Founder Of “Black Men For Bernie” Launching Pro-Trump Effort
>Trump just got 2000+ black foot soldiers to campaign for him

Said Carter, “What we’ve gotten from the Democrat Party, it’s been zero. So now it’s like you have no option but to do something different if you want a different result.”

>Trump's message "the old message of the USA" is TRANSCENDING the left v.s right
>blacks waking up to the democratic plantation

Other urls found in this thread:




>blacks siding with a man who coddles white supremacists
>trying something different


you jelly?

>implying this uncle tom is gonna make me vote for racist "small hands" drumpf. Im writing in bernie and you cant do anything to stop me. Its called free speech drumpflets.

Where is any proof he said or did something racist? Your liberal jew brainwashing is astounding

Its either Hill or Trump at this point

And from what I've heard from the blacks that I talk to, they're all going Democrat purely because of kek


Check em

Love that guy when he says that shit and freaks out

I can't wait for four more years of Obama. And if Queen Hillary gets in, you Niggers will beg.

....1/4 of the black vote....
That would be a fucking 500% increase

holy sweet jesus praise kek
>honorary aryans

Be good little Africans. Vote Give Me Thats!

Never Trump. Never Trump.

These nogs did nothing to help Sanders get the black vote and Sanders was essentially promising them unlimited gimmedats. Why is this relevant?

Thank you for Correcting the Record.

>Mfw Trump gets 60%of the Black Vote

>Democrats start supporting voter id laws

Sanders would destroy Trump. Anyone with a clean record will.

Maybe black people just aren't that scared of frogs.

Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz all have "clean records" and they got destroyed.

Bernie is on record as driving a college into the ground and using campaign money to buy himself a new house.

Praise Kek.

>Blacks siding with a Globalist Jew.
Sounds about right.

is trump a racist? I kinda want a racist president...but he marries slavs and sells his daughter to Jews...also he gave a black man a high five on us real racists have any representation?

This. Trump would have my vote if he didn't wink at Sup Forums, which he clearly does.

He's essentially tweeted to Sup Forums

He's retweeted tweets from white nationalist puppet accounts

Posted (false) race/crime statistics

I don't sense that he has a high opinion of black people. He wants their votes. He wants to rule over them and bend them to his will with "law and order". But he is, at heart, a white supremacist.

Why are you here nig, masochist?

Onwards to Victory.

Consider my Record Corrected

Goyim. Goyim. Goyim.
Do you really think any of this matters? You will die. Trump is OUR Plant. Trump is NOTHING. YOU ARE NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
Vote Trump.


B-B-But D-David Duke!

David Duke is as useless as Drumpf. Don't you get it? Did you really think a 70 year old man could do ANY DAMAGE to us?
Drumpf. Drumpf. Drumpf. Drumpf will suck our Jewish Cock.

He's always been sucking. Sucking. Sucking.

Bernie is a cuck with no understanding of economics, but his house wasn't bought with campaign money because DNC rules state it all had to go to the winner. That's right, everyone fighting Hillary by voting for Bernie actually donated to Hillary, as designed.

>college kids trusting a Jew, grow up, realize their mistake
>new generation of college kids trust a Jew
It never ends

His house was bought honestly though, he got the money because his in-laws died and left him a different house, he sold it to buy one closer to where he wanted to live.

>I don't sense that he has a high opinion of black people.
Why should he have a high opinion on any one for what race they are?
Do you really want to be seen as just your race?

> bend them to his will with "law and order".
If you didn't know, we all follow the same laws.

> heart, a white supremacist.
Everyone who's mentally well prefers his own race, just like people prefer other people who have the same letters in their name. (Not making this up, feel free to google it for yourself)

>riling up stormfags for attention
>Genuine attempt at pushing a lame-ass narrative
>shitpost because you have nothing better to do

Every intention you could have possibly had for posting that is equally pathetic.

>McCain did better with the Asian vote than Romney
This shows how little real support Romney had. McCain literally called Asians gooks for many years after his capture as a POW and still got 35% of the vote to Romney's 26%.

It's O.K. Chosen. We have infiltrated every part of their society. If they wouldn't purge us then. They wouldn't purge us now.

This is some shit CTR. What you don't understand is the difference between racist and racial. If someone is being a dick and I call them a race-specific insult it's not racist, it's insulting because I intended to insult them. If they were my race I'd use a different insult but I'd still be insulting them.

Actual racism is if someone denies Craig, the black IT guy, a promotion because he's black and they don't want black managers in their company. That's real racism. Calling someone a nigger, pointing out crime statistics, locking you windows around thugs, and hating gang culture isn't racist.

We vote for Trump because he sees through the bullshit to a small degree, while the opposition pushes it.

Don't vote.

hes a realist
whites are superior

Superior enough to get outbred on their stolen land?

you spelled "conquered" wrong
im a mestizo myself, got a little injun in me and i love it. I understand your girlfriend and i have that in common

Superior enough to let in the rightful owners of the stolen land?

>Black men for Bernie!
>couldn't get over 2% of the black vote while helping someone who marched with MLK

A+ help, bud! Trump needs you!

What stolen land are you talking about?

Ask any of them to take up arm. They won't. They're very occupied with their White Collar work.

dude at least let me rebuttal before posting the same fucking insult you retard.

is this your first time? its okay if it is, i just wont fuck you is all because i know itll be terrible

60% Barbarian and decreasing. Thank God.

Can't wait for niggers to chimp out against Hillary supporters and keying their cars now.

we removed the barbarians, hundreds of years ago and forced them onto shit reservations to fuck off for all eternity. At least we earned our nation instead of being gifted it because the land wasnt worth the effort of fighting over it

>He wants to rule over them and bend them to his will

Thats the only way you monkeys can function and somewhat prosper. See africa and modern black america.

