Realistically now. I'm a Trump guy myself but look at this fag. He droped a Bomb on japs and he was in a fucking wheelchair. Why health an issue? Not like it prevented this guy from winning WW2?
Realistically now. I'm a Trump guy myself but look at this fag...
Other urls found in this thread:
He also was globalist scum and basically a vegetable for the last two years of his presidency.
>He droped a Bomb on japs and he was in a fucking wheelchair.
Truman nuked the nips. FDR died before the end of the war.
Truman dropped the bomb not FDR.
His condition was stable. Sick, but died suddenly of a brain bleed unrelated to his paralysis.
FDR didn't have the unelectable faggot Kaine ready to take over. You shouldn't be eligible for President after age 50.
So you mean just like hillary will?
I doubt he acted like an angry retard who had coughing shit fit seizures. Kaine is the biggest beta male cuck too, his wife looks like a fat smelly dude, no sane male would be married to that fat piece of shit linebacker looking monster.
I don't know about all that, but you should at least be able to walk without passing out.
He was in a wheel chair because polio. Not because he was old, senile, and incontinent.
well then people over 50 shouldn't be allowed to vote for being mentally unstable. that'll eliminate that pesky elderly conservative vote.
Hey let's be fair. I had a super attractive girl in primary school, she was smoking hot in high school too. They she banged a shitload of dudes got pregnant and in 10 years turn into that. You'd be surprised on how age fucks females up.
FDR manipulated the US into fighting for the Bank. He was a disaster.
If he was such a disaster how come you became the dominant super power for the next 70 years.
Only now are you losing power because you sold everything to china and the saudis.
Raising the age to vote to 25 makes more sense. It's funny how the more life experience someone gets, the more conservative they are. Wonder what causes that?
cambodia gets it
> but look at this fag
Nigger do not trigger me
the master of slaves is not a leader of men
>look at this fag. He droped a Bomb on japs
No, President TRUMAN dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. FDR was dead by then.
Are you saying you're a nigger?
Well someone had to build that bomb no? Who ordered it built?
>started the system of gibs
>jewed us into ww 2
>power hungry fuck that took 4 terms
He was shit tier OP
(((They))) did
They did a good job to be honest.
Wish it was used against Koreans too...
She was always a fat pig, look at this early picture. Only a degenerate pervert would marry something like this, but I guess he had slim pickings looking like an oiled up hairless weasel faggot.
Fuck that babies fat...
But it's funny is there a reason why blond babies go brown haired later in life...
I had this same shit. Blond hair until 7 years old and then brown...
shills please
get a real job
im tired of your shitty threads and autistic comments. It's just sad at this point
Truman dropped the bomb
Because we're now in a more open society. Hillary could stand as an inspiration to disabled epileptic women everywhere, but instead she chose to conform to ablelist norms in society.
I mean come on, it's 2016. If she's not going to act progressively, she's not fit to be the leader of a progressive party.
Can't 67% youth unemployment in my city. And I'm not a paki or afghani or siptar so I can't pretent I'm a syrian and to go Gurmany and get free money.
Same here, was born blonde, stayed that way till about 5yrs old, was thin blonde straight hair too, then got darker, turned an auburn highlighted brown till 20 and very wavy. Now it's dark brown only, no more signs of red hair natural highlights either, but my beard grows in with brown and red hairs.
Polio isn't brain damage the same way parkinsons is
He was disabled...not ill.
Nazis gassed both. If the Nazis didn't discriminate why are you?
calling you a nigger (on the global scale), senpai, while at the same time explaining that being a slave-master is not equivalent to being a leader of men. in other words, FDR put the US in a position of power by dishonourable means. he should not be revered for it.
Powers power man.
A cripple in wheelchair propelled America to the worlds greatest prosperity ever seen.
you don't need to be able to walk to lead the country, but you need to be able to think and speak.
Plus his issue was hidden from the public until he died out of office, which means there is absolute precedent for this type of lie. It's not crazy.
I'm a dude and I'm prettier than her
He was very handsome in that photo. Chicks love that shit. Looks like Joseph Gordon Levitt. Wife is surprisingly unattractive there, but it is post pregnancy. She probably bulked up post marriage and he chose not to divorce his wife and abandon his kid
So that means he's a submissive pervert not smacking her up every time she stuffed her fat mouth. You want some push over VP like that? I don't
We never should have got into WWII