You are not white if:
You don't drink milk
You tan easily in the sun
what else?
You are not white if:
You don't drink milk
You tan easily in the sun
what else?
>You tan easily in the sun
Aussie, I...
You have a shower, not a grower.
>You tan easily in the sun
I tan very easily in the sun, but after that I burn very easily and my skin goes all red. What am I, an octaroon?
You are not white if you don't have blond hair and blue eyes. Anglos are not white.
my genetics are european famalam, i burn like a motherfucker
t. black hair, dark brown eyes french"man"
Let's have a shitposting duel to settle the question of who is white.
Fair enough, would have thought you lads would evolve to cope with it a bit better
Dogs are the best indicator, you can't go wrong with dogs.
You're not white if you don't recognize and take pride in the fact that whites have had the most glorious history of any race.
Mmmmm! Trump steaks look yummy!
you have brown eyes
As far as the blue eyes thing goes, as long as you were born with blue eyes then you're white
They give me heartburn, what could it mean?
>2 thousand years later
you don't have pink nipples
Evolving to cope with it would imply they become black skinned. You clearly didn't fire off some neurons as you wrote that post.
why not bronzed
this desu
>niggers cant into cows
What else can we expect from an island who's populace originates from britbongs rejects? Seriously: you have to be a yuge piece of human garbage for those limey, inbred wretches to cast you out. And that's what Australia is; Human Garbage.
PS other races say white people who dont drink milk are the only ones who dont smell weird
Colored eyes is the defining factor, and hair other than black. Brown eyes? Black hair? Ur a nigger.
Triggered numale vegan detected.
>tfw half korean half white
>drink loads of milk everyday
>big strong boy
>tan easily in the sun, get mistaken for a nigger or spic
>want a white gf but dont want to race mix
What do
>this thread
>White people
KYS Asian race traitor
Just get a korean gf, koreans look more neotenous anyway
I eat the shit out of red meat, and i keep my beard trimmed enough to fit my gas mask. Are you salty because you smell bad?
brown eyes
holy fuck, us humans are strong af
I'm not Asian, but everything is beter than white girls, their skin looks like cum...
> shit and piss look better than cum
>t. achmed ahmajinedad
A true sign of the numale. I bet your chin is weak as fuck.
Kek has spoken, must obey
tump looks pretty tan. I guess he isn't white
You think that being arrested and jailed for committing a violent crime is racist.
I have brown hair and grey eyes. Skin type is 4. Rarely drink milk. I guess i'm a nigger then.
Gold colored whites are the true aryan. Sun burnt pasties are albino niggers
What if i drink milk AND tan easily?
brown hair =/= not white
and eyes are also not a great indicator
it's mostly about heritage, like if you're over 90% european/northern european ancestry then you're white
Greeks and even da joos are white when it's convenient, right Sup Forums?
>not having south European blood
>not turning from ghost white to glorious glowing tan with a few days of sun
Might have shit color hair eyes, but being able to tan is glorious.
>posts Meds and Med LARPers
You're a disgusting half-blood part negro and part moor. Only sure thing in your life is that you're null percent white.
You are not white unless you get skin cancer after being in the sun for 3 minutes
Idk about the tanned thing. Scandinavians seem to tan really easily.
Ok, i'm done.
Nah, just kidding.
Portagee with the bants!
Like it's bad to have such a name
This kind of threads make me kek so much
This. I'm full Swedish and tan better than all my friends. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Sexy tan. Oh and 6'5". Manlets btfo.
Drinking milk lowers your testosterone and gives you man tits and osteoporosis.
Literally the opposite of what makes you a man
People from that part of the world shouldn't "tan easy" if anything they groom themselves to get a tan, its not natutal
>Tan easily in the sun
I'm super white and I burn, then the burn turns to a tan. This is just how tans work. You get a burn then it turns into a type of scar tissue, which is the tan.
Context on that picture?
My dad is blonde haired, blue eyed and tans really easily as well. The only people in Europe who really stay pale all year round are people from the British Isles.
Do you also have a 9 inch cock and work at Wendy's?
You're chinese.
He tried chewing 2 strips of 5 gum at the same time
>dark hair, brown eyes
Nigel please.
If you have pink nipples you are white. If they are brown you are not. No further testing needed.
Nope. 8 inch and am a mechanical engineer for a boat building company. I was raised upper middle class. I'd never work in some fast food place. I am above that.
Who the fuck has brown nipples?
Wtf user
Retard. Whites are whites so they can absorb vitamin D better and in the process they get tanned.
The others are just shitskins by birth and can't into tan.
Non-whites, google image that shit.
>I'm above working in a fast food store
>But not bragging about how cool i am on a west peruvian carrot peeling forum
Pretty much anyone who is isn't white common man
A lot of milk drinkers can tan easily in the sun. "We wuz Central Asians and shiet."
India and the Eurasian steppes are full of dark skinned milk or easily tanned milk drinkers.
If your hair is not blonde or red, you are not white.
I recently developed a casein allergy and cant have milk, is this a new NWO strategy to kill off white people?
>You don't drink milk
Nice try hormonal antibiotic milk Jew.
Unless you live in Switzerland or buy some superorganic certified milk, milk is absolutely haram
Also this
Anything but brown eyes/black hair is acceptable
true brown eyes means you aren't white
developing brown eyes over time after birth is insanely common for whites though
>You are not white if you don't have blond hair and blue eyes
Edgy. Did you know Iranians are white?
I cant tan i turn into a lobster after 20 minutes.
I get brown dark skin when I go in the sun (to the point of being browner than most Africans) and in winter when I don't go outside I go pale white again. What's the deal with this?
My ancestors are all Angolan-saxon or Nordic.
Do I have a great-great-great-great-great grand father that was a nigger or something?
My good sir you win 5000 internets and a cookie for that dank comment XDD
>don't want to race mix
try celibacy?
>tfw bean
>tfw I enjoy a cold, refreshing glass of milk on a hot day
>tfw brown but still sunburn like motherfucker
I'm literally afraid of staying out in the sun, I prefer cold environments or places where it rains a lot.
What the fuck happened to me
Found your problem, nigger.
So Roman Empire = non white?
Are not Argentinan
In Australia, you tan or you die. It's why only 2 out of six of them survive childhood or the average outdoor excursion.
blue eyes = white
green eyes = white
brown eyes = not white
I'm white and stopped drinking milk from cows once I realized there is pus and blood in there too.
I'll stick to subpar cashjew milk and be disappointed, but at least I won't be drinking that shit
Nope. They're persians. Nazi's just had to find a way to justify their alliance so they called them protowhites
>You tan easily in the sun
This is something that has been driving me nuts. I literally live at the beach in CA.. have for the last year and a half. Brothers got me going to the gym and my family is going on a cruise in december to Mexico.Figured aye, if im physically gunna be looking good i should get a tan while im at it...... NOPE. No fucking tan for this guy. I can sit out in the sun for 30-40min now and not burn but still be pale as a newborn.
You're wishing hard that you are a European, but it doesnt just happen overnight. You have to work hard and build a magnificent house first, then hold a party for mohammed and his brothers and watch them fuck your wife silly before retiring to your shed outside.
>You are not white if:
>You don't drink milk
>You tan easily in the sun
>what else?
Means "add to the list" you fucking autist