Will there ever be another war in the Balkans?
Will there ever be another war in the Balkans?
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I hope so.
Impossible. Nato fucked it up no wars for now.
no there will be peace forever its the end of history
>Tfw no qt military Serb gf
Who will the war be between and who wins?
I heard Pootine is buying influence in Republika Srpska and the willow tree decorations there want independence from the clusterfuck that is BiH. Something could come of that but not much as long as Srbija proper remains pussified, which is likely as no one likes the USAAF fucking their shit up.
Of course if will. It's the motherfucking balkans. But atm I can't really tel who will fight who. It's pretty chill right now
The war will be between Russia and the US and the merchants will win.
And how is this going to lead to a war? You got Nato Croatia, Nato Montenegro, Nato Italy, Nato Hungary, Nato Bulgaria etc...
Look at the map. How is land locked Serbia going to support a war effort? Whos it going to buy Fuel from? Materials? Weapons?
They're literally surrounded. Any rebelion in BiH will be crushed in 2 months.
Will there ever be another civil war in the US?
It is possible
In descending order
>Macedonia shit storm
>South Serbia North Kosovo shit storm
>Republic Srpska and Bosnia shit storm
>South-east Montenegro shitstorm
I'd put rs and Bosnia higher but it would most likely be something minor with negotiations starting right away. Macedonia kind of similar but albos would take it to another level
None of these are wars. At most civil wars but in reality just guerilla insurgencies.
"Will there ever be a war in (insert location here)?"
A better question is, "Are there humans in (insert location here)?"
The answers are the same.
True. But so was last 3 wars
Yes, when he remove the kebab for the final time.
Well the Bosnain war was pretty okay by war standards.
The Croatia-Serbian one was a joke. So was the Kosovo one. By war standards we were pretty civilized actually. .
I am absolutely convinced that it is only a matter of time before Turkey invades us. It is certainly going to happen within the next 15 years but it may happen next year as well, all depends on a convenient moment for them.
A disintegrating country like ours cannot possibly survive for much longer. Gypsies will become a majority and they will be fine with Turkish rule, many of them pretend to be turks anyway. And as a country we are getting weaker and weaker, it would simply not make sense for Turkey not to seize the opportunity.
Russia won't save us this time, because they did not get any benefit from it the last time.
No because Serbians are basically our bitch and if they try anything they get 2000 pounds of surgically-guided hellfire
Why would a Nato country invade a Nato country?
What do you have that Turks want? They got plenty of resources and can invade their muslim faggots to the south for oil n shit...
Are you Croatians and Bosnians really that different from each other?
It's a constant of History. In the Balkans at least one people will try an kill another.
Bosnians are just croats and serbs who got Islamized.
>Why would a Nato country invade a Nato country?
NATO may disintegrate soon but even if it doesn't, it does not seem to prevent the tension between Turkey and Greece for example.
Turkey invaded Cyprus (and yes I know it's not Greece but it is still very significant).
They can always create some provocation as a casus beli, it's trivial.
If the local turks get incited and armed towards insurgency and we try to crush it, the rest of NATO will not only not help us, but they will bomb us as well.
>What do you have that Turks want?
Land. Well situated, with nice nature, plenty of water, etc. Proximity, existing Turkish minority and other minorities (soon to be a majority as I mentioned) who will be friendly to them. Restoring the Ottoman Empire certainly goes through reclaiming Bulgaria.
>They got plenty of resources
Not really.
>can invade their muslim faggots to the south for oil n shit.
We are a much softer target. Also invading Iraq will create problems for Turkey with Iran, invading Syria is not an option due to the current whole situation there.
I heard Bosnia is a breeding ground for radical hajis nowadays plus having 3 leaders... wtf.
wherever there is Islam, there will be war
it should be obvious by now that Nato is being replaced by the EU army
A soon to be Eurabian army that will enforce diversity and other "european" values and when Turkey joins the EU as well, it will basically be a halifate.
Genetically Balkans are the same shit except Greeks and Albanians.
Culturally speaking you got a few cultures.
You got the Austro-Hungarian inflienced Continental Croatia and Vojvodina.
You got the Turkish Influenced Inner Bosnia and Central/South Serbia.
You got the Italian influenced Dalmatia and Montenegro.
As such say a person from Vojvodina might have more in common culturally with Croats in Slavonia.
Then theres Religious differences between the Muslim Bosniaks that are mostly converted Serbs but also some Croatians you can tell by the surnames they kept.
Then you have the Orthodox Serbs and the Catholic Croats.
Since Orthodoxy uses the old calendar it's further divides the Christians that have the same holidays on different dates. Say you're a Mixed Croat/Serb. You got two Christmases, two saint nicoulauses and then you have the serbian slava aka your patron deites day thats also celebrated.
It's a clusterfuck of different religions and they're the main divide between us since ethnicity and religion are equated here.
You can't be a Orthodox Croatian or a Catholic Serb it doesn't work nobody will accept it. They'll just say you're pretending to be this or that...
>countries of the balkans are influenced by their former occupant empires
ive been to the balkans, they have the same food/languange and habits, hell even their houses even look the same
Well I'm pretty sure you can tell the difference.
Another Bosnian gwnocide
Jesus Christ how disgraceful, being in the same faction as Alboshits and Turkroaches, and our worst enemies ever, the fucking Germans.
