Defend this.
Defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
Muslims shouldn't even be let out of the sandbox. Leave their inbred asses in the desert.
The Caucasian Race deserves to exist
the muslims are invaders
just like your cousins
>you have to go back
Because spying on cockroaches isn't illegal.
Fuck white people
innocent people shouldnt be under surveillance, when a group makes itself dangerous they have it coming
>defend this
Fuck off, shit skin wetback goat fucking beaner
>Those people autistic enough to cover up the camera on their phone
>muh equality
>Sup Forums is one person
wew lad you sure got us... uhhh, I mean me.
Call me when FUCKING WHITE MALES bomb, shoot, and behead people on a daily basis.
I don't see whites worshipping a book that tells them to pray 5 times a day and kill any who arent like them.
Hmm I can't, Muslims(all brown people) should be killed not just monitored
Fuck you racist piece of shit, try to kill me stupid fat fuck
There is a repeated and clear pattern of Muslim terrorism
>Deport all nonwhites to their respective countries
>Nuke said countries
Muslims should be thanking the European states for taking care of their retards.
If Islamic retardedness were let loose, Muslims would be removed in a couple of years.
The Trump campaign isn't anti-NSA, I'm pretty sure.
>Fuck jeeeeeeews
Muslims are a fifth column.
The Muslims are plotting we are not
nice strawman, faggot
Non-American citizens don't have Constitutional rights.
Also, praise Kek.
>keeping eyes on on terrorist organizations such as KKK is OK
>keeping eyes on terrorist groups such as muslims is not OK, because racism