Did you honestly have any bad experiences with refugees?
Have you actually met refugees irl?
Or do you just form your opinion based around garbage posted on Sup Forums?
Did you honestly have any bad experiences with refugees?
Have you actually met refugees irl?
Or do you just form your opinion based around garbage posted on Sup Forums?
>waiting till the enemy infiltrates you with large enough numbers so they can overpower you
fuck you ahmed
Have you met a bear? Then how do you know they shouldn't be in your neighborhood?
Have you had termites in your house? Then how do you know you wouldn't like them?
gas the jews
I work with them
Most are not refugees. Just poor and have been given the chance to come with their families to the promised welfare land of northern europe
They just scream and rant until they have what they want. Then they will scream for more rights. Until they become the majority ofcourse.
Muslims. Niggers and just most non whites shouldnt even be classified as human
build the wall
Ever tried methamphetamine? How do you know it's bad? It just might be the best thing in the world.
Ever fuck a honey badger? You might be missing out. You could be missing out on the best experience in the world. Go stick your dick in a honey badger, OP.
I helped a fellow being get to Malmö from Copenhagen, PBUH
Yes niggers are annoying and should all be gassed and turned into lampshades.
Some asylum seekers attempted to kidnap my 14 year old cousin while she was walking home from the bus stop.
Even if we don't allow black immigrants some still slip thru.
Sandniggers are bad for my shekels.
We usually send them to Germany and get more shekels for them
Did you honestly have any bad experiences with Hitler?
Have you actually met Hitler irl?
Or do you just form your opinion based around garbage written in history books?
No, we don't have them.
Yes, lots of refugees in my country and they ruin everything. don't worry though you'll be eating your words soon enough once you have been "culturally enriched"
Yes, the van I drive in work got its tires slashed when while I was installing security system to an pharmacy (area with majority immigrant population).
Other case was when my brother got robbed when he was getting money from the ATM, the culprits were 2 somali immigrants.
Bears don't form rape gangs
They congregate in a big group and litter the shit out of the place.
One women hissed at me aswell. Fuck off reeeee
>1 post by this ID
Yes. They walk on the wrong side of the road and enters other peoples small boats in the marina.
yep a rapefugee molested a 12 year old girl at a water park that i was at during the same day. one of the largest water parks in america. first example i've seen in the same exact town i work in. so, yeah.
also why are there so many muslim women at water parks in full garb? like why are you even here?
Yes, a close childhood friend of mine got beat up for not "showing his phone" to them, which landed him in the hospital for six months.
I have no sympathy for these creatures.
Did nobody shoot the guy?
Somalis in Portland Maine mugged my boy.
It's based on amount of lies media produces over it.
I see them every day, 2 smelly niggresess sat next to me one day. Bad luck... they are disgusting apelke subhumans.
They are disgusting to watch and they abuse racetraitor vaginas.
The last part of what you said. That.
Stay mad Ahmed. You're a fucking piece of shit and have to go back to sandland.
lol no everyone claimed he was just a "moderate" muslim and had no relation to refugees. one of the top comments in the article (news 12 by the way, you can look it up, riverhead new york) said "sounds like what's happening in germany" and everyone was like NOOO NOT EVEN RELATED.
>you can only talk about the fact they are dangerous once they personally killed and raped the majority of you
have you ever killed yourself?
how do you know it's bad for you?
try it, i think you're missing out OP.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
At work, a moroccan took a shit on the floor because western toilets are 'dirty'. So dirty that he also dumped his used TP on the floor as well
I was raped and beaten by a refugee and had to be hospitalized during a few months of my freshman year of high school.
I'm in the USA for college at the moment but I couldn't possibly go back to Germany. I have no idea what I'll do when I'm done with college. I didn't even go back to Germany over the summer last year to see my parents because it'd be too much for me.
>people still responding to the deerposter without saging
Fucking newfags
Yeah regularly.
I ride the train alot and every other week there are huge delays because of refugees chimping out on train, molesting someone or beating the shit out of each other.
Last time was about twoo weeks ago and the train stopped in the middle of nowhere and was on lockdown because some afghan beat up his wife in the train or something like that. We had to wait until the police was at the next stop so they could haul them off.