We just don't belong here.
Ok, sure. Could be a small warlet in BiH. Like you say, two months of bullshit maybe, something on the scale of the Macedonian shiptar boogaloo.
November 12 is the day. Take notice.
highly likely
Possibly, we're not done yet lmao.
Shut your gyro mouth you fucking faggot, if by any chance you get hit by anything they will have to pass through us to reach you there in time.
No we don't. In Bosnia in mixed villages one was able to distinguish the owner religion based on the roof. Bosniaks build housed had a Hip roofs while Croats and Serbs were A-frame.
pls don't kill our kebab
Is it acceptable to rape female enemy soldoers?
thats the whole point of havin em in the military i thought
Niggers detected.
You really don't understand anything do you?
Bosnia is one of the possible triggers for WW3.
>blonde hair and blue eyes
pic related is how your average serv women actually looks like
>Kurwa mać, who taught you to wear a skirt for combat
that is some serious bullshit you are spewing
Yes. Why do you think the liberals and jews want to disarm civilians?.
There will. The EU has plans for "Greater Albania", it will most assuredly end in some kind of bloodshed.
There is also the possibility of the EU degenerating even further, meaning the possibility of the Intermarium or Orthodox Alliance. Something that will also likely lead to some undesirables getting gassed(fingers crossed for Albanian genocide).
pic unrelated
>kebab removal
>3 of his 4 bodyguards look like turks
I always thought the whole turk rape babies thing was a meme
Never forget
>someone's doing the raping
Thanks for proving our point, Mexico.
That's a rough looking bitch.
The kinda bitch that wouldn't hesitate for a second to take a massive, smelly shit right in front of you, stand up, walk away without wiping her ass, then walk towards the bedroom to look through the assortment of strap-ons she has at her disposal to use on whomever she wants- male or female, she doesn't care.
Franjo why do you do this I thought we were brothers?
Probably not, which is sad as we got some awesome music out of the last one.
Yes. The Balkans will eventually reclaim their god-given right to be the Balkans again.
>same food/languange
> same language
You just started the war again, congratulations.
There was some colorful folks in that war.
10/10 sperg made me kek
What do you think, this is Balkan. If nobody comes to fuck with us, will find a reason to bicker among ourselves. We can't stand being bored by peace and prosperity,
As a son says
This here is Balkan
Between powerful forces
Of good and evil
Here everyone can be
Brother and archenemy
Every 50 years
There is a war
Ovo ovde je Balkan
Zemlja iz sna
Između moćnih sila
Dobra i zla
Tu svako može biti
dušmanin i brat
svakih 50 leta
izbije rat)
Thank you
Sometimes I feel like a Serbian nationalist born in an Englishman's body.
Nije bila ni jedna generacija koja nije prezivjela rat na balkanu
Do you have actual, diagnosed autism?
Inb4 you call me an Ustasa. Please answer the question.
I just noticed that both Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are girls. Only girls. Even Japanese know you are pussies.
Hihi anone pa u hrvatskoj nema decki, svi smo cure, stvarno nisi znao to? ^__^
Don't they have banter in the Balkans?
It's not banter, you display the signs of autism, you are fixating on something that you have little to no actual connection to
have some turbofolk with dat feeling
Nah, it's funny seeing a bunch of non-nations constantly yell at eachother on the internet.
And the answer you were looking for was:
"No we don't have banter in the Balkans"
Alright dude
Once you get diagnosed remember what I told you
what's wrong ante, don't you like 2pac?
what is this
GOGA SEKULIC pise ti jbt corava
Ajde zlovenac nije te nitko zvao, sto odma dolazite ko muhe na govna cim se spomenu ex jugo
You claim to like serbs but never heard of Goga Sekulic or turbofolk?
>Not seducing them and impregnating them
the better question is won't there be a war in balkans anymore
Goga je še vedno krasen prav
m8 I just like internet arguments about possible genocides
its the same question vallai
Hopefully, there will be a unification war. Or genetic refinement one.
Because scum, mongrels, halfbreeds have dilluted and polluted once glorious Croat and Serb nations.
serbia's millitary is currently so outdated that even without nato they wouldn't stand a chance
they couldnt beat a bunch of armed peasants backed by a few nato airstrikes 25 yrs ago and you're talking fairytales about some war
it wouldnt be war today, it would just be raping serbia
Source. Why would the EU want that and not just USA? Need to know how you came to that conclusion.
This is sadly true.
Our pm sold out everything
>implying we couldn't annex your shit country in 6 months if there wasn't a NATO
>implying germany, france or uk would even care about you if we did
You're the one that's protected here, don't forget.
given no nato involvement, Serbia could steamroll trough right to the austrian border. I'm not even a Serb, it's just facts. They have the biggest military and the biggest air force.
Our war ended the day UN members (and big players) recognized Croatia.
In addition, you think it is a (((coincidence))) the Serbs rejected Z4?
Grow up. Milošević regime even instituted SANCTIONS on Bosnia Serbs (LOL), and mobilisation in Serbia proper was single digit, they didn't even want to fight.
Serbian nationalism is dead, long dead. They are a Yugocommunist-Gypsy-Turk mongrel nation.
But roaches cant into tactics.