There is nothing to refute you disgusting rat. Whites are inferior.

Please keep voting democrat. Hillary and Bill want to rebuild black hoods with refugees. Can't wait to see how that turns out. Hillary doesn't give a shit about blacks and has called them niggers. Keep licking her shoes please. It's hilarious to watch.

He just wants us AND only us the happy.

just checking

i get it now, youre asian.
heres a spoiler alert for you, when the west and east do go to war, we will wipe you guys out the same way we did in the indians. Starvation.

2 billion mouths to feed is quite a lot, especially when your means of production are all along a dammed up yellow river. The death toll that we will witness in the coming decades will be biblical in scale (no exaggeration). the same way we wiped out the buffalo to push the indians into our way of life is what well do for your pathetic rice crops. Get used to the taste of corn, because your going to work all day for just one ear of it, if your lucky enough to get any of the work we offer to whats left of your mongrel cousins in gookistan.

Japs are gonna love us even more in the states after they get a load of what we have in store for your "glorious peoples republic"

>Indian Spaintard thinks I'm Asian.
Oy vey.

That doesn't even have anything to do with free speech you dumb nigger.

This one reason among many that Africa sucks. You can't even conceptualize the most basic things.

yup i'd sooner vote Trump than HIllary cuz he's a piece of shit

ps. his daghter is hot as

Holy shit, fucking shut it down! Thanks ameribros, every election will pale in comparison now

b-but we are ? thats why i am here.

well fuck, at least im not canadian.

so ive got that going for me, which is nice

Canada is the Greatest Chosen Refuge in The World. Next to New York City of course.


Ok here is my idea:

Blacks will be Trumps RWDS.


lol great, a trash heap with no alleys and a shitty, pretentious reputation. good to know youre one of the retarded canadians too. Enjoy your 9 months of winter icechucker

These are black men that just hate women who are not submissive. These are the black men that you see fucking your white whores.

All a bunch of fucking degenerates.

If Trump wins, I hope these degenerations get gassed first along with the ugly sheboons

I'd love to visit France or The United States. Lovely.

This is not surprising.
Anyone with a couple of braincells left intact can see that after one of the two anti-establishment candidates became a cuck for the establishment this is the only option.
The establishment left us with two less than stellar people to choose from.... the only option is to vote for the other anti establishment guy.

Give the democrats some credit.
Not all of them are completely retarded.

y-y-you too

It's time to Pick That Animal.


>CTR shills are freaking out
>flooding this board after shillbot short circuited and had her 47% moment


>He's """""""essentially""""""" [citation needed]

>He's retweeted them with the sole intent of retweeting white nationalists [citation needed]

>posted false statistics [citation needed]

>I don't """""""think""""""" he has a high opinion of black people [citation needed]
>thinking you have a higher opinion of blacks to speak for them, even though the ones in this article chose for themselves

>I think he wants to rule over them [citation needed]

>but he is at heart, a white supremacist [citation needed]

Try harder, faggotshit.


>ACKSHUALLY mexicans aren't a race
>ACKSHUALLY muslims aren't a race

playing with semantics doesn't make Trump's plans any less hateful

Here's a nice little paycheck for (you)

No need. I have a lot of gold. If you're n financial trouble consult my Accountant.

Trump will produce more workers. It will be historic. Oh wait. You're working hard? Good for you. All Americans want Jobs. That's a large issue. If we want our Economy to survive.


A Steady Job. Family. That's all I wanted. Why are the mean Democrats importing people? Wah. Wah. Wah.

Americans of all Races have rights.
Vote Trump 2016.
Chosen have Highest Rights.

>a new age of American nationalism
>will have black people join too so no one can call it 'racist'


Im black and I've been Trump since he announced he wants to run for president. There are a lot more red-pilled black people than you'd think. My whole family hates Hillary.




Now. Now. Nationalism as much as we pay people to hate on it. Is a vital asset for Israel. Israel will be protected under a Trump Presidency.

Because Israel Is The Greatest Nation On Earth. Make America Greater.

Enjoying those Banks, Goyim? We'll pay you. Eventually. Next year. Next decade. Next century.


Anyone who is not voting for trump is a retard

T.90% of europe

Even the ones who preach about how bad he is secretly deep down love him. This is why Trump will win

They might say hillary / bernie etc in real life, but when its them, the booth and the paper the person on their mind is the don


Except. For. One Thing. We're not Illegals.

Nigger Monkeys are great.
Keep them out of Israel.

Progressives don't unerstand a lot of things about black people: for starters, black men are the most sexist people in the nation. The idea that they are gonna get all jacked-up about HRC (an old white woman) is laughable.

Second, black men (even though they have been taught to hate Trump) secretly think he is "baller." He doesn't take shit and he likes to talk shit, he's rich, he's flashy, and he's always around sexy women. They secretly cannot resist what Trump represents.

I think you are going to see Trump do well with black men. Maybe up to 25%. I see him doing poorly with black women (except maybe a handful of older ones) but that's just the way it goes, you win some you lose some.

Either way, it was once the case that a Clinton was the closest thing a black voter could get to a black presidential contender. That's changed. Across blacks in general, the Dem. turnout will be depressed. Like a junkie with a new high, the black population has now had a "black" president- they know it can be done and now an old white lady just isn't going to cut it. The last two GEs were historic for them and simply put, HRC will not recreate that turnout amongst blacks.

>throwing your vote
good, less votes for shillary.

Based bruce