Paedophile support thread

A thread to support paedophilia by sharing legal resources, political news, thoughts and ideas.

We don't want your support.

The only support you'll ever get is the branch on the tree supporting the weight of your obese corpse.


Kill yourself
Pedophiles will never be accepted in society

Kys desu senpai

Keep your head down, don't tell anyone and wait until it's normalised.

keep it 2D and when the time comes allow them to have loli sexbots.

Which only seems like it will be pretty soon.

They said the same thing about the gays and look at where we are now.

Kill yourself my man. Go take your habits to Japan where they belong.



people said that about

>Says the brit with an aoc 16
All of you europoors are savages


Because those are the same thing right. You really are a grade A.utist

But aren't they? They're both abnormal sexual attractions.


Literally what they said about gays. And interracial marriage. And interreligious marriage. I mean jesus, if we thought slippery slope was not real before, it is pretty obvious it is now.

If she bleeds, she's old enough to breed.

All those states belong in the

So much for Republicans winning an election, ever.

This. This is now a "pedo hate should kill themselves thread"

welcome to pol Mr Biden

Hey retard gay marriage and weed was legalized here decades ago and it didnt lead to anything pedo related

Go ahead and be delusional youll probably hang yourself soon anyhow :^)

Viva EspaƱa then? Maurs explain yourselves, is this a sweet tradition after Al-Andalus? Are you secretly Mahometans?

Sex with little girls should be legal within marriage. The State should not be able to tell a man when he can have his daughter married.
When feminism is finally reversed and the leftists are removed from government it will be accepted.

you tried, Anita

Except if keeps moving that way. First was interreligious marriage, than it was interracial marriage, now it is gay marriage, soon it will either be pedo marriage or beast marriage.

>1 post by this ID

Why are people so easy to bait on Sup Forums?

Raping little kids isn't the same as having a black guy fuck you in the ass.

I'll detail this for you nicely, we hate you, if we (pol) could, we'd gas the whole lot of you. The best thing you could do for yourself is to take a mixture of oxy's fetanyl and crack all at once and take yourself OUT of humanity's genetic code.

Personally if murder was sanctioned by any government I'd fly there immediately and kill at least a dozen pedos with a rusty old knife.

Haha keep dreaming retard

Whats the matter? You r so disgusting you cant be with woman so you hope to be with children? Go an hero now. Therapy wont help you

And if she hasn't bled yet, just put it in her mouth.[man it's hard to come up with rhymes]
Shouldn't you be going back to plebbit soon?
That map is old, they raised it recently.

>Raping little kids isn't the same as having a black guy fuck you in the ass.
You go back a few decades and they would be seen as about the same. And now look where we are.