it.
He did the same thing that literally everyone else in the pharmacy business does, only difference is that he wasn't subtle about it, that's why he's getting so much shit about it.
My sister hates Trump as well (I dont know why), here is my current bet.
Put 1500 euro on trump when all the dumb normies said hurr durr no chance. Will win 4000 euro, my sisters and all liberals will shed delicious tears
we want to know #dicksinformartin #nofap
/bet/ is topping up on Shillary
you're the only one sucking his dick here, shillock
He tried to outjew the Jews so they burned him.
He's an asshole, we're a bunch of assholes....not sure where the confusion is.
I hope for your (and everyones sake) it happens.
But.... a bit naive
Whoever the race traitor was should be shot.
>Donates millions
>2/3 of his patients dont have to pay for the medicinei
The reason why I will win 3x over is because of blind normies like yourself, kek wills it.
no sympathy for degenerate AIDS patients
pol likes to ironically praise people that are usually hated. like shkreli, hitler, zimmerman, breivik. it's just a bit of fun
is this real? That slap looks pretty convincing. How was he not taken off the show?
>blind normies like yourself
I work in finance m8. It's literally my job to asses and hedge risk.
he isn't making nearly as much as he could because most of the profit he makes, he reinvests in the company.
Then you should know that God Emperor Trump will win.
Your flags are so similar....
>he reinvests in the company.
Naturally. It would be a stupid long-term strategy if he didnt.
Treatments for extremely rare diseases don't make pharmaceutical companies any money, so they don't do any R&D for them.
He found a way to raise the price high enough to be able to fund R&D, while offloading the cost onto the insurance companies and not the patients.
His company actually gives the medicine to people for free if they have no insurance.
Fuck you and your wishful thinking
WHERE IS SHRKELI AT? Has anyone heard from him since the 9/12 tweet?
Amazingly accurate prediction by Swedish betting system. Hillary will win after 104% of votes have been counted. Could become a reality.
k blyat
The globalists are getting nervous, hillary wont make it out this election alive
What if Obama decides to freeze the elections? He's considering this.
I wanted to nail Beverly so badly.
he just shills himself a lot here like Molyneux
I'm liquidating my funds as we speak and I'm going full in on trump tomorrow. I am not alone in doing so.
By reinvesting in the company he means he funds the development of new drugs for markets so small many larger companies don't think it's cost effective so don't do it.
He could be making huge amounts of money across the board with his smarts but he chose to use it to help people without much hope for treatment otherwise.
But he screwed the Jews too many times so they brought out the big guns to try and take him down.
All it did was redpill him though, I'd say it's pretty likely he posts here.
>hurr I said GOD EMPEROR will win so it will happen for SURE
why not bet everything then?
even your cuck shed
>I'm liquidating my funds as we speak
Hope it works out.
This and the fact that US elections are indirectly bought and sold on a consistent basis.
It's all nice and dandy to hope Trump will win and vote for him. But I wouldnt put money on it quite yet.
Because he's a good businessman.
He's right on just about every issue.
You're literally just regurgitating what Martin said
It's in his interest to defend his company, so you can't blindly trust what he says
He's made really dangerously dumb move with the med price-increase, but at least he actually tried to ask the right questions and was at the right height to get answers lately.
We don't, we merely predicted extortion prices when free market is removed from medical. Remove open competition, force insurance to cover everything, socialize health insurance... the disease is still there. Socialism is a bandaid on a gunshot wound. Turns out it makes taking the bullet out even harder. This was predictable to everyone with a basic understanding of economics. When a government obligates the purchase of a specific product the economy has fixed demand. Fixed demand means sellers can raise price because there is literally no reason not to. That man is smiling because he knows he can keep the price high because people have to buy it. He will only stop when gov changes rules or runs out of money.
This is not the product of capitalism like the left claims. It's literally the removal of capitalism because we eliminated competition and fixed the demand.
I enjoy his smugness because we told you this would happen. If you go further into communism and fix price too then you will create Venezualla 2.0
The beauty of free market is that when your cost goes up your price can go up. Without perfect government foresight, when cost becomes more than you earn from sales you just have to stop making a product. In communist countries farming, a rather eratic market due to weather and pests, it can become totally not worthwhile for the farmers and a lot of them quit.
The only communism that could work would have to assign people their jobs at threat of violence. Like playing music and games? Too bad, farm for 12 hours every day to get paid as much as a guy in an office job.
It fails, it always has failed, it always will.
Preppers are not conspiritards, we are wise. We see this coubtry going more and more left and it will eventually impoversh all of us and make homes and food impossible for residents to afford or make.
I'm ready for the coming storm and when there is no food I'm gonna be in my house with my gun and food and that smile on my face.
>Why Sup Forums sukick his dick ? its just for being edgy or there is an actual reason ?
they not, intelligence people here talking about him because he is an intelligence asset
Chaos, my dear friend.
so it's just Sup Forums being contrarian again.
shkreli is Sup Forums irl, little edgy white faggot who likes to screw people over and fuck with the media for shits and giggles
>I enjoy his smugness because we told you this would happen. If you go further into communism and fix price too then you will create Venezualla 2.0
He fixed the prices because his medication is literally a one use drug. He outcompeted his (((competition))) by dumping his extra money into research for drugs that people need to survive with to make cheaper. He even proved he makes even less money in his stream than he did before.
Stop being a delusional fucking ignorant circlejerking faggot and do your fucking research you fucking nip wog wop before you fucking post like the newfag normalfag you fucking are.
his a master troll Sup Forums wish they were. his a smug cunt but he has a heart.
I like Martin because I identify with him. I don't care about his money. Money isn't impressive. He has fun living his life, and he lives it well, not like some spoiled retard from hollywood or trust fund faggot.
I'm much older than Martin, but for those of you his junior, hed make a good mentor for you.
he is are guy
He worked with/for Assange. He's kill.
RIP Shreli.
Sup Forums likes him because he is a bantz master.
Thats as far as it goes. There isn't any political angle. Shkreli pulled a dick move, and then doubled down. Gotta respect that.
wtf actually happened with this. he said right as his last stream ended a few days ago that he was working with assange. now something was leaked. did he have prior knowledge or did guccifer say they had something to release. he's trolling that he's dead right?
>he is are guy
no, he are us guy