hi Sup Forums
ask a literal niggerjew anything
Hi Sup Forums
Do you think you're Hebrew
Are you an Israelitefgag
תחזור לקריית משה
You realize kikes are worse to niggers than anyone else in the world, literally the worst.
רחובותי או ירושלמי?
*smacks lips*
WE WUZ......
former one
Are Ashkrnazi being outbred
Do real jews consider niggerjews jews?
I know a bunch of Ethiopians are guarding the Ark of the Covenant.
I am hebrew, just some religious terminology is different
we get circumcised, speak hebrew, etc
קודם אתה תחזור לג'נין יא חמור
today? not really
lots of russians, not that many ethiopians
I mean some don't like us and it's really mutual but most don't really care
we're all jews, all for 10 in a minyan, etc
What do you think about the isrealy sterilisation programs and are you a victim of them?
I always wondered about this:
Does it happen that you guys date an ashkenaz or mizrahi girl? Or is that not something you see on the street?
oh fuck's sakes
it's just leftist propoganda
that dapo pervera or whatever that crap was called isn't sterilization method, it was birth control meant to replace condoms because we don't like them
the only issue with them was that the doctors didn't warn women that it works for 3 months after each injection, and once it became evident the usage was stopped
it's liberal cuck shilling and taken out of context, same as claming Sweden isn't tolerant enough because it puts too many immigrants in prisons
we most often keep to our own community because that's what our parents want for us
most mizrahis don't like us at all and vice versa
ashkenazis care less but it's still not very common
Good riddens milk skins
Which would you vote for, Trump or Hillary if you could?
הילרי נראית לי כמו חראית שמאלנית בדיוק כמו בעלה
Do you have the jew nose?