Had an Iranian refugee (possibly former) live in the place I'm staying at for like 1-2 months. He wouldn't shut the fuck up about how there was so much food here, also kept talking about his children.
Cons of refugees in my country
>all the parks in the city center destroyed
>thought Belgrade was dirty but nowadays... holly shit
>dozens of people stabbed
>lots of it isn't reported on the news cause our all mighty prime minister censors everything
>only people that are profiting are criminals that are now transporting them to and over the border
Pros of refugees in my country
>EU is giving us a pat on the back
>Le epic diversity
You tell me is it worth it
You have to go back.
Europe needs to fix its problems. You can't all just run away to the US.
Tbqh pham I've never met one, no. I've never known a black person either and I'm certainly not wrong for hating hem based off what I've read here. Sup Forums just saves me the hassle of having to find these things out myself.
I'm from Stockholm, what do you think, Kevin Cückhaus
>Have you honestly ever met any refugees
No. I've never been to the moon either but I have a pretty strong feeling that it'd be hard to breathe without a spacesuit.
The notion that we can only have opinions on things we've directly experience is complete garbage. I shouldn't have to pass an arbitrary threshold to state a fact and be taken seriously.
>dozens of people stabbed
How is that different to before Serbia
Please tell me more about "Europe needs to fix its problems" while your ancestors fucked off to America because of shitty European times.
Are you still in Stockholm? Why don't you escape to northern Sweden?
They 'fucked off to America' because they were pioneers and explorers. They had no idea what they would find here.
maybe in usa. here shit is like a total bear rape fest.
Most of them flew because of lack of freedom of religion too.
Meet them saw them helpd them. No problems.
>before the german migrant crisis there was no sandniggers and niggers in europe
Refugees = muslim and we all know what they and their hateful religion are like already.
>go to the mall for the food court
>packed full of pregnant women wearing hijabs and pushing around baby strollers
>all of them are constantly upset at the prices for everything
>haggle with the cashier
>when it wont work they accuse them of being islamaphobic and discriminating
>finally pay in disgust and leave
>this repeats for every burka durka dike
>you islamaphobic and discriminating I want it free
>back to talking durkalurka allah fallah hallah
>order,pay for my food and leave as soon as its handed to me
>before one ackbars in the snackbar
Holy shit literally zero fucks/arguments were given that day.
Why the fuck would you help them, Hans?
They will take from you everything you love and value and that you worked hard for.
They are not refugees, they are invaders.
KYS Achmed
Ill marry you if I can rape you, but wont hospitalize you. Not until we make white babbies at least.
>school welcomes new refugee student
>next day huge fight breaks out after new student attacked some others for no reason
end it all
I hope the food was at least good.
If people are so poor that they need to cause a shitfit when trying to get a discount then maybe they should go to a cheaper store.
Taking in refugees is much like your picture. A cute animal. It looks appealing from a distance. Then it gets close.
And gives you lyme disease.
I'd be happy to take in orphaned deer fawns to this country.
We're being asked to take in angry human men, though.
Invaders not refugees.
Be quiet shitskin.
Perfect response
Fucking niggers all over northern Italy all they do is steal, rape and drive illegal fucking taxis.
Serbia is actually quiet safe. Much safer then France, UK...
it will cost you
My church has been helping christian refugees for the better part of 20 years
its made them cucky and not a single one shows up for service or gives back to the community.
goes to the mosques. I used to volunteer a lot to help them, they are ungrateful and pretty dense.
They are not part of our culture and are not our people, end of story.
yes I've met them on many occations
yes, they are the most degenerate people I have ever seen. Saw them getting arrested twice, and a year ago one stole the phone of a friend
Seriously, fuck off
>Ever fuck a honey badger?
I wish
Hitler did nothing wrong, the jews wanted to be gassed
My dad knew a lorry driver who said that he kept a shotgun and a hand grenade under his seat every time he drove through Serbia. But that was 10 years or so ago maybe things changed.
It was a crappy plate of bourbon chicken and fried rice. Not worth the headache one bit.
