>1,164 days until Avatar 2
1,164 days until Avatar 2
>1,164 days until the biggest flop of all time
> The cast finished filming 6 years before release date
based countdown-poster, have a rare-tiri
And abatap returns to spam this god-forsaken board rendering it unusable
>we will have the 8th season from Game of thrones before avatar 2
It's going to suck. I hope we at least get some good memes out of it.
>Sigourney Weaver plays a James Cameron persona for her character in this film. Sigourney stated in an interview, "I teased him because to me I'm playing Jim Cameron in the movie as this kind of brilliant, approach-driven, idealistic perfectionist. But that same somebody has a great heart underneath. So I have to say I was always kind of channeling him."
yeah baby get some!
he's not even holding the trigger
True lies is really difficult to reconcile with everything else Jimbo has done. It's not bad, but it's just so run-of-the-mill and blasé.
I am very sad and drunk.
let Neytiri cheer you up!
How can you shoot Na'vi women and children?
>tfw the scene where Neytiri danced was never finished
Easy, you just don't lead them so much.
hey! Na'vi women are just as capable as the men, and much more capable than any human AKA manlet-people
BASED avatarposter
RIP original avatarposter ;_;7
gone but never forgotten
You didn't get it.
have fun user!
post blu nips pls
they're right there in the pic
The real question is whether the next ASOIAF book drops first or will Avatar 2
like this?
You can't keep this up.
based avatar poster is back
>implying it's a "you", and not a highly organized and robust organization of autistic anons taking shifts
the original guy died. we're carrying his torch.
My personal theory is Jim is only planning two sequels, but said he was making 4 so he could get a "proper" budget. What do you guys think of this?
All the Avatar sequels will be out before GRRM finishes the books.
Not in a million years a Cameron movie is going to flop. Even if it performs lower than expected in the US, there's a bigger player now.
Gosh, I'll enjoy seeing reddit normies lose their collective shit over Avatar 2's success.
>over three years away
How am I supposed to be excited for this, user?