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Would you buy a Joi?
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Not as long as i have my human gf.
Can I make her look like my waifu?
Of course.
Can I buy a Joi and then change her appearance to a different waifu instead?
>wanting fridge as your waifu
>bargain bin Jaime Pressley
Jesus christ, what awful taste.
I'd want a replica instead desu
im probably too poor
>ywn have a beautiful holographic waifu which encourages and compliments your shitposting
why even live bros
>you will never suckle puffy Joi's nipples
I keep pressing F5 to pay five respects, but it doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.
incredibly sad i won't live to see hologram waifus hoinestly
>leans over you while you are about to post
>"you would ravage Jodelle till you tore her insides apart."
>"i'm sure she would like and appreciate that you care about her that much."
Damn I just made myself depressed
>that's a good one user, you will get many (you)'s
You realize poor people buy Joi right?
Rich people buy sex replicants.
pretty atmospheric soundtrack
joi ;-;
Fuck Your holofu
>why do you keep posting pictures about a yellow man called Sneed, user?
>a richfag browsing a finno-mongoloid hypertactics board
why are you even here? just buy real love, dumbass
they really should have kept Jóhann Jóhannsson's soundtrack. I didn't hate Zimmer's but that track sounds like it was basically pulled from Ex Machina.
Rich people have (largely) already left for the off-world colonies, no?
>call him autistic cuck and tell him to fuck off to reddit sweetheart. That will show him!
We don't know how rich is super rich. There is probably still an upper middle class that act as the wealthy back on earth.
>but user, you watch Rick and Morty all the time, why are you saying nasty things about the show?
Not only rich ones. But rich only the ones are able to afford comfy life and sex replicants up there.
How much for a personal giantess Joi?
>user, while are you calling that guy a redditor as if it was something bad, while you have reddit open in another tab?
>Ooooh I like how you wrote "assmad" instead of "butthurt"! You're so creative, user
Yes ;_;
Hell yeah
>crack a fart
>"hmmmm quite pungent my dear. I love it."
Aaah, isn't she a source of inspiration
>crack a fart
>she does a full chemical analysis of it and recommends you a better diet
We'd all make it if we'd have gf like that.
>when she starts changing clothes in the beginning
It only took me that 1st minute to be convinced she was the one.
>that music
A replica of Joi's genie bottle thumb drive thing with voice clips of encouraging words would be a best seller.
In a heartbeat. Anyone who says they wouldn't is either in a serious relationship or lying.
>tfw in a relationship
>have a secret holographic waifu on the side
The dream boys, I mean lads.
how did he not know she wasn't a mass produced waifu? or did he just delude himself over time into forgetting about it
I unironically call my girlfriend through to show her when I get a (You), sometimes she laughs at my posts but also argument cucks me and tells me the other guy is right
>my gf is the special one
after losing
>all roasties are same.
he knew it. Ad was just a reminder to him and rubbing salt too
He knew, he was just given a stark reminder as he was deluded after having experienced his waifu for a long time.
Yes but obviously Joi accommodates to your specific wants after a period of use. Also maybe he jailbroke it and gave it actual free will.
why didnt he just hide that thing inside his asshole instead of a pocket where it can easily fall out
good point
>gets drop kicked
>projector pops out of his asspucci
>uh oh STINKY
problem solved
>not being in a serious relationship where she's open enough to let you overlay her with a holographic waifu for kinky threesomes
you're not doing it right
How did Luv know where Goose went?
Did he forget to opt out of "user experience data collection" when he first activated Joi?
She located him using Robin Wright's terminal in the police station.
She's literally the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life when she has dark hair, not fucking ugly blonde
He knew but let himself forget because he wanted to believe all the things she said
no, I can buy a pleasure replicant
This holy shit
Great casting for a perfect waifu
no, i need to see ass pussy and feet to be able to cum, not some bitch telling to to jack off
I would too. They are genetically engineered to be subservient, obedient and loyal, rather than literally just programmed to be that way like a software AI. A replicant girl would be more like some Asian girlfriend who is naturally super submissive and just always loves you even if you're a huge bastard. They're like real people who are just easily blinded by Stockholm syndrome and thus easily enslaved.
How does a newborn Nexus 9 replicant know who its owner is? With custom implanted memories or something? I know they are obedient but how do they know who they are meant to obey?
>tfw waifu is dead
>tfw waifu never was real
>tfw you are not special
>tfw you don't have a soul
>tfw everyone is using you
Wait till you think about how much validation and encouragement she could give you while you fap.
yes and F
Depends on your views on soul, I think he has one.
You have to be born to have a soul
Just don't forget to weaken her physically so she won't kill you
And he was, as an adult with fake memories and not inside a mother.
Otherwise we end up with a bunch of soulless kids if we create artificial wombs.
>user why do you always type "BRAAAAAAP" whenever there is a picture of an ass ?
>Otherwise we end up with a bunch of soulless kids if we create artificial wombs.
Something to worry about
He was born as an adult.
That's why I think people have souls the moment they are conscious of their surroundings, including the womb after a certain month.
He came out of a sack like a hotdog
He wasn't born
>mfw joi stops kissing me each time somebody posts in here
>"I love you"
>"You don't have to say that"
>he always knew that she was programmed to love him
>he began to believe it anyways
I would pirate a Joi and buy a secondhand holoprojector off eBay.
But she loved him, it's literally all she could do.
Rachel was also programmed to, but her love was the real deal.
What if protection software gave her a big Jew nose and afro?
lmao, literally laughed, for the first time in months at the internet
wtf is that thing?
>piss Replicant off
>it turns your dick and balls into diamond dust
no thank you, friendo
>"user, you almost forgot to post Sneed! That's OK, I put the picture on your desktop :)"
So a baby made from sperm and egg but came out of artificial womb isn't born and don't have soul?
I believe He still got soul the body is just like a device for a soul ,it's doesn't matter how it was madee
Get a used one. People would trade them in so fast that there would be plenty still youngish and in decent shape, and they'd have more experience and better-developed personalities. And she'd be grateful for being rescued from retirement.
You know that the Goose is a real hero when nobody can even touch your precious waifu
I made this image my desktop background and my gf is furious. She says I have never had pictures of her as my background and obviously I'm more interested in wanking over other girls. She screamed and cried and threw objects at me.
I just like the aesthetics of the image desu
So you've never read A Brave New World then
call her a stupid bitch and spit on her
>sell 3d waifu prodcut
>have a well known ringtone that goes off in public so everyone will know that the guy has a waifu
really made me think
Does it matter? Women are mass produced too
I couldn't enjoy his movie because Gosling has a deformed face.
His left eye is noticeably lower than his right.
Damn this guy looks like an actual ogre
Did you grab her by the shoulders, tell her that's a movie and she's you're only fantasy, then kiss her roughly?
Because that's what women want when they're jealous and angry. Jealousy is the best aphrodisiac. Jesus I miss it.
Literally cross eyed as well, but women swoon over him because he does the strong and silent but sensitive type well.
And he was in The Notebook
kek what's what I thought too.
Just ring whenever she want and everybody will know you have a waifu
That's by design.
It repels real women so you have to keep using your JOI
>wanting a tainted replicant whore rather than a pure and virtuous virtual waifu hologram
Okay there mister 10/10.
Subplot with Joi did more than Spike Jonze with the whole Her movie
>De Armas was married to Spanish actor Marc Clotet from 2011 to 2013.
How do you get over losing the perfect wife?
Depends. Do I also get dem Khazar milkers?