Yes. They fucking haggled with the mexican cashier at the chinese food place. Muslims are just angrier, louder, stupid jews.
Former imigration officer here. I dealt with plenty of refugees from Doneck and Crimea back in 2014 and despite them being white they were still p. shitty people. Actual shitskin rapefugees must be way worse then that.
>wants refugees for cheap labor
>muh shekels
>you racist goyim scum
6 somalians beat me up when they tried to molest my gf. Police caught 3 and charged 2 with assault. I knew they were animals from day one but this just confirmd it
>10 years or so ago maybe things changed.
well the war ended for one thing...
>wants refugees for cheap labor
no they dont. they closed labour market in 2004 for poles who would be perfect gastarbeiters.
>left wing wants to destroy Germany's racial identity and implement socialism
>neoliberals want refugees in to cheap labor
This shit is unstoppable the ride never ends.
Not my problem tho, not even worried but I feel sorry for you guys.
I got attacked twice on the way home from work by sandniggers. First time there was this mudslime faggot who was randomly spitting everywhere in the back of the bus (obviously he was mad or annoyed about something), I looked at him and then sat down, and then he went full chimpout and flipped his shit telling me all these racist things that is apparently not racist when a sandnigger says them. Had to "dodge" further action, because I was technically at work and had some very expensive shit with me, stupid to even bring that in a public bus I know...
Second time just randomly jumped when I was with my friends at a concert, push them away and done with it, because many of those in the cities have knifes and we didnt want to get stabbed that night.
Not to mention we had some pretty serious shit with a stupid woman in our family many years ago who married a rich sandnigger, needlessly to say this was a bad idea and she ended up getting spied up and serious daily threats from very shady people with a lot of money.
That and much more, I currently live in an area that was awesome just a few years back but now all the little monkeys is all grown up and ready to destroy everything nice.
One of my best buddies was stabbed in the neck (not even kidding) when we was about 14 years old by a criminal somalian subhuman with no future, luckily he survived.
So yes I have had my bad experiences with sand niggers and other kind if (((refugees)))
But you guys are white, there's no way the left wing would let you in.
Dim-Witted savages that have no place in the West.
They have to go back.
Kek wills it.
That was the 90s though
Everyone is willing to take it "in the country". It's like prisons. Everyone is for them. But no one wants them near them.
M8 stop calling your economic migrants refugees you fell for your media's lies.
I'd be happy for deer to be placed in the wooded areas in my town. Not so keen on Middle Eastern and north African angry men, though.
>Did you honestly have any bad experiences with refugees?
And since they behave badly it shows that they are not supposed to be considered as genuine refugees
Serbia was a criminal shit hole up until like '98,'01
From all my friends and family I know for about 2 to 5 criminal instances and it was minor shit.
Home town(30k) had like 5 fatal shootings and it was all love affairs on last 10y
Even though your country is doing a great job against the invasion. "You" have a bad reputation in several nordic and west eu countries for doing a lot of organized crime, specially stealing stuff. I imagina that the people doing this are losers who are not übermench like real polacks, but that is the reputation you got between normies.
I honestly don't wan't to speak for anyone and I don't meet people cuz I only leave the house to get groceries. My best friend works with refugees sometimes. Two of them visited him once when I was with him. Young guys who were into Burzum and other BM and the first thing they did in Germany was dropping acid.
u miss the bigger picture
i get it. i dont complain about germany saying no to our workers. thats their right, but saying that they have let in refugees just to improve job market is just stupid as they had a chance to make it more reasonable
Haven't seen a single nigger in my life so I don't know.
Well.. Germans in current year... They are the new jews
I was gang raped. I really liked it, but due to my long term boy friend I had to say I felt violated :(
So funny burger
I base my opinion on the stats and the rising sentiment of the general population
>anecdotal evidence is more important than statistics and well-established facts
>but if the anecdotal evidence isn't provided by you yourself it isn't valid either
And then you go on to poison the well of Sup Forums.
You just went full retard.
>tfw national owned news makes a story about a refugee families who actually work, open up businesses and are contributing to the society
>pretty much pushing that therefor all refugees are good.
> except the ones reported on are white georgians or ukranian refugees.
what the